Saturday, July 2, 2011

Walking Is The Best Way To Lower Down Your Pressure

High blood pressure is also known by the name of hypertension. Blood pressure is a condition when the pressure of the blood is higher than normal or at an elevated state. It is a condition that affect the people of working age, it is so because they are more closed to high stress in the office. If the problem of hypertension is not controlled then the burden on the health of the people who are suffering from this condition. This disease also give rise to many other diseases like heart problem, heart attack and etc. Hypertension can be divided into parts that is primary and secondary hypertension. Hypertension that does not have any specific cause and lead to high blood pressure is known as primary hypertension. Some people are of the view that this problem occurs in people due to the stress and tension taken by them, in simple word it is not caused by stress and tension. Dormant disorder is responsible for secondary hypertension. Secondary hypertension is one of the main factor responsible for cardiovascular and renal disease and it also lead to stroke, heart disease and kidney failure.

Hypertension exist in the body for long month and do not appear until the symptoms get severely high. Medicine can be the best way to reduce or to lower down your blood pressure but it can also be in controlled if few things need to e take care of.

It has been seen and observed that exercise is the best way to heal your body from many diseases. Walking is the best way to lower down you pressure level. Walk little faster than you usually do for at least thirty minutes. Stairs should be preferred instead of elevator.

Lose weight
The problem of high blood pressure is very common in people who are overweight. Being overweight not only contribute to hypertension but it also lead to several life threatening disease. Loosing weight is the best weight to lower down blood pressure .

Reduce alcohol consumption
Another factor that contribute to hypertension is consumption of alcohol. There is a direct correlation between the amount of alcohol consumption and our pressure. The more you drink, the higher will be your hypertension

Smoking is responsible not only for causing hypertension but it is the base of many other diseases. Smoking tobacco products does not directly cause our hypertension, indirectly it does make a significant contribution.

Diet is also responsible for causing hypertension. Proper diet need to be taken to reduce this problem. While taking your diet you need to take care of few things like
a) The amount of salt in your food should be reduce.
b) Avoid taking additional amount of salt with food.
c) The consumption of high fats foods should be avoided.
d) White meat should be chosen instead of fatty red meats.
e) Give preference to grill, bake food that of frying.
f) Sodas and caffeinated drinks should be avoided and try to drink about two liters of water in a day.

Medicines are also available in the market for the treatment of hypertension. The best, most trusted and recommended medicine by the doctor among all the medicine is Accupril. Accupril is a prescription medicine used for the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure. The main ingredient of this medicine is quinapril. Accupril medicine is available in form of tablets by both brand and generic name. This medicine can be used for other medical condition as prescribed by the doctor or health care professional.

Before taking this medicine few precaution need to be take care of to avoid any side effect. Accupril medicine should not be used by people who are allergic to it or to its ingredient. This medicine should be properly used in patient having family history of angioedema. Accupril medicine is a prescription drug and should be taken with doctor recommendation. People on this medication should avoid drinking alcohol and lot of water need to drink to avoid dehydration. Use of this medicine is not recommended for pregnant and breast feeding as use of this medicine in pregnant and breastfeeding mother may harm the health of unborn baby or nursed child.

You should inform your doctor if you are taking any prescription, non prescription and herbal medicine before taking Accupril. Take this medicine with a full glass of water with or without food but one thing need to be take care of that is it should not be taken with a high fat meal. This medicine should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. Do not increase or decrease the dose of the medicine on your own. Try to take the medicine at the same time each day. Keep all medicines away from the reach of the children and pet.

Read more about meds for pet and also about frontline plus dogs

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Tags: Advantage for Dogs, Frontline Plus Cats, Frontline Plus Dogs, Meds for Pet, Pet Meds

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