Sunday, July 17, 2011

Achieve Impressive Conversion Percentages For Your Landing page

After discovering ways to get targeted traffic to your squeeze pages, your next hurdle is getting subscribers to your mailing list. How effectively your offer converts your traffic is determined by more factors than you may realize. No matter what you are doing online, the most significant factor is to ensure you are driving highly focused visitors to your offers. If your traffic is sub standard, then that just starts a downward spin out of control that you cannot recover from. Once you have outstanding traffic sources, after that your squeeze page must do the rest. This article will cover just a few of the things you really ought to do if you want to obtain the most from your list generating efforts.

The one single activity you need to put into effect is set-up your landing page for testing. This is not tough in any sense of the word, and so you will get everything together very quickly and get started. All you will be doing is testing one thing at a time, and you are doing this by rotating the page with a basic script called an URL rotator. One more simple script is for click tracking, and that is required so you can determine conversions. The first component you want to test is your squeeze page headline. When you have improved converson rates with that, then choose one more thing to test next. This is the very easy procedure you must take on in order to get the highest conversions.

Needless to say you know that you must present something in return for their contact data. You can correctly view this element as one of your most potent persuasive features for getting new subscribers. This offering simply cannot fail to be perceived as giving something of very high value to your viewers. You can offer them a video, an ebook, a whitepaper or any combination that truly addresses some questions they want to have answered. The thing you always want to prevent is offering something they currently know so do remember that. Only you will know what will speak to them in the most effective way about the benefits. Ultimately, do a solid job with exactly how you present your offering, and we are speaking about the visuals you use.

The squeeze page box where people type in their information also needs to be taken into account. The little image where people click to submit their data has to be special. The standard submit buttons used are not very impressive to say the least. Also, make very sure you do not use the same old button text that states something like, submit, for example. Modify it, do something distinct with the button copy that will catch their attention. One way to improperly draw notice is by using Flash animation anywhere with the exception of maybe the shifting arrow, but ensure to test that, too.

Hello, I?ve been marketing for over 3 years and I love writing on proven strategies for online marketers to improve their businesses. I have quite a few sites in a variety of niches.

Here is a recent one:

Lands End Catalog
Lands End Catalog
Victorias Secret Coupon Codes


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