Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Guide to Plastic Surgery Procedures | Health Help | Health Help ...

There are a variety of plastic surgery procedures available today. Some are meant to reduce cellulite or slim down belly fat, while others plump up lips, lift breasts, make big boobs smaller or small boobs bigger. Whatever the procedure, two things are certain: it will change the way you look, and it will cost you money.
The details of each procedure vary somewhat, but a basic list can be found below. Make sure to do some research beforehand; it will save you trouble in the long run.
Breast Lifts and Augmentation
A breast augmentation involves the implantation of a saline or plastic ?pouch? into the tissue within or behind a woman?s breast. These implants increase the size of breasts, and generally create a rounder, perkier appearance. Breast lifts do not normally involve implants, but may be used for women with large, soft, or sagging breasts to create a similar perky effect.
Liposuction is the process of suctioning out excess body fat through a tube or other device.
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Traditional liposuction can be quite invasive and carry a high risk of infection, but this does not stop thousands of people from having the procedure performed each year. Consider laser-based liposuction surgery, which has become an option in recent years.
Tummy Tucks
People who have lost a great deal of weight or women who have given birth many times often complain of loose, stretched-out skin ? tummy and arm tucks are designed to remove that excess for a leaner, healthier look. Some scarring is involved, but many people find this preferable to loose, sagging skin.
Rhinoplasty involves breaking or separating the cartilage and soft tissues of the nose and reforming them into a more pleasingly contoured shape. It is generally performed under anaesthesia, and the face of the patient usually exhibits extensive bruising afterward.
Many people who undergo plastic surgery are suffering from issues of depression, poor self esteem, and warped or negative body image. In most cases plastic surgeons will recommend counseling prior to the decision to undergo surgery, as it is preferable to ensure good mental health.
Consider carefully before you opt for plastic surgery ? is it really necessary to improve the quality of your life? Does your partner, lover, or spouse truly mind that tummy pooch or the small size of your breasts? Chances are, a new bra, haircut, or pair of slacks will make you look just as good as the expensive procedures being considered ? the people who love you don?t expect you to be perfect! After all, none of us are. However, if surgery is truly necessary, make sure to choose the least invasive option possible to ensure a quick, speedy recovery.





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