Sunday, July 17, 2011

Running a Small Business with SEO Writing - Technyat

Small business SEO is an important aspect to starting and running a small business, and SEO means search engine optimization. This idea can be applied in a number of ways from the way in which you build your website to the way in which you write the text for that website. This article will focus on business SEO writing.Running a Small Business: SEO Writing

In order to optimize your website text, you need to pick keywords that pertain to your business, such as the business name or one of your main products. Picking the right keywords is a very important step in developing your business SEO. You want to put some serious thought into it. First, take a look at your competitors and see what buzz words they are using. Second, take a keyword that you like and search it with your favorite search engine.

If you like the kind of responses you get, then that a good word to include in your text. Lastly, there are some programs online that will rate your keywords, and it is a good idea to use them as well. Some of these programs are free, which is a good option for small business SEO since you are generally only building a relatively small website.

Once you have a keyword, you need to strategically incorporate it into your text. You can use keyword density to come up with the number of times that you want the keyword to appear in an article or body of text. Generally, two or three percent is a good keyword density, for example, this would be between ten and fifteen keywords for 500 words total. If you go much over three percent, your business SEO text can start to sound forced and unnatural. You want the client and the search engines to see the keyword, but you do not want them to be overwhelmed by it.

One good way to make small business SEO writing work for you is to know how to place your keywords within your text. You would like to put your most important keyword in the title of a page, heading, or article. You also want to include important keywords in the first or second sentence as well as in the last sentence. When a search engine crawls your website, it will generally focus on titles and the first few sentences on a page. So, it is important to put your keywords near the top. If you want your smallbusiness to have a more successful online presence, you should consider small business SEO.

Tags: online presence, SEO Writing, Small business

Category: SEO Strategies


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