Thursday, September 1, 2011

12 maximum scraper svelte thin tea apt nectar you dead ydeaddie ...

; 12 of the most slimming drink with scraper slender you die you die (Photos)

12 category can slimming tea because dieters, body edema, those who love to eat meat, those who ambition to scrape the fuel Cellulite, constipation, heaviness wastage, etc. of different preparation conditions, easy to drink the prettiness of your body fat .

dieters recommended to drink oolong tea

due to diet to cut back on, dine fewer food remnants on the lack of accumulation Ji periodically a talent, very effortless to dry. Recommended drinking oolong tea.

ingredients: tea

approach: simply use the open water.

effect: assistance digestion, Qutan, greasy food and wine of the pill solution, Cellulite.

edema drink barley tea

swollen for numerous reasons, if it is simply water retention caused by swelling, it is recommended to drink barley tea.

ingredients: fried barley 10 g, Xian Heye 5 grams, Hawthorn 5 grams.

way: seethe water, you can bring an end to ?.

effect: heat, dampness, the dispose of edema.

pressure caused by constipation, drink tea leaves

depression, cerebral accent, may cause additional sensitivity of the intestinal tract, resulting from constipation problems. Recommended drinking lotus tea.

raw material: leaves, 3 grams, 6 grams of cassia speculation, rose 3.

practice: with boiling water.

effect: Qingshu dampness, water gas edema, cilia growth Kiyonobu.


diet constipation drink tea

intestines peristalsis slow people (primarily fat diet during weight loss in diet) stool lightly accumulated in the body, resulting in constipation. Cassia recommend drinking tea.

material: Cassia seed tea

practices: hot brew.

effects: Liver eyesight, and Water laxative.

who all over gas barley bud

poor exhaust the body, can also cause abdominal distention and bloating, it is recommended to drink barley sprout.

ingredients: fried beer 5 money, Hawthorn 5.

practice: and Bing Tangshui brewed into tea.

effects: desire, and lower gas, digest counting to inflation.

Cellulite drink lemon tea

either Cellulite, to greasy, yet too whitening the rind.

ingredients: lemon slices.

approach: squeeze the lemon beverage, reconstituted with warm water, join honey.

effect: laugh fat, digestion, skin whitening, nourishing the center.

food plot to drink tea

stomach food contrive, so, not only affect the gastrointestinal function, and make fat, not the normal expense of sugar caused the fat. Recommended drinking tea.

ingredients: tea leaves, dry chrysanthemum 5.

practices: peppery brew.

effect: to help digestion and eliminate fat.

Huwei drink tea roses

versatile roses, tea can be drenched in brandy. Drink can protect the abdomen.

material: rose 5 grams.

practice: warm boiled water.

effects: blood dispersed silt, cure liver and stomach gas anguish.

Qinghuo detoxification chrysanthemum tea

remove launch, and the maximum handy diet drinks.

material: Ji dried chrysanthemum flowers.

approach: directly to the hot brew.

effect: Qingshu fever detoxification, eliminate fat, lower blood pressure.

greasy orange skin tea nectar

If you accidentally eat too much greasy, it does no stuff, bubble tea, a jug of dried tangerine peel, greasy it over and over anew.

ingredients: Citrus 4 grams.

practices: boiling water.

Efficacy: Li air, the liver and spleen, dredge negatively.

Hawthorn tea drinking Carnivore

Hawthorn tea on fat favor meat that is more appropriate.

material: Hawthorn 10 grams.

practices: boiling water.

effect: can eliminate fat, aid the body excrete garbage, lax silt phlegm.

lipid-lowering acid

diuretic slide root tea

utter nice diet drinks. A cup of cooked repast, merely to fulfill weight loss goals, but also enjoy a good sweet and acid taste.

material: Hawthorn 10 grams, shepherd?s purse apt cost 10 grams, 10 grams of corn, root tea 10 grams of sugar a tiny.

approach: upon ground into the thick end of each savor, decoction juice.

effects: diuretic lipid-lowering, for obesity and hypertension.


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