Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Paternity: Paternity of a famine, a powerful pain processing

Employees reported a greater influence

Pastor Benny Hinn visited when I was 13 weeks Class Timothy for young people who enter the ministry in 1991, while attending Orlando Christian Center, at the end of the training that I received a prophetic word from Pastor Benny.

Pastor Benny has anointed me with oil and prophesied: "You will know the heart of God and your ministry will you of an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit have flow .."

FifteenYears later, I'm only now that the word and to understand the principle of fatherhood in the kingdom of God

The apostle Paul said that we have 10 thousand teachers in Christ, but not many fathers (1 Corinthians 4:15). Fathers are accessible, tangible, relatable and there for you when you need it. Fathers give you more of a sermon or a word of instruction. They give their lives.

"Like the apostles of Christ we could have been a burden for you, but we were gentle amongYou as a parent caring for their children. We loved her so much that we were excited to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives and because he had become so dear to us. "(1 Thessalonians 2:7-8)

There are many spiritual fathers in the American church to the train, develop and send the young off to do the work of the ministry. Pastor Roberts Liardon is a man who is not afraid to empower the younger generation.

I received excellent biblicalSpirit Life Bible College training, after which I have served in 40 countries and 6 continents. I was with the 500 in operation throughout South-East Asia during the first two years, the missionary work force, the "ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8) sent.

Pastor Cesar Castellanos was widely used by God to mobilize the Body of Christ pastors in the successor to train properly and implement church growth strategies reap rewards.

The model of mentoringJesus used with his twelve disciples, the Church in our time must be restored. The days of one-man show is over. The days of dominating men of God is the heritage of God is also finite. The day of the power generation mix reflects the cooperation of the pulpit and the Bank, the family of faith and the fullness of the army of the Lord!

When Dr. Bill Hamon has in his books written on the apostolic and prophetic, we are saints. Each member of theThe body of Christ has its fair share. We all have something to give and make. None of us is as strong as all of us. When we are together, it is better for us all. The faithful around the country are required to collect at the end instead of collecting souls. The Church of the Living God is the network to which the souls who are to hold in recent days.

Unless you like little children you will never be in the kingdom of God (Matthew 18). Unless ourPlatforms and look at the young priest will remove and replace God with us pastors with his heart.

The younger generation is to cry God, the prophet Isaiah as the old saying: "Here am I. Send me!" but there is no one to the time of the day, adequate training and empowerment. So they are dying in Christ built or published in its appeal. In the meantime, this perverse and adulterous generation's Hell in a Handbasket. Only this generation canTo reach this generation. It is therefore important to strengthen and train the younger age groups.

When you bless the children, do something for my heart. Because I supported service in New Mexico and by the Spirit of God touches the children inside me loose. The children testified to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit upon them and their families. All were amazed and fascinated by the sweetness and greatness of our God

Children are people too! The young lions in theChurch counts too! If you wake up and begin to train them, get bored and go away from God. What to look for a tragedy, talented young people leave the church because their skills were not accepted, celebrated and utilized for the cause of Christ.

Something that we are our spiritual fathers of the transparency. We need to see how to handle their grief. Most of the time you get to see our leaders on the mountain if they are powerful and victorious. Thank God! Moreso we really be able to relate to them and we win, we need to see the overall picture of their lives.

Elijah was not much of a person. His protege Elisa never got to see him when he was down. When Elijah felt defeated and fled and hid alone (1 Kings 19:4). Elijah was a wounded warrior. Unfortunately, by the denial of genuine relationship Elisa, Elisa also had injuries, just a different way Elisa's father had a wound.

Our God is the Lord of the mountains andValleys (Deuteromony 11:11). We need a leader who can teach us how to learn through the life of the low, like one to overcome personal pain and the process with dignity. Denial does not eliminate our problems do not develop our spiritual sons and daughters.

I enjoyed my fathers natural humility to apologize when he lost his temper appeared, in character and has made a mistake in any way. This has taught me, that's just wrong. He taught me to "buy the truth" (Proverbs 23:23)and no fear, how to live in grace, our values ??and beliefs grow. The course is a personal process, the conversion does not happen overnight.

Pastor Benny has us in the class: "Never trust a man who can not use his eraser." That is, if a person does not admit mistakes and hurt themselves, can not trust you. Each pencil has an eraser for a reason. We are all subject to error, since neither of us is perfect.

You are not yourPower! We need fathers, to love unconditionally, to the charge that can carry their children and not let them down when they need it most. Unfortunately, many spiritual leaders pay respect to those who have some posts on their official and ministerial level or monetarily to do after they retire. This is not the heart of God, neither true paternity.

Do you know who your friends and spiritual fathers, because if everyone else is moving away from youYou in your time of crisis, concept and support you. They love you unconditionally and support you with all my heart.

When the warriors are wounded, exhausted, tired, tired and confused to do good is not the time to give them up. We need fathers with years of experience that battle, worn, heart and will understand what it's been there, you can refer to. Such men can in our lives from a deep place of inner strength and courage to speak. As you can hear theirWords can heal.

We may need men who go with us, talk with us to see in his eyes, and help us with our times of turmoil. As sons and daughters, we must not let our search for old people to help us overcome life can bring ditches. We need impartation father, the wealth of wisdom and divine guidance that goes by fathers in the faith. Elisha knew and then received a double portion of Elijah, with whom he has been strengthened to fulfill its calling (2 Kings 2).


peyton manning gia kristin chenoweth outlook real steel real steel the young and the restless

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