Friday, September 2, 2011

Wen Jiabao: implement the real estate market | Network in China

BEIJING, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) today published the 2011 17 ?Seeking Truth? magazine published the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, Premier Wen Jiabao?s important article ?on the current macroeconomic situation and economic work.? that implement the 10 million units of affordable housing construction program is to ensure that the important effect of the real estate market regulation initiatives, also a hard task must be completed, there can be no slack.

Wen Jiabao pointed out firmly to the real estate market regulation and policies, to ensure and achieve tangible results. This year, we Duocuobingju comprehensive facilities strategy to strengthen and improve the real estate market regulation. Looking at the situation from the first half, falling house prices rose in most cities, some cities decline, speculative investment demand has been checked, people purchase more rational state of mind, the market is expected to shift some cities of high prices the signs of cooling down, control effect initially. Must also see that housing prices in the short and long-term potential pressure still high, housing prices still high in most cities, buyers and sellers are still in a wait and the game phase, the market into a stalemate, and stalemate, the regulation also need to reap the full effect period of time.

Currently, real estate market is at a critical period, control determination can not be shaken, can not change policy direction, the intensity can not relax. Governments at all levels is necessary to fully implement the central policies of real estate regulation. First, we must unswervingly curb irrational demand, continue to strictly implement the differential housing credit, tax policy and the purchase of housing measures, and should be targeted to inhibit the second and third tier cities, housing prices, the prices reasonable for the return. Second, we must add the appropriate supply of land for real estate to promote present and future effective supply of housing, with emphasis on affordable housing and general commercial construction. Third, we must strengthen the responsibility and supervision and inspection on the implementation of regulatory policies in place, soaring housing prices and affordable housing construction is lagging behind the city, to strengthen supervision, within a time limit. Fourth, we should use the current real estate market rally this time, step up research and development to promote stable and healthy development of the real estate market solve the problem.

Wen Jiabao stressed that implementing the 10 million units of affordable housing construction program is to ensure that the important effect of the real estate market regulation initiatives, also a hard task must be completed, there can be no slack. This year a substantial increase in the central and local subsidies, in the original arrangement on the basis of 103 billion yuan, and an additional 280 billion, has basically issued. Central will be based on revenue growth, further increase subsidies, focusing on the central and western regions to increase subsidies. To give priority to ensuring affordable housing construction sites, and implement administrative examination and approval, tax relief and preferential policies to strengthen the protection of housing construction financial support. Should attach great importance to effectively improve the quality of affordable housing projects, so that people live in the house with confidence. Should focus on strengthening institution building and long-term planning, establishment and improvement of affordable housing allocation, operations, quit a full set of management system, in particular, to promote the use of affordable housing in a fair, open, fair, affordable housing projects to truly become popular works. All localities should be affordable housing construction program, as well as start and completion, distribution, etc., in a timely manner through government websites and public media to the public, accept social supervision.

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