Friday, September 23, 2011

Internet Income Business Faqs | The A2Z Articles Directory

Internet Income Business Faqs

By asking questions before starting an internet income business and finding out what is actually involved in building an online home business will not only prepare you for what lies but speed up your progress as well.

For existing internet income business owners make it your business to keep learning and implementing to keep up-to-date with the ever changing internet marketing environment.

Here are some of the queries recently received and hopefully the brief explanation to each query will help you with your internet income business.

Q: ?As I do not have money to spend on advertising are there ways to get targeted visitors to my site for free??

Absolutely! Some of the most effective internet marketing methods for driving targeted visitors to your website are free, such as article marketing, forum posting, blogging as well as submitting your link to the web directories. Although the effects of this type of marketing take a while to kick-in the huge advantage is that you are creating links back to your website which continue to attract targeted visitors to your website well into the future.

Q: ?I have just opened a Google Webmasters Account and I see I have to submit a sitemap of my internet income business website. How to I make a sitemap??

A great resource that will not only generate a sitemap of your website, but also give you step by step instructions on how to upload it to your server is

Q: ?I have so many questions that I need answers to, is there a central place I can go to on the internet to find the answers??

Some of the best places to get answers to your questions are in forums. You ideally need to join a forum that is related to the theme of your business. Do a search for internet marketing forums and join a couple, introduce yourself and spend time going through the posts and see if you feel comfortable in the environment. If you don?t feel ?at home? move on and find another forum. If you don?t find answers then post questions yourself. Once you have your answers you will then also be in a position to contribute to the forum by answering other posters questions.


Q: ?My internet income business has been up and running for a month now and I have not made any online income yet and really think it is a scam and certainly not a legitimate internet income business.?

It not only takes time to build an internet income business but also persistent and consistent work to build an internet business to the point that it makes online income. A legitimate internet income business is one that has been proven to work by others who are making online income and one that works if you work it like a real business and not a hobby.

Q: ?I want to start an internet income business that is guaranteed to provide me with online income.?

There is no magic formula to starting an internet income business and making online income ? those that are generating online income are those that are doing the work. There certainly is no guarantee how much income you will make because it is dependent on the work you put in.

Q: ?I am keen to start an internet income business but I don?t want to get involved in internet marketing.?

Internet marketing is the best way that a business is going to gain exposure on the internet and therefore something you will need to take the time to learn and implement and continue to learn new skills to keep up with the rapidly changing pace on the internet. If you are not interested in internet marketing then perhaps an internet income business is not for you.

Q: ?I signed up for a so-called fully automated e-commerce enabled website, but I have not received any visitors to my site yet.?

A fully automated site is one, for example, that would automatically process orders and payments as well as have an auto-responder installed to send out emails responding to visitor sign-ups and sales. An automated site does not have a magic mechanism installed to attract targeted website visitors.

Q: ?I immediately upgraded my membership to the highest level in order to take full advantage of the compensation plan, so when do I get paid??

In network marketing or multi-level marketing programs you need to start marketing your business and recruit new members into your team. Once those new members either upgrade or sell products you will be paid a percentage of the commission. You will also be paid commission on any sales you make. Some internet income business programs have different levels of upgrades and the higher the upgrade the higher percentage commission you will be paid.

Q: ?Can you tell me why it is an advantage to own my own domain name rather that just marketing an affiliate link??

Owning your own domain name is a must for online success. Most importantly, it gives you total control of your internet income business. You will have full access to the source code enabling you to optimize your website for the search engines with your chosen keywords, resulting in improved search engine rankings. You will be able to promote whatever programs you like on one website. Affiliate links rarely appear high up in the search engine results but own domain names do.

Q: ?What will I gain by upgrading my membership??

Some internet income business opportunities are totally free and you are able to earn commission as a free member, but by upgrading your membership you will receive a bigger percentage of the commission and be able to take full advantage of the compensation plan.

Q: ?How can I improve my search engine rankings??

Firstly, optimize your website for the search engines. Then continually aim to increase the back links pointing to your website. You can do this by writing articles and ensuring that in the author?s resource box you hyperlink your keyword phrase back to your website. Do the same linking in your forum signatures too.

It is highly beneficial while building your internet income business to keep asking questions, learn and take action, because the more knowledge you can gain about marketing on the internet the further you will propel your online home business forward.

Cynthia Minnaar is the owner of, the internet income business site for online home business startup ideas & online income opportunities and resources. Subscribe to my Free Online Home Business Newsletter and receive free Internet Income Training plus business building tips and tricks. You may publish my article if you include the bio.

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