Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Professor's Accounting Software Recommendation | The ...

accounting software recommendation

From time to time I get small business owners asking me what type of accounting software they should purchase. I almost always recommend purchasing QuickBooks. They usually look at me funny and ask if that will work in their specific industry and their specific business. I reassure them that it will and that QuickBooks works for every industry. They end up purchasing the software and living happily ever after.

I think sometimes we try and complicate things too much, when their is a simple answer. Unless you are running a business with over 100 employees you probably don?t need to hire a consulting agency to help you choose your software. You probably just need something that?s simple, easy-to-use, and gets the job done.

Apparently I?m not alone in my recommendation of QuickBooks. It is estimated that 80-95% of small businesses are using QuickBooks. They?re using it because it?s user-friendly (it was designed with non-accountants in mind) and it gets the job done.

I usually recommend the QuickBooks Online Version to those who ask for a specific version. I just like the fact that you don?t have to install any software or worry about upgrades and you can access your accounting software like you access your email account ( from anywhere in the world with Internet access). I also recommend the online version because you can try it out for thirty days for free. This way, you can see if you like the software. If you don?t like it, you can just cancel and not have to pay anything. You can always go with the desktop version as well. I?ll outline some of the reasons why I recommend QuickBooks Online below.

Reasons I Recommend QuickBooks Online

1. The biggest reason is that you can access your accounting software from anywhere in the world. Many small business owners work at home and work at the office. The online version allows you to look at the financial health of your business from either place, even using different computers. It?s just like your email; you can check it anywhere as long as you have Internet access (including on your phone). Note: I?m not really into the idea of using your phone for accounting purpose; I guess I?m old school that way.

accounting software help with payroll

Just your average small business owner trying to handle the payroll.

2. Payroll is a bugger in real life, but easy with QuickBooks Online (note that you have to pay more for the software editions). One of the biggest headaches with payroll is calculating all the deductions for federal and state taxes. The online versions that come with payroll will automatically calculate these taxes for you. In addition there is a direct deposit and a print check feature that small companies seem to enjoy.

Most small business owners I talk to feel like chickens with their heads cut off when it comes to payroll; you might as well let the pros at QuickBooks take care of it for you (or you can outsource it to another company, but that?s pretty expensive). The people at QuickBooks will set up your payroll for you (a very handy service for those just getting their company started).

3. It has all of the standard accounting ?stuff? you?ll need: invoicing/billing, expense tracking, bookkeeping (accounts payable, accounts receivable, etc.), chart of accounts, credit card management, professional-looking management reports, and more. In other words, I would be down-right flabbergasted if there was some accounting module that your business needs that wasn?t already included in this package. Yes, all businesses are unique, but small-business accounting needs are surprisingly similar. I?ve had over 50 of the organizations (ranging from non-profits to restaurants) I?ve consulted with purchase this product and it has worked for every single one.

4. Customer Support: You can call them, you can have them call you, you can chat with them online, you can look up the answer in a huge database of answers, or you can look in the forums where other people may have answers. In other words, if you have an accounting issue you can get it solved quickly. The fact that so many people are using QuickBooks means it?s very easy to get help (heck, you probably have a friend that knows how to use the software).


As a small business owner you can spend days and days looking for the perfect accounting software or you can just choose the industry standard and move on with your business. I recommend moving on.

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Image Credit: Renjith Krishnan /


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