Thursday, September 15, 2011

How Clean Eating Can Help You Achieve a Healthier Body ...

Eating Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Is Stressed When Eating Clean - Sarah Sandifer
Eating Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Is Stressed When Eating Clean - Sarah Sandifer

Clean eating is a lifestyle that stresses the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats, through which healthy bodies result.

Clean eating is a way of living, not simply a way of eating. It is a shift in focus, away from counting calories and consuming highly-processed food and towards whole, natural, ?clean? foods. It focuses on whole foods, fresh produce, and lean protein. Eating clean can bring more energy, a leaner body, and a healthier life.

What is clean eating?

Clean eating follows the principle that food should be eaten as close to the way nature made it as possible. This means eliminating all processed food items. This means fruits and vegetables become a primary source of nutrition, while including lean meats, and whole and complete grains. This means that simplicity is a beautiful addition to your refrigerator.

Clean eating shifts away from the typical processed fare found in the grocery store; the fewer words on the ingredients list, the better. Even ?diet? items in the store or low calorie foods can be deceiving since those products are highly processed and contain unhealthy trans fats to give them a long shelf life. The clean eating goal is for foods to be as least processed, nutrient dense as possible. This will allow you to benefit from essential vitamins and minerals in these foods, will improve digestion, and will increase energy.

Basic Principles of Clean Eating

Healthy eating is essential for real body transformation, and clean eating is a natural and vital path for that journey. These are basic principles that fitness experts and healthy individuals have followed for years, clean eating simply gives it a name.

  • Eat mostly plants and food that is straight from nature
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Avoid drinks with sugar in it (this includes soda, juices and alcohol)
  • Combine complex carbs and lean protein with every meal
  • Eat 5-6 smaller meals a day rather than the standard breakfast, lunch, and dinner
  • Eliminate processed foods

Most diets are simply a means to an end. By following the rules and guidelines for a set amount of time, your weight loss goals might be achieved and so you taper off until you?re ?free? of following a diet. Clean eating is not for a certain amount of time, it is a healthy way of life. Because it is so healthy, your body will respond by naturally shedding excess weight and becoming a healthier version of yourself. And when you start living, thinking, and eating this way, you will notice changes in your body that will propel you to continue to eat clean. Incorporating clean eating into your life will help you achieve a healthier body.


What Is Clean Eating? Accessed September 10, 2011.

How to Eat Clean. Accessed September 11, 2001

Copyright Sarah Sandifer. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication. Sarah Sandifer, Sarah Sandifer

Sarah Sandifer - Sarah Sandifer is a freelance writer, a teacher, an Army Wife, a home decorator, an avid cook, and an athlete. She loves teaching high ...


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