Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Perry's Hillarycare praise (Politico)

The Daily Caller unearths a letter that is dated but will likely see more airing in the GOP primary - and possibly general election - in which Rick Perry, as Texas Ag Commissioner, directly praised then-First Lady Hillary Clinton for her health care reform efforts:

??I think your efforts in trying to reform the nation?s health care system are most commendable.?

?I would like to request that the task force give particular consideration to the needs of the nation?s farmers, ranchers, and agriculture workers, and other members of rural communities,? Perry continued, noting his administration?s focus on economic development for rural Texans. ?Rural populations have a high proportion of uninsured people, rising health care costs, and often experience lack of services.?

?Again, your efforts are worthy,? Perry concluded, ?and I hope you will remember this constituency as the task force progresses.?

The plan Clinton?s task force ultimately presented called for universal health care along with a federal mandate for employers to provide health insurance for their employees.

And the defense:


Asked by TheDC about the 1993 letter, Perry?s presidential campaign defended it, saying the full scope of Clinton?s healthcare plan was not yet known when Perry signed it.

?You need to read the letter,? top Perry political strategist Dave Carney told The Daily Caller. ?He praised her efforts in trying to tackle the issue and urged her not to overlook rural Americans. The letter was at the onset of her efforts before she proposed anything. No one could have imagined the horrible monstrosity she cooked up, in fact not to be outdone until ObamaCare years later.?

?As Agriculture Commissioner he was concerned that rural Americans would be overlooked and their options even more limited,? Carney continued. ?Working with the administration regardless of party, working with members of the other party, as long as you don?t violate your principles, is important to getting things done.?


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