Sunday, August 7, 2011

Low&High-fantasy H?rn gaming - interested? Take a look!

Hi folks,

I'm looking to form a H?rn group, or at least people who'd be interested to play with the H?rnmaster rule-set. H?rn is probably not too well known, not at least among the younger generation, so I'm assuming that most of you who are reading this have no clue what it's about. But fear not! The system itself is somewhat complex, but once you get the core idea, it's all very logical. I don't have much gaming experience of it myself, though I've known H?rn for many years already.

Some notable features
- Very detailed game world, possibly one of the most detailed out there..
- At the same time the world is very versatile, fits both high and low fantasy story lines.
- Combat is deadly and awesome. And death is permanent -> is there a way not to fight out of this?

I don't want playing to become a daily chore, so I'm not interested much in play-by-post style of gaming. I much much rather have pre-scheduled gaming sessions and work it out real time. The plot advances a lot faster and things don't get boring! I'm situated in Finland, so I suppose the favored location for players is in the GMT+-3 time zone. Don't let that stop you from posting to this thread though..!

If you're interested - be it playing or mastering - drop a note. I can run a small introductory campaign for a few players, so let me know if you want in! I've wanted to start a small campaign for a long time already but I haven't been successful at finding players.

I haven't created a game yet, as I want to get some feedback before I do so.


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