Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Must Read E-Book Reveals ?Secrets? to Career and Job Search ...

As a successful Career Coach, writer and speaker, Gary Recchion applies his expertise of over 20 years in global career development, career transition/job search, executive coaching, personal marketing/branding, personal change and success strategies in his new book. ?Program Yourself for Success: 10 Key Career and Job Search Strategies? contains over 270 pages of powerful success strategies, best practices, tools and resources that have empowered thousands of clients across every level and discipline to transform their personal marketing, brand and value, and accelerate a successful job search and career campaign.

Phoenix, Arizona (PRWEB) August 11, 2011

?Program Yourself for Success: 10 Key Career and Job Search Strategies? by Gary Recchion, is a must read for those who want to manage a ?flawless? job search, personal marketing and career development campaign, whether unemployed, employed, underemployed, exploring a career change or a recent graduate. In addition, there is a one-on-one 15 hour transformational, virtual ?Program Yourself ?? personal coaching program available with Gary. For information email gary(at)recchionandassociates(dot)com

Gary is the President of Recchion and Associates, a full-service career management and outplacement company where he inspires performance excellence, success, purpose and passion in his coaching, writing and speaking at

Here?s a sample of what readers are saying about ?Program Yourself for Success: 10 Key Career and Job Search Strategies?:

  • ??I feel like I have been given some sort of marketing ?secret? I wish I had years ago?? ? Arizona Business Leader and Campaign Strategist
  • ??outstanding. It guides you through putting your best self forward in any presentation situation, but especially those where effective presentation results in winning the job, project or sale.? ? Executive Producer
  • ?This book is top notch Having tried career advice from many experts, I only wish I had come across Gary?s book first.? ? Business Owner

Read the complete ?Rave Reviews? See

By mastering the 10 Success Strategies today?s job seekers build personal power, career confidence, personal marketing, and take the fast track to career and job search success.

In addition to his new book, Gary has authored journal, magazine and on-line articles for Excel, HRPeople, ManagerLink (Monster Companies), Bizymoms and To purchase Gary?s book and find information about his coaching programs, online classes, and corporate training visit


Gary Recchion
Recchion and Associates
Email Information

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