Monday, June 20, 2011

You Must Know What Makes A Woman Attractive | Home-Family ...

Men react to the satisfying physical appearance that meets their eyes when they refer to what makes a woman attractive. Moreover, more specific the assessment is made in the buttocks and or breast area first.

You do not need to believe all I say, undertake the trial yourself. And don?t despair, you do not need to look like some voluptuous creation out of a XXX movie. Put on a pair of pants with a good cut to emphasise your buttocks and a stylish blouse or top that will embrace the subtle curves of your breasts without revealing too much. After you have done that, you need your body language to the work and present yourself in a stylish feminine way. In addition, if you give it some thought, if you have his interest at this stage, all you need to do is to keep his attention focused on you.

Another part of the female anatomy that blows men over a woman?s lips. According to most men, a woman with natural looking, healthy, smooth, moist lips are mouth-watering. A sure way to put them off is to submit a pair of lips stained with a signal red colour. Though they seldom have the courage to admit it to women, they cannot stand lipstick. Therefore, if you want to blow him over with luscious lips, blow kisses with lips that have very little or no lipstick at all with only a hint of lip gloss for seductive shine.

Although it may sound unbelievable, men actually do see women as more than suppose to be good-looking objects. They actually find a woman with personality attractive. However, once you passed the look test and he shows interest in sitting next to you, you keep him there.

Present the true you to him from the first moment. Make it interesting yet comfortable for him to get to know you better. Do not bore him with a fake impersonation of someone neither of you know.

And now for the grand finale ? men?s idea of an attractive woman is one with a good dose of healthy intelligence that can think on her feet. Those ?sweet dumb dolls? happen to have only one real good purpose in the eyes of men, mostly for one night only. They need a woman who will impress the folks to the extend and have the ability to be a great mother to his children.

Learn more about this topic and dating today. You have to sign up to the personal dating course about dating and attracting men: What Makes A Woman Attractive: Be the girl that gets the guys!

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