Sunday, June 26, 2011

What Has Happened To The Quality Of Life In The Advanced ...

Edward N. Wolff
LINK: Download What Has Happened To The Quality Of Life In The Advanced Industrialized Nations? (In Association With the Levy Economics Institute) eBook

Throughout the 1990s the US expanded its lead over other advanced industrial nations in terms of conventionally measured per capita income. However, it is not clear that welfare levels in America have grown concomitantly with per capita income, or that Americans are necessarily better off than citizens of other advanced countries. The contributors to this volume investigate to what extent welfare has increased in the United States over the postwar period and provide a rigorous examination of both conventional measures of the standard of living, as well as more inclusive indices.
The chapters cover such topics as: race, home ownership and family structure; the status of children; the consumer price index; a historical perspective on the standard of living; worker rights and labor strength in advanced economies. In addition, they explore two economic systems delivering the goods ? the free enterprise system of the United States and the European social welfare state. They then present international comparisons and highlight the relative advantages and disadvantages of these two systems.
This provocative and accessible volume answers the intriguing question posed by the title and will be of interest to economists, sociologists, policymakers and policy analysts, as well as students of these fields.

LINK: Download What Has Happened To The Quality Of Life In The Advanced Industrialized Nations? (In Association With the Levy Economics Institute) PDF Book

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