Thursday, June 9, 2011

Carson's Tautalafua is Daily Breeze Softball Player of the Year ...

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Th? gigantic home runs w?r? th?r?. Th? tender energy ?n? th? healthy ability w?r? evident.

Y?t something clicked f?r Carson youth shortstop Darian Tautalafua th?? season.

Suddenly Tautalafua m?? presumably channel th?t energy some-more consistently, elevating h?r diversion t? a n?w turn ?n? heading Carson t? a breakthrough ?f ancestral proportions.

In small, Tautalafua became one ?f th? South Bay?s toughest outs.

?Sh? fearful th? bejeebers out ?f people,? Carson manager Cam Werner ????. ?It?s n?t ?? most h?r home runs ?? ?t w?? h?w tough ?h? strike th? ball. Sometimes infielders never h?? a possibility t? react.?

Hostile pitchers didn?t know h?w t? conflict t? Tautalafua ??th?r, quite ?n th? h??? games.

Tautalafua w?nt a sum 4 f?r 7 opposite longtime opposition San Pedro w?th a double, a homer, 5 RBIs ?n? 6 runs scored, assisting Carson constraint ?t? initial undisguised Nautical League pretension ??n?? 1999.

Tautalafua uncorked a gargantuan homer t? lead ?ff th? L.A. City P?rt quarterfinal opposite opposition Banning. Th? round overwhelmed down ?n th? antagonistic JV margin ?t Carson t? take th? vigour ?ff ?n a 13-0 laugher.

Tautalafua strike a homer ?ff Marshall pitcher Megan Reiner ?n a parsimonious 2-0 semifinal victory.

Th?n Tautalafua strike th? tide-turning two-r?n double t? light Carson?s quip ?n th? City final

against El Camino Real.

Ultimately Tautalafua hoisted Carson?s initial City championship board ?n th? atmosphere w?th h?r teammates, reveling ?n a impulse th?t w?? a prolonged time entrance f?r th? 2011 Daily Breeze Player ?f th? Year.

?Th?r? w?? a lot some-more vigour th?? year, b?t we didn?t wish ?? t? b? th?t group th?t always m??? ?t th?t distant b?t never wins ?t,? ???? Tautalafua, wh? h????? th? module win ?t? initial pretension ?n ?t? seventh pretension diversion appearance. ?It gave ?? some-more motivation.?

Tautalafua?s numbers ?r? impressive.

Tautalafua strike .554 w?th 15 homers ?n? 47 RBIs ? fr?m th? leadoff position. Sh? ???? h?? 51 runs scored ?n? 12 doubles.

Tautalafua ???? became Carson?s ???-time home r?n leader. Tautalafua?s homer opposite Marshall acceptable h?r t? pass Christina Schallig ?n th? ???-time list. An? ?h??s still ??t one some-more year t? supplement t? th? total.

?Darian ???t higher ?? much,? Carson catcher Brittany Moeai ????. ?H?r sophomore year, ?h? ??t better. Th?? year, ?h? w?? ??r catalyst. Sh? ?h?w?? restraint ?n th? h??? games ?n? played ??k? a champion.?

Though Tautalafua ?? famous f?r h?r power, ?h? determined herself ?? a list setter.

Tautalafua channeled h?r inside Ricky Henderson, attack 4 home runs t? lead ?ff a game, counting th? tape-measure shot ?ff Banning ?n th? quarterfinals.

In 28 games, Tautalafua h?? 8 hits, 3 walks ?n? one strike b? representation ?n h?r initial ?t-bat.

?Sh? led ?? ??? season, ?n? th? ?th?r kids followed suit,? Werner ????.

Tautalafua w?? famous progressing ?n h?r career ?? a passed pull-hitter, ?n? antagonistic teams held ?n ?n? ?t?rt?? throwing h?r outside.

Th?? season, Tautalafua ?t?rt?? t? unleash h?r opposite-field power. In fact, h?r two-r?n double th?t lighted Carson?s quip ?n th? City final w?? ?n opposite-field shot.

?Th? child ?n th? final didn?t m?k? a t?rr?b?? representation ? Darian ???t w?nt out ?n? ??t ?t,? Werner ????. ?Y?? ??n?t chuck h?r inside b?????? ?t w??? ?n? adult ?n th? street. S? ?h??d ??t pitched divided a lot, b?t ?h? m??? th? adjustments. Sh? became a some-more well-rounded hitter ?n? ?h? strike t? ??? fields.?

Tautalafua ???? higher ?n th? field, apropos most some-more solid w?th h?r glove ?n? h?r throws t? first.

In fact, Tautalafua m??? a defensive squeeze ?n th? City final opposite El Camino Real th?t m??? Werner ?n? partner manager Ed Nabayan demeanour ?t any ?th?r ?n mystification b?????? th?? ???? ?t w?? a conspicuous play.

?I w?? unsure m? beginner year ?n? m? sophomore year t??,? Tautalafua ????. ?I ?m saying th? round better, ?n th? margin ?n? ?t th? plate.?

Tautalafua ???? ?n h??? situations, ?h? ???t attempted t? transparent h?r mind.

?I attempted t? stay loose ?n? looked f?r m? pitch,? Tautalafua ????. ?Years prior t?, I?d ??k? t? chase. An? th? vigour didn?t ??t t? m? ??k? ?t usually ???. we knew we h?? t? step adult f?r th? team.

?I ??k? ??? th? vigour situations now.?

Now th?t th? vigour ?f winning th?t initial pretension ?? ?ff th? table, Tautalafua ?n? h?r teammates w??? b? some-more loose subsequent season.

An? h?r 13-year-ancient sister Brianna ?? approaching t? join Carson ?n? b? ?n impact player, ?? Tautalafua ?h???? b? ?n h?r element.

?Sh??s already t??? m? ?h??s going t? win Player ?f th? Year, b?t w??ll see,? Tautalafua ????, laughing.


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