Sunday, September 16, 2012

Your Life Beyond Gambling Quit Your Addiction To Gambling, Health

Obama's Addiction

Obama's Addiction

Despite his best efforts, President Obama has still been unable to completely quit smoking cigarettes, although he has yet to be captured on film actually inhaling. Chip Reid reports.
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Submitted By: CBS
Tags: Cbsepisode Chip Reid CBS Evening News Smoking President Barack Obama Addiction Presidents Health CBS Evening News
Categories: Entertainment

Health Resolutions for 2010

Health Resolutions for 2010

Dr. Jennifer Ashton spoke to Maggie Rodriguez about the top health resolutions to set for the new year and how to keep them including get more sleep and quit smoking.
Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 3 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (02:17)
Submitted By: CBS
Tags: Cbsepisode Dr. Jennifer Ashton Health Watch New Years Resolutions CBS Early Show Quit Smoking Sleep Lose Weight Maggie Rodriguez The Early Show
Categories: Entertainment

Amy Winehouse Gets Harsh Health Warning

Amy Winehouse Gets Harsh Health Warning

Singer Amy Winehouse is told by doctors she must quit drinking alcohol or she could die.
Ranked 3.61 / 5 | 340 views | 0 comments

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Submitted By: SplashNews
Tags: Amy Winehouse Rehab Health Warning Singers Quit Drinking The Priory
Categories: Entertainment

Electronic E-Cigarette "e-health" - Quit Smoking Now! Reviewed

Electronic E-Cigarette "e-health" - Quit Smoking Now! Reviewed

E-Cigarette "e-health" - quit smoking now! reviewed. see how they work.
Ranked 4.32 / 5 | 221 views | 0 comments

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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Cigarettes Quit Smoking Electronic Juice Dean Meehan Health Instructions Controversial Titles
Categories: Entertainment How To

Quit Smoking Tips

Quit Smoking Tips Hypnosis CD by one of my favourite hypnosis guy, Paul McKenna. Glenn Harold is another favourite. Quit smoking tips. How to stop smoking easily and quickly without weight gain or having the willpower of a superman and one tip on using acupressure. How to locate acupressure point to quit smoking.
Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 79 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (02:12)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Stop Smoking Hypnosis Quit Smoking Tips Stop Smoking Tips NLP To Quit Smoking Neuro Linguistic Programming Mp3 Quit Cigarettes Paul McKenna Glenn Harold Acupressure Weight Gain Smoking Cessation Health Mind Natural Help
Categories: How To

Hypnosis Quit Smoking

Hypnosis Quit Smoking

This will help Stop smoking or help make it so you never want to smoke, please subscribe, comment, and rate.
Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 53 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (09:39)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Smoking Hypnosis Sleep Quit Safe Secure Calm Health Healthy Nutrition Products Treatments Instructions Healing Diet Organic Tips Discussion Webcam Guide Online Research Tutorials Controversial Titles
Categories: Entertainment How To

Staging An Intervention (College Health Guru)

Staging An Intervention (College Health Guru)

If you or someone you care about is suffering from a drinking disorder, alcohol rehab--from Alcoholics Anonymous to Rational Recovery--can help with alcoholism. More Videos:
Ranked 4.31 / 5 | 863 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (02:44)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Intervention Interventions Alcohol Stop Drinking Quit Drinking Response To Intervention Alcohol Intervention Alcoholic Alcoholics Anonymous Drunk Alcohol Abuse Alcohol Help Alcoholism Drugs Health Medicine Physical Science Advi
Categories: How To

Supplements to Help You Quit Smoking

Supplements to Help You Quit Smoking

Supplements to Help You Quit Smoking. By Nicotine increases acetylcholine via the nicotinic cholinergic receptors Raise acetylcholine with: ?Choline ?Phosphatidylcholine ?Phosphatidylserine ?Lecithin Zyban works by inhibiting the neuronal uptake of norepinephrine and dopamine - basically it increases Dopamine and Norepinephrine (through inhibition of reuptake vs. adding): ?L-Tyrosine
Ranked 4.09 / 5 | 72 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (02:30)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Supplements To Help You Quit Smoking Cigarettes Cigars Tobacco Health Healthy Nutrition Tips Tutorials Controversial Titles
Categories: People & Stories

Pregnancy and Smoking (Pregnancy Health Guru)

Pregnancy and Smoking (Pregnancy Health Guru)

4,000 chemicals spell serious stress for your baby. Watch this to understand why smoking during pregnancy is a bad idea. More Pregnancy Safety Videos:
Ranked 4.29 / 5 | 863 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (01:48)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Babies Cigarettes Cigarrettes Pregnancy During Pregnancy Fetal Development Smoking Nicotine Pregnancy Pregnancy Smoking Pregnant Pregnant Smoke Pregnant Smoking Quit Smoking Pregnant Smoker Smoking During Pregnancy Stillbirth Pregnancy Video Controversial
Categories: How To

How To Quit Smoking (Health Guru)

How To Quit Smoking (Health Guru)

So you've made the decision to quit smoking. GREAT! Here's a plan to help you along. For more info, visit
Ranked 4.06 / 5 | 900 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (03:26)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Quit Smoking Addiction Nicotine Cigarettes Hypnosis Withdrawal Trigger Smoke Quitting Beer Doctors Diet Health Fitness Medicine Advice Community Guru Video Controversial Titles
Categories: How To

Quit Smoking Commercial (2007)

Quit Smoking Commercial (2007)

2007 television commercial for Quit Smoking campaign, featuring the effective blackened tar-soaked sponge.
Ranked 4.41 / 5 | 724 views | 0 comments

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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Quit Smoking Cigarettes Cancer Lungs Health Addicts Nicotiene Television Commercials 2007 2000s Controversial Titles
Categories: People & Stories

Quit Smoking / Smoke In Pubs With E-Cigarette

Quit Smoking / Smoke In Pubs With E-Cigarette

Stop smoking, quit by using one of our e cigarettes the replacement device that is more effective than gum and patches. [ ] . When trying to give up smoking you're not just battling one monkey you're battling two, the habit of lighting and inhaling and the addiction to nicotine. Gum and patches may have temporarily helped you out with the addiction but not the habit. For those who say "i just can't quit cigarettes" this sorts out both needs. The e Cigarette looks just like a normal cigarette, comes in the same style of box and will even act like a normal cigarette just without the carcinogens. With 1 cartridge being the equivalent or 20 cigarettes you can't avoid checking out this fantastic gadget. Especially when you could take it into clubs and bars (providing it's ok with the establishment's manager of course). Check it out now at [ ] or come to [ ] for more gadgets that will keep you healthy (or warm at the very least)
Ranked 3.56 / 5 | 3277 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (01:18)
Submitted By: China Electronics
Tags: E+cigarette Stop+smoking Anti+smoking Patches Gum Health+gadget Smoking Cigarettes Electronic+smoking Controversial Titles
Categories: Science & Tech

Do You Smoke ???? Funny ! Very Very Funny !!

Do You Smoke ???? Funny ! Very Very Funny !!

Incredible - monkey smoking !! Funny !
Ranked 3.81 / 5 | 46688 views | 19 comments

Click here to watch the video (01:25)
Submitted By: romareport
Tags: Smoking Animals Cigarettes People Zoos Biopark Pipe Tobacco Calumet Tick Smoke Smoker Lungs Health Cancer Habits Addicts Throw Wtf Quit Weed Diseases Death No Science Bosom Natural Heart Circulation Impotence Impotency Toxin Toxicity Pitchy Tarry Soil Pre
Categories: Entertainment Cool Commercials

Stop Smoking Quit The Electronic Way With E Cigarettes

Stop Smoking Quit The Electronic Way With E Cigarettes

Stop smoking, quit by using one of our e cigarettes the replacement device that is more effective than gum and patches. . When trying to give up smoking you're not just battling one monkey you're battling two, the habit of lighting and inhaling and the addiction to nicotine. Gum and patches may have temporarily helped you out with the addiction but not the habit. This sorts out both needs. The e Cigarette looks just like a normal cigarette, comes in the same style of box and will even act like a normal cigarette just without the carcinogens. With 1 cartridge being the equivalent or 20 cigarettes you can't avoid checking out this fantastic gadget. Check it out now at or come to for more gadgets that will keep you healthy
Ranked 3.89 / 5 | 10982 views | 1 comments

Click here to watch the video (01:44)
Submitted By: China Electronics
Tags: E+cigarette Chinavasion Stop+smoking Anti+smoking Device Patches Gum Health+gadget Health+aid Controversial Titles
Categories: Science & Tech

I Need to Quit Now!

I Need to Quit Now!

an average person smokes a pack a day...this is only 20 days of tar. if you dont have much time, skip to the end so you can see what your lungs look like. my chest hurts seeing this. i feel so irresponsible. thank you to the site that provided this video! - 67k - Cached
Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 105 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (04:17)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Nicotine Tar Cigarettes Smoke Health Danger Gross Disturbing Lungs Cancer Science Experiments
Categories: People & Stories

Quit Smoking: The 10 Step Plan - Introduction

Quit Smoking: The 10 Step Plan - Introduction

Sian Welby talks to Dr Chris Steele about the addictive and harmful effects of nicotine. Dr Chris explains that nicotine is, milligram for milligram, more addictive than heroin and cocaine. Within 7 seconds of drawing on a cigarette the nicotine will be acting on the brain. This is why it can be so hard to quit. One in two of all smokers will be killed by it. It is the most dangerous consumer product available on the market. Nicotine itself is not dangerous, but when you smoke you breath in more than 4,000 other chemicals - this is what makes it lethal. With smoking still growing among your girls, there is a big health issue here. Although the smoking ban is helping, the enduring appeal of the "cool" look associated with cigarettes makes them attractive to young people. But there is help. Nicotine replacement treatments can remove the craving for cigarettes, without damaging your health. Also available on prescription are treatments such as Zyban and Champix.
Ranked 3.99 / 5 | 387 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (03:31)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Cigarettes Smoking Health Medicine Nicotine Dr. Chris Steele Thefamilygpcom Video Medical
Categories: How To

Smoking Causes Pain: Another Reason To Quit

Smoking Causes Pain: Another Reason To Quit

Interventional Radiologists, medical doctors who specialize in the vascular system, are urging smokers to quit. Not just because smoking causes cancer but because it damages arteries in the legs which can lead to other vascular disease including a heart attack and stroke. Most smokers are aware of cancer risk, but few know about the effects of smoking on the vascular system. Interventional Radiologists see first hand the damage that smoking causes to the arteries and the accompanying leg pain that many smokers suffer. For some the pain is so severe, it limits their ability to walk. More than 10 million Americans suffer from a hardening of the arteries in the legs, peripheral vascular disease, PVD. Diagnosis for PVD is simple. A blood pressure test compares the pressure in the ankle to the pressure in the arm, known as an ankle brachial index test. Treatment includes a supervised exercise program and stopping smoking. Some also need medication or angioplasty in the leg to reopen the artery and improve blood flow. Interventional radiologists are board-certified vascular specialists who offer minimally invasive, targeted treatments. They offer the most in-depth knowledge of the least invasive, targeted treatments available coupled with diagnostic and clinical experience across all specialties. They use X-rays, MRI and other imaging to advance a catheter in the body, usually in an artery, to treat at the source of the disease nonsurgically. As the inventors of angioplasty and the catheter-delivered stent, which were first used in the legs to treat peripheral vascular disease, interventional radiologists pioneered minimally invasive modern medicine. You can find out more information about treatment and find an interventional radiologist in your area at Produced for the Society of Interventional Radiology
Ranked 4.25 / 5 | 1274 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (01:54)
Submitted By: Medialink
Tags: Smoke Smoking Radiology Medical Health Treatments Cancer Controversial Titles
Categories: News & Events Science & Tech

Quit Smoking Using Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Quit Smoking Using Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
Ranked 3.73 / 5 | 197 views | 0 comments

Click here to watch the video (03:57)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Acupuncturist Arizona Doctors Help Herbs Learning Medicine Oriental Phoenix Quit Smoking Stop Treatments Wellness Controversial Titles
Categories: People & Stories

Health Proj (smoking Prevention)

Health Proj (smoking Prevention)

Project for health, its about smoking preventon /very boring/ remix intros of Linkin park songs i did ...
Ranked 4.05 / 5 | 37 views | 1 comments

Click here to watch the video (02:12)
Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Health Smoking Prevention Quit Controversial Titles
Categories: News & Events

How To Quit Smoking!!!

How To Quit Smoking!!!

Home made with house hold items, a way to eliminate nicotine fixes from your day to day life ! Stop Smoking today it's your life ....use this method !
Ranked 4.60 / 5 | 53041 views | 31 comments

Click here to watch the video (02:46)
Submitted By: akamakavely
Tags: Stop Smoking Nicotine Easy Way Secrets Tutorials Non Smokers Cigarettes Cancer Health Medicine Controversial Titles
Categories: How To People & Stories


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