Friday, September 21, 2012

New Client? Get the Right Start! | - Cleaning Business Consulting ...

The ability to develop long lasting productive relationships with clients starts with the first contact you have.? Building long term partnerships takes work and effort?by all members of your team, but begins with the business owner and the culture in place.

Here are three things you can do to make certain you get started on the right foot!

1. The initial impression you create will be the one that stays with you. Make certain you don?t promise more than you can deliver or oversell your company?s skills. Having to make up for deficiencies and disappointment?in service causes clients to lose trust and faith in your abilities.

2.? A timely response to clients? issues goes a long way toward positive and long lasting relationship building.? When a client knows you take their business needs seriously and they depend on you to solve problems, the opportunities for business relationships and partnering grows.

3.? Follow up cannot be over emphasized.? Never take your clients? satisfaction with your business for granted.? No news does not mean good news!? Stay in front of your clients with pro active visits and communication.? Using technology and??in person??time makes it easy to be at the forefront of issues and helps with trust building.

Whether you are a new start up or an experienced contractor, how you get started with your new?clients can mean the difference between smooth sailing and longevity or a diminished relationship that?s difficult to repair.? Consistent care and concern, planned proactive communication and quick response to issues will demonstrate that you indeed value your clients? business.? Customers know when you care and will be more likely to stay with you because you can demonstrate that you do.

Filed under: Commercial Cleaning Help, Construction Cleaning Expert, Residential Cleaning Help, Sharon L. Cowan CBSE Industry Expert, Sharon L. Cowan CBSE Turnaround specialist, Sharon L. Cowan News!, Small Business Coaching ? Tags: BSC University, business advice, business growth ideas, business leadership, business management, cleaning business advice, Cleaning Business Building, cleaning business customer service, cleaning business leadership, cleaning business management, Client satisfaction, Commercial Cleaning Training, Customer loyalty, Customer retention, Customer Satisfaction, growing my cleaning business, Residential Cleaning, Revenue Building with Commercial Cleaning, Turn around your cleaning business


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