Tuesday, September 18, 2012

HELP ME!!!!!!!!

Here's my story. I created this account a year ago. I came up with an idea, but no one really bought into it. Literally no one. I spent a month or so searching for a story that I could settle into. Unfortunately, when I had found it, I had neither the time nor the ability to participate. Plus it was fairly deep into the plot thus far, and I felt I would be intruding. After several more snoops, I found another story, which seemed promising. Unfortunately, the creator went on an extremely long hiatus, and disappeared, never to return. I decided to quit searching and continue on with my life. After sometime, I realized that I had exhausted other ways of storytelling, the exception being screenwriting/directing. SO, I came back when the daily rigors of life had relaxed its grip upon me. I decided to go out on a limb, with a leap of faith, to create a story then and there. I was so surprised when I saw my first person come in, then more, then more. The plot I created then has remained to this day. That story right now is four hundred posts and twenty pages long, and its going strong. So yeah, it is a good site.


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/mqGHn7B0KzY/viewtopic.php

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