Sunday, September 30, 2012

World Routes Kicks Off in Abu Dhabi - Business Review India

ABU DHABI, UAE, September 30, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --

2,800 delegates, 750 airports and 300 airlines gather in the capital of the UAE for the world's largest commercial aviation event ?

40 airline CEOs and 16 tourism ministers expected

World Routes, the 18th World Route Development Forum was officially opened today by Abu Dhabi Airports Company's (ADAC) CEO, James Bennett. ?The event, which takes place over four days, will attract 2,800 senior professionals who represent over 300 airlines and 750 airports as well as numerous governments, destinations and tour operators.

There are more airline delegates registered this year than at any previous event, representing all leading airlines including Lufthansa, British Airways, Air France/KLM, Etihad, Emirates, United Airlines, LATAM, COPA, South African, Air China, China Eastern Airlines and Qantas as well as airports from around the globe. ?The event will also see more senior executives in attendance than in previous years, with 40 airline CEOs and 250 airport CEOs and board members as well as 16 tourism ministers registered to attend. Carriers which have confirmed that their CEO will be in attendance in Abu Dhabi include Kenya Airways, Air Arabia, CSA-Czech Airlines, Etihad Airways, Vueling and Air Seychelles.

On the first day of the event the World Route Development Strategy Summit, which takes place alongside World Routes, was launched with a keynote speech by ADAC CEO, James E. Bennett. ?The summit provided a platform for industry leaders to discuss key on-going topics that impact this dynamic and ever-evolving industry. ?Key topics highlighted during the summit included: taxation; rising oil prices; aeropolitics; environmental factors; sustainable route development; economic development; and, general regional perspectives on aviation and its potential for growth.

Along with the summit opening, Routes held a joint press conference with Abu Dhabi Airports Company to announce the launch of the event and to engage with the 180 accredited journalists on Route Development strategies and trends. ?In addition, the first day of the forum started with meetings held between airlines and airports to seek and plan for new routes.

David Stroud, Executive Vice President, Routes comments: "This year's World Routes might well be the largest commercial aviation event ever held, and it is more than appropriate that it takes place in the Middle East, the fastest growing aviation market in the world. The event demonstrates in an impressive way how dynamic the global aviation sector is, despite the challenging economic and regulatory environment."

"The format is unique, as it is the only event which brings together hundreds of airlines and airports from all corners of the world. ?Delegates meet for tightly-scheduled face to face discussions over three days with the aim to discuss and agree on new air services. In total, around 16,000 meetings will take place in Abu Dhabi."

H.E. Ali Majed Al Mansoori, Chairman of ADAC, said: "The Middle East region has registered a 17.3% growth in passenger traffic in the first 8 months of 2012, as per the traffic report released by IATA, becoming the fastest growing region in the world. ADAC is extremely proud to host key aviation leaders from around the globe here in the heart of this dynamic region. ?This world class event will provide a platform to map out plans for growth in the aviation industry, but most importantly will allow Abu Dhabi to showcase its world-class airports and aviation services, and to work even closer with airlines in delivering new routes and destinations to Abu Dhabi airports."

"The aviation sector is one of the 12 sectors that form the Emirate's engines of economic, social and cultural growth and diversification," said Al Mansoori. ?"Our leaders' recognition that this sector is essential for connecting the Emirate to the world, has been translated to significant investment in air transport, enabling Abu Dhabi International Airport to become one of the fastest growing international airport hubs. This commitment has also allowed Abu Dhabi to establish itself as a global centre for tourism, trade and industry in the sixteen years since Abu Dhabi last hosted the World Route Development Forum."

This year's event programme has been extended to include full days on both Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th with delegates invited to "Experience Abu Dhabi", attend the World Route Development Strategy Summit and further enjoy the unique one-to-one networking, briefing, and meeting opportunities. ?Exclusive Route Exchange Airline Briefings by airlines such as Etihad, Air Canada, Southwest, Iberia, and Aeromexico will also allow airlines to brief airports directly on their requirements and various market opportunities.

This marks the first time the event has returned to a previous host city. ?Back in 1996, Abu Dhabi's downtown Hilton Hotel was the setting for the first hosted World Routes event. ?16 years later, delegates will be able to witness for themselves the immense changes that demonstrate how the city's future as a world class destination is taking shape.

Routes organises world-renowned airline and airport networking events through its regional and global Route Development Forums. ?For more information on the programme, please visit or visit

Notes to Editors

About Routes

  • Routes organises world-renowned airline and airport networking events through its regional and global Route Development Forums. Each year, there is one global event and one regional event in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas and CIS respectively.

  • Routes was founded in 1995 as part of the Manchester UK?based ASM Ltd., a consultancy specialising in the field of route development for airports. http://www.asm?

  • Routes and ASM were acquired by UBM Aviation Worldwide Ltd in August 2010.? From 1stAugust 2012 Routes, ASM and the Airport Cities Conference and Exhibition become part of the UBM Live division of UBM plc.

  • UBM Live connects people and creates opportunities for companies across five continents to develop new business, meet customers, launch new products, promote their brands and expand their markets.??Through premiere brands such as MD&M, CPhI, IFSEC, TFM&A, Cruise Shipping Miami, the Concrete Show, the Routes portfolio of events, Airport Cities and many others, UBM Live exhibitions, conferences, awards programs, publications, websites and training and certification programs are an integral part of the marketing plans of companies across more than 20 industry sectors.

Follow us on twitter: @Routesonline, @TheHUBRoutes, @VictoriaRoutes, @RouteExchange, @airlineroute

About Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC)

Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) is a public joint-stock company wholly owned by the Abu Dhabi Government. It was incorporated by Amiri Decree number 5, issued on 4 March 2006, to spearhead the development of the Emirate's aviation infrastructure. In September 2006, ADAC assumed responsibility for the operation and management of Abu Dhabi and Al Ain International Airports. In 2008, ADAC added Al Bateen Executive Airport (an exclusive private aviation airport), and Sir Bani Yas and Delma Island Airports to its portfolio. These airports are geared to serve the various segments of air travellers, the aviation marketplace, and will help contribute to Abu Dhabi's development as a destination for both business and leisure tourism.

Currently under way is the multi-billion dollar re-development and expansion of Abu Dhabi International Airport designed to increase the overall capacity of the airport to more than 40 million passengers per year. As part of this redevelopment, a second runway and a third terminal have been completed.


SOURCE UBM Aviation Routes Ltd


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Spain, Portugal hit with anti-austerity protests

Sergio Perez / Reuters

Protestors shout slogans as they fill up Neptuno Square during a demonstration against government austerity measures in Madrid.

By NBC News wire services

MADRID ? Tens of thousands of Spaniards and Portuguese rallied in the streets of their countries? capitals Saturday to protest enduring deep economic pain from austerity cuts.

In Madrid, demonstrators approached parliament for the third time this week to vent their anger against tax hikes, government spending cuts and the highest unemployment rate among the 17 nations that use the euro currency.

The boisterous crowds in the Spanish capital let off ear-splitting whistles near parliament and yelled ??Fire them, fire them!?? -- referring to the conservative government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

Rajoy?s administration presented a 2013 draft budget on Friday that will cut overall spending by 40 billion euros ($51.7 billion), freezing the salaries of public workers, cutting spending for unemployment benefits and even reducing spending for Spain?s royal family next year by 4 percent.

Pablo Rodriguez, a 24-year-old student doing a master?s in agricultural development in Denmark, said the austerity measures and bad economy mean most of his friends in Spain are unemployed or doing work they didn?t train for.

Andres Kudacki / AP

A picture of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is seen during the demonstration in Madrid.

Spain's unemployment rate is almost 25 percent, and more than half of people under 24 are jobless.

??I would love to work here, but there is nothing for me here,?? Rodriguez said. ??By the time the economy improves it will be too late. I will be settled somewhere else with a family. One of the disasters in Spain is they spent so much to educate me and so many others and they will lose us.??

He doubts he will put his education to use in Spain until he is 35 or 40, if ever, will probably get job abroad and stay.

In Lisbon, retired banker Antonio Trinidade said the budget cuts Portugal is locked into in return for the nation?s ?78 billion ($101 billion) bailout are making the country?s economy the worst he has seen in his lifetime. His pension has been cut, and he said countless young Portuguese are increasingly heading abroad because they can?t make a living at home.

??The government and the troika controlling what we do because of the bailout just want to cut more and more and rob from us,?? Trinidade said, referring to the troika of creditors -- the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. ??The young don?t have any future, and the country is on the edge of an abyss. I'm getting toward the end of my life, but these people in their 20s or 30s don?t have jobs, or a future.??

In Spain, Rajoy has an absolute majority and has pushed through waves of austerity measures over the last nine months -- trying to prevent Spain from being forced into the same kind of bailouts taken by Portugal, Ireland and Greece.

The protests near Spain?s parliament turned violent Tuesday and Wednesday nights when protesters clashed with riot police, who barricaded entry to the streets surrounding government buildings. Dozens of people were arrested and injured.

Investors worried about Spain?s economic viability have forced up the interest rate they are willing to pay to buy Spanish bonds. The country?s banks hurting from a property boom that went bust are set to get help soon from a ?100 billion ($129 billion) financial lifeline from the eurozone, and Rajoy is pondering whether to ask for help from the ECB to buy Spanish bonds.

Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro said Saturday that the budget cuts for next year were necessary to ease market tensions and try to bring down high interest rates Spain must pay to get investors to buy its bonds.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Wset Wines & Spirits

The Wset Wines & Spirits

The Wset Wines & Spirits

Paul Orny (right), Director of Food & Beverage and Thongchai Sila (left), Assistant Director of Food & Beverage of Centara Grand Beach Resort & Villas Hua Hin recently congratulated Nitchawan Sungsasthee (centre), Captain of hotel?s Elephant Bar, who received the certification of WSET (Wine & Spirit Educational Trust) Level 2 Award in Wines & Spirits, after following intensive training in Phuket. Come and enjoy the large selection of Single Malt Whiskies while listening to the Live Jazz Band.

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The Wset Wines & Spirits

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Saudi starts expelling Nigerian women pilgrims

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) ? Saudi Arabia on Friday began expelling over a thousand Nigerian women on religious pilgrimage to the country because they had arrived without male guardians, the first time it sent back such a large group in enforcement of strict rules governing women.

The government ministry that oversees the Hajj pilgrimage said the 1,100 women had violated a longstanding law by travelling without an immediate male relative, adding that females of all nationalities under the age of 45 must have a male guardian during the Hajj pilgrimage.

"This is a rule that is generally applied to women who have applied for a visa to enter the kingdom," the Hajj ministry said in a statement.

In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to travel without a male guardian, such as a father, brother, uncle or husband, or at the very least permission from such a relative. In the past, authorities had allowed women over 45 to perform the annual pilgrimage without the guardians as long as they were in groups with male tour operators and pilgrimage officials.

The annual pilgrimage, which this year comes at the end of October, is a religious duty for Muslims who are supposed to make the trip once in their lives. Many arrive weeks in advance.

The expulsions may set the stage for a diplomatic confrontation.

Nigeria's pilgrimage commission says a bilateral agreement exempts its female nationals from the rule, and the country is sending a delegation to Saudi Arabia to discuss the expulsions. They also say some women have been turned back because they appeared to not have sufficient proof of being married despite being accompanied by their husbands.

The women, who arrived in the city of Jiddah in three groups, were held after landing at the international airport starting Monday. Saudi authorities said they would be allowed to return if they came back with guardians, but did not signal any flexibility or recognize the Nigerian claim of an exemption to the guardianship rules.

"The rules of Hajj have been in place for many years and nothing has emerged that requires us not to abide by them," said Hatem bin Hassan Qadi, deputy Hajj minister. He added that he hoped pilgrimage commissions around the world abide by the requirements of the trip before pilgrims' departure.

Rules limiting the independence of Saudi women are far-reaching in the kingdom. They may not study abroad unless a male guardian approves and accompanies them throughout their studies. Government-run hospitals perform surgery on women only with approval of a male guardian, except in emergencies. If a husband or father is not available, mothers turn to their sons for approval to work or travel.

More than 2 million Muslims descend on Saudi Arabia's Mecca for the pilgrimage, with around 1.5 million of them coming from outside the Gulf region.

Pilgrims often save their entire lives for the trip and Muslim philanthropists donate to enable those who cannot afford it. The Hajj, which lasts five days, costs anywhere between $4,000 upward to more than $25,000 per person.


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Colorectal cancer gene database helpful in furthering research

The CRCgene database, which gathers all genetic association studies on colorectal cancer, allows for researchers to accurately interpret the risk factors of the disease and provides insight into the direction of further colorectal cancer research, according to a study published September 27 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Approximately 950,000 new cases of colorectal cancer are diagnosed each year. The risk of developing the disease also increases with age, and as life expectancy rises, the incidence continues to grow. These factors paired with rising health care costs have made both diagnosis and treatments for the disease costly. While diet and lifestyle may affect colorectal cancer incidence, so may genetic factors, and it is important to determine which genetic factors are most heavily associated with colorectal cancer incidence.

In order to determine the genetic factors associated with colorectal cancer, Julian Little, Ph.D., of the Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine at the University of Ottawa and colleagues, gathered data from previously published guidelines for assessing cumulative evidence on genetic association studies, and performed meta-analyses on all the data, compiling all genetic association studies published in the field. The credibility of the studies was determined by the Venice criteria and the Bayesian False Discovery Probability (BFDP) test.

The researchers found 16 independent gene variants had the most highly credible links to colorectal cancer, with 23 variants. "The number of common, low-penetrance variants that appear to be associated with colorectal cancer is very much less than anticipated, therefore decreasing the feasibility of combining variants as a profile in a prediction tool for stratifying screening modalities on primary prevention approaches," the authors write. Still, they feel that, "the analysis here provides a resource for mining available data and puts into context the sample sizes required for the identification of true associations."

Journal reference: Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Provided by Journal of the National Cancer Institute


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Pluto/Charon poses for sharpest ground-based images ever

ScienceDaily (Sep. 26, 2012) ? Despite being infamously demoted from its status as a major planet, Pluto (and its largest companion Charon) recently posed as a surrogate extrasolar planetary system to help astronomers produce exceptionally high-resolution images with the Gemini North 8-meter telescope. Using a method called reconstructive speckle imaging, the researchers took the sharpest ground-based snapshots ever obtained of Pluto and Charon in visible light, which hint at the exoplanet verification power of a large state-of-the-art telescope when combined with speckle imaging techniques.

The data also verified and refined previous orbital characteristics for Pluto and Charon while revealing the pair's precise diameters.

"The Pluto-Charon result is of timely interest to those of us wanting to understand the orbital dynamics of this pair for the 2015 encounter by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft," said Steve Howell of the NASA Ames Research Center, who led the study. In addition, Howell notes that NASA's Kepler mission, which has already proven a powerful exoplanet discovery tool, will benefit greatly from this technique.

Kepler identifies planet candidates by repeatedly measuring the change in brightness of more than 150,000 stars to detect when a planet passes in front of, or affects the brightness of, its host star. Speckle imaging with the Gemini telescope will provide Kepler's follow-up program with a doubling in its ability to resolve objects and validate Earth-like planets. It also offers a 3- to 4-magnitude sensitivity increase for the sources observed by the team. That's about a 50-fold increase in sensitivity in the observations Howell and his team made at Gemini. "This is an enormous gain in the effort underway to confirm small Earth-size planets," Howell added.

To institute this effort Howell and his team -- which included Elliott Horch (Southern Connecticut State University), Mark Everett (National Optical Astronomy Observatory), and David Ciardi (NASA Exoplanet Science Institute/Caltech) -- temporarily installed a camera, called the Differential Speckle Survey Instrument (DSSI), among the suite of instruments mounted on the Gemini telescope.

"This was a fantastic opportunity to bring DSSI to Gemini North this past July," said Horch. "In just a little over half an hour of Pluto observations, collecting light with the large Gemini mirror, we obtained the best resolution ever with the DSSI instrument -- it was stunning!"

The resolution obtained in the observations, about 20 milliarcseconds, easily corresponds to separating a pair of automobile headlights in Providence, Rhode Island, from San Francisco, California. To achieve this level of definition, Gemini obtained a large number of very quick "snapshots" of Pluto and Charon. The researchers then reconstructed them into a single image after subtracting the blurring effects and ever-changing speckled artifacts caused by turbulence in the atmosphere and other optical aberrations. With enough snapshots (each image was exposed for only 60 milliseconds or about 1/20 of a second) only the light from the actual objects remains constant, and the artifacts reveal their transient nature, eventually canceling each other out.

DSSI was built at SCSU between 2007-2008 as a part of a United States National Science Foundation Astronomical Instrumentation grant and mounted on the Gemini North telescope for a limited observing run. The instrument is likely to return to Gemini North for observations in mid-2013 for general user programs from across the international Gemini partnership. Any such arrangement will be announced along with the call for proposals for Semester 13B, in February 2013.

This work was funded in part by the National Science Foundation and NASA's Kepler discovery mission and will be published in the journal Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific in October 2012.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Gemini Observatory.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pain management is your responsibility | Vote for Your Health

Managing pain should be the first thing on your mind if you have any pre-existing conditions that predetermine what you can and cannot do. With chronic pain management you can know what the best type of treatment is for you for now and can react accordingly by choosing the best meds in your situation and condition.

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It is vital to keep a positive head and always stay optimistic while also taking realistic steps towards success. You can make it work if you know how to work it. Things get better when you believe.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Becoming a Networked Nonprofit | Stanford Social Innovation Review

September 26, 2012 ? 11:52 AM

Nonprofits ?keeping up? with today?s challenges?to ensure?their ?thrivability?.?? The how-to and tips.? Leadership and management

?Excerpt:? Redesigning your nonprofit organization to become more participatory, open, authentic, decentralized, collective, and effective?via social media, networks, and beyond.

Read full article via Becoming a Networked Nonprofit | Stanford Social Innovation Review.

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Senate candidates battle for Connecticut?s women

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

ViewSonic PJD5133

SVGA data projectors, with their relatively low 800 by 600 pixel native resolution, have become less common than their higher-res XGA (1,024 by 768) and WXGA (1,280 by 800) cousins, but they provide a lower-priced option that still offers image quality suitable for business or classroom presentations on small to mid-sized screens. As such, the ViewSonic PJD5133 provides reasonably good image quality and a solid feature set, including HDMI connectivity.

The PJD5133 is reasonably bright at a rated 2,700 lumens. Some SVGA projectors, such as the Optoma Pro160S, run as bright as 3,000 lumens, but the difference is modest, especially since perception of brightness is logarithmic (it takes a lot more than doubling a projector's rated brightness to make it appear twice as bright).

It has a decent set of connections for a portable projector, 2 VGA-in ports (which double as component video) and 1 VGA-out port; audio-in and audio-out jacks; S-video; an RCA composite video jack; a USB mini type B port for remote mouse control; and an HDMI port. A few other SVGA projectors, such as the Optoma Pro160S, have HDMI ports, but they're still relatively rare at this low a resolution.

The projector measures 9.2 by 11.2 by 3.2 inches (HWD) and weighs 5.7 pounds, which makes it quite portable, though it comes without a carrying case. ViewSonic sells a suitable case for a modest $19 direct. The lens has both zoom (1.1x) and focus wheels; both were smooth and responsive, and it was easy to bring the projector to a good focus. I found the remote control a bit finicky; it was a lot less responsive when I was to the left of the projector than in other positions, though the IR sensor is at the front of the projector.


I tested the projector from about 10 feet away from the screen. Our test image, measuring about 60 inches diagonally, stood up reasonably well in a setting with moderate ambient light.

I did our data image testing using the DisplayMate suite, at first over a VGA connection in the projector's PC color mode. Image quality was typical of an SVGA data projector, fine for basic business and classroom presentations. Colors were somewhat muted, and I noticed a slight green tinting in some grays. I tried several color modes; colors were brighter in ViewMatch (a mode designed to preserve color saturation even at high brightness) and Brightest modes, though switching to them didn't help with the tinting. Switching to an HDMI connection had little effect on image quality.

One place where SVGA projectors often suffer for their lower resolution is in displaying text, and the PJD5133 is no exception. The smallest white-on-black text was barely readable, and the next smallest size was somewhat blurred, as was the smallest black-on-white text. If you use a lot of text (and particularly small text) in presentations, a higher-res projector?such as the Epson PowerLite 93+ , an Editors' Choice XGA projector with superb text quality?would serve you better. The same is true if you want to project a really large image. But the ViewSonic is more than up to the job for workaday business presentations.

The PJD5133's video quality is suitable for short clips as part of a presentation. The main issue I encountered was the rainbow effect, a common artifact in DLP projectors in which people sensitive to the effect see little red-green-blue flashes in still or moving images, most often in bright areas against dark backgrounds. I'd noticed it in data images that tend to bring the effect out, but it was more pronounced in video, a little more apparent than is typical in a DLP data projector. People who are sensitive to it will likely be distracted by it, so it's best to stick to shorter videos with this projector.

It does have a consolation prize as a DLP projector: its 3D readiness using the DLP-Link system, although you need to get your own active shutter DLP-Link glasses. ViewSonic sells them for $109 a pair, although you can get active-shutter glasses elsewhere for considerably less. Still, they cost enough that you'd be hard pressed, say, to outfit a classroom with them.

Audio from the PJD5133's single 2-watt speaker was of decent quality but low volume, audible in a fairly small room or if you're close to the projector.

The ViewSonic PJD5133 is a respectable data projector with solid overall image quality, particularly for data. It's worth considering, along with the Optoma Pro160S and the Epson PowerLite S9 Multimedia Projector, if you're looking for a budget portable SVGA projector. For a similar price, though, the Editors' Choice Epson PowerLite 93+ offers higher (XGA) resolution and superb data and video image quality, including better text than the ViewSonic.

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South Carolina voter ID gets judges' scrutiny

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Recognizing this year's elections are just a few weeks away, a panel of three federal judges questioned on Monday whether South Carolina should wait until 2014 to put its voter identification law into effect.

The judges raised the question as an attorney for South Carolina delivered closing arguments in the trial over whether the state's law discriminates against minorities. Last December, the Justice Department refused to "preclear" ? find it complies with the Voting Rights Act ? the law so it could go into effect.

A decision in the case is expected in early October.

Voter ID laws have become a point of contention in this year's elections, particularly with the close race between President Barack Obama, a Democrat, and Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Democrats contend the laws could prevent key constituencies from voting, making a difference in tight races.

The laws' opponents see them as a Republican response to 2008's record turnout of African-American and Hispanic voters. Supporters have pitched the laws as tools against voter fraud and to build confidence in the election system.

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld Indiana's voter ID law in 2008, and Georgia's top court upheld that state's voter ID law. But three-judge federal panel struck down Texas' voter ID law, and state courts in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have blocked those states' voter ID laws for now. The Justice Department cleared New Hampshire's voter ID law earlier this year.

South Carolina's law requires voters to show a driver's license or other photo identification issued by the Motor Vehicles Department, a passport, military photo identification or a voter registration card with a photo on it.

Asking questions from the bench, the judges pointed out that if they allow South Carolina to implement the law voters would not have much time before the Nov. 6 elections to get required ID.

"Are you urging us to preclear for 2012?" asked John Bates, U.S. District Court Judge for the District of Columbia.

Christopher Bartomolucci, the attorney for South Carolina, said the state wants approval for 2012 as well as future elections. He explained the state's law allows people to claim they were unable to get the required ID because of a "reasonable impediment." People unable to do so because there is not enough time before election day would be able to make that claim, he said.

"Everybody's got a pass for this election," Bartomolucci said.

But that provision also raised questions.

Judges agreed that the provision made South Carolina's law less troublesome and is the only reason the law would work for this year's election.

But they expressed some skepticism about the process for voters without required ID. Those voters will be asked at the polls whether they had a reasonable impediment beyond their control that kept them from getting the ID.

If they answer yes, they can fill out an affidavit stating the reason and have the affidavit notarized. The state has said it will make notaries available at all of its polling places and they will not be allowed to charge fees for the service. They then will be allowed to cast a provisional ballot.

The law requires voters who cast provisional ballots to bring any of the required ID to the county election office before the vote is certified for their vote to count. But the state said in trial testimony that poll workers would err on the side of voters and count the provisional vote unless the county had grounds to believe false information was given. A state election official also said poll managers would sign affidavits if notaries were not available, even though that would violate the law.

Judges said the South Carolina law had evolved since it was passed, but opponents said it was being fixed. They argued that there is no guarantee votes wouldn't be challenged later by partisan poll watchers and the law would end up in state court.

Garrard Beeney, attorney for civil rights and advocacy groups opposing the law, pointed out to judges Monday that the manual for notaries requires them to request the same ID that the state requires to vote. It also allows them to refuse to notarize a document if the person is drunk, under the influence of drugs, doesn't understand the process and other reasons. Beeney said that created a two-tier voting system.

In addition, those using the "reasonable impediment" provision will vote on provisional ballots and will have to appear at a hearing later if their ballot is challenged. Beeney said the law leaves too much discretion to county boards to decide whether to count the vote and adds the burden of requiring some voters, who are likely to be mostly African American, to get to the hearing to find out if their vote is counted.

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit asked the state to respond to that argument. He said the process would create one line that would be disproportionately African American because data showed that African Americans were more likely to lack the required ID and will be more likely to be asked if they had a reasonable impediment to getting it.

"The pool of people being asked, we know, is going to be disproportionately African American," Bates said.

The third judge on the special panel for voting rights cases is Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, also of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. She was appointed by former President Bill Clinton. Bates and Kavanaugh were appointed by former President George W. Bush.


The case is 12-203


Follow Suzanne Gamboa at

Associated Press


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Magic Pets - Facebook Game from MMOHUNTER.COM

Magic Pets is a new casual adventure game with the pets-capturing in the core. It takes place in the land of Elunia where wild pets hide here and there, evil creatures play and the Trappers steal pet eggs for secret purposes. What?s the myth around the land? Will you be able to find it out?

Magic Pets

You come to help an old man to get his stolen egg back from the cactus-like thief. And he turns out to be a magic master who is willing to teach you how to capture wild pets and form your own pet team to defeat evils. Alongside your adventure, you will explore to the neighboring areas that are covered in mist and darkness, rescuing NPCs out of their traps and revealing more of the myth around the land. The Trappers, the Rune Stone crafter and other figures will show up one by one to lead to the depth of the loose story.

The game doesn?t spin an engaging yarn, which only serves to offer a vague backdrop for the bulk of turn-based battles. Use your first pet to capture more wild pets and send your pet team to defeat or capture even more. That?s what the game is mainly about. In the unlocked areas, you can search various trees, bushes, rocks and dry branches to get different materials and items or chance upon different pets you can capture or defeat for gold coins and other rewards. Battle is turn-based and animated in a way pet capturers are familiar with. You take turns to attack, use skills when you have enough mana, switch your fighting pets in-between when you have to or choose to, and get the result of triumph or defeat in the end.

There are four types of pets belonging to Fire, Water, Earth and Wind. Different from many games of this type, to capture and to defeat a creature is not the same matter in the game. You reduce the health of a pet to defeat it, but need to use the Rune when a pet is low in health to capture it. So, without Runes, you can?t capture pets to recruit in your team. Runes can be crafted but over a long time, one per 8 hours to be exact. Even more time-consuming is the hatch of a pet egg, which usually takes 24h if without the helps you ask from at least 3 friends.

In addition to the missions, you can challenge friends to PvP as well. Not much difference from the battles of PvE, though. Honestly, the game becomes grinding very quickly with the same style of battles and contents. You can get a large group of pets at disposal, but can only take two to battles at a time in default. And it takes a lot of grinding to level up your pets in battles, which is compounded by the restriction of team slots. You can unlock more slots for your team only if you spend Rubies, the premium currency. As to Rubies, you have four for free to start off, win occasionally in the game, and have to buy if you really want the great advantages it grants.

In the game, you also have a small land where you need to buy decorations or buildings to keep the pets fed and happy and provide a safe place to hatch the eggs you get or buy. Yet, it is just a tuck-on feature, the one that drains your hard-earned gold coins quickly.

Magic Pets is a homely Jane, shortly put. It is not outstanding in either graphics or gameplay. The slowly and repetitive pet-capturing gameplay as well as the mediocre pet variety and visuals need to be overhauled. The very thing that livens the game? Magic Pets simply doesn?t have.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

Romney defends schedule, promises less fundraising (Los Angeles Times)

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Colorado State University ? Pueblo announces finalists for provost/chief academic officer

Colorado State University ? Pueblo announces finalists for provost/chief academic officer

PUEBLO ? Three individuals have been selected as finalists for the top academic position at Colorado State University-Pueblo.

The following three candidates will interview at a variety of campus forums next week for the position of Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs: Dr. Perry Rettig, associate vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh; Dr. James Payne, former regional vice chancellor for academic affairs and research at the University of South Florida Polytechnic; and Dr. Brenda Nichols, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas. Rick Kremenski, dean of the College of Science and Mathematics, has been serving as interim provost since December of 2011.??

The candidates will interview on campus on the following dates: Perry Rettig, Sept. 17; James Payne, Sept. 19, and Brenda Nichols, Sept. 21. Interview schedules and copies of the candidates? vitae will be available for viewing at . Open forum sessions for the public will be offered from 7:30-8 a.m. and 4-4:30 p.m. on each of the dates in the Occhiato University Center -- Rettig (West Ballroom), Payne (Hearthwell Lounge), Nichols (Aspen Leaf).

The Provost/VPAA is the chief academic officer of the University charged with providing dynamic and transformational leadership and overall strategic direction for the instructional and research programs of the University.? The Provost is responsible for all aspects of the academic mission and will collaborate with University leadership to guide the institution in advancing its strategic plan while considering the evolving role of the public university in the 21st century. The position has oversight responsibilities for all academic degree and non-degree programs, Student Academic Support programs, First-Year Programs, Enrollment Management, Research and Sponsored Programs, Continuing Education, Information Technology Services, the Library, the Honors Program, and the President's Leadership Program.? The Provost/VPAA reports directly to the President and works closely and directly with the Vice President for Finance and Administration in a strong team approach to the general administration of the institution.

Rettig received a Ph.D. in administrative leadership and supervision from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisc.? He also holds an M.S. in administrative leadership and supervision and a

B.S.E. in elementary education. Rettig serves as the associate vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.? He is a professor of educational administration and leadership at the same institution. In his current position he works with or chairs several initiatives including: enrollment management, retention task force, faculty and academic handbook, university compensation committee, enterprise risk management, merit and post-tenure review, budget management, and technology. Rettig has also held the positions of interim provost, interim assistant vice chancellor, and Chancellor?s Leadership Fellow at other institutions of higher education.? Rettig also held K-12 principal and teaching positions.

Payne earned a bachelor?s degree in economics from Berea College, Berea, Ken., and master?s and doctoral degrees in economics from Florida State University. Payne most recently served as the regional vice chancellor for academic affairs and research at the University of South Florida Polytechnic, a full professor of finance and economics, and research associate with the Alternative Energy Research Center. The responsibilities of that position included oversight of a $21.2 M academic affairs budget, planning and resource allocation, recruitment, hiring and retention of faculty, liaison to the University of South Florida System and numerous other organizations and agencies, and development of a transition plan for independent status.? Payne has also held the positions of interim dean, chair, and associate and assistant professor at other institutions.? In the dean?s position at Illinois State, Payne led the college to $3.8 million in fundraising and $12.5 million in grants.

After earning associate?s, bachelor?s, and master?s degrees in nursing from the University of Evansville, Nichols earned a Doctorate of Nursing Science from Indiana University.? She serves as the dean of the college of arts and sciences and a professor nursing at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas.? In her current position, Nichols is responsible for budget management, program development, accreditation, strategic planning, community partnerships, fund raising, distance learning, ability to work with culturally and ethnically diverse students, and assessing the challenges and trends facing the institution.? Nichols increased retention rates, increased the number of donors to the College including a $1.5 million named department, a $1 million unrestricted gift, and led a renovation of five buildings on the Lamar campus.? Nichols also has held administrative and teaching positions at Old Dominion and the University of Southern Mississippi.

The candidates all will follow a similar schedule:

7:30-8 a.m. Open Forum

Rettig (West Ballroom), Payne (Hearthwell Lounge), Nichols (Aspen Leaf)

8-8:50 a.m. Search Committee

9-9:50 a.m. University Leadership Team?

10-10:45 a.m. Classified Staff

11-11:45 a.m. Administrative/Professional Staff

Noon-1:20 p.m.Lunch with direct report employees

1:30-2 p.m. Chief of Staff

2-2:45 p.m. Faculty

3- 3:45 p.m. Students

4 - 4:30 p.m. Open Forum

Rettig (West Ballroom), Payne (Hearthwell Lounge), Nichols (Aspen Leaf)

4:30-5 p.m. Search Committee


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Heading to California wine country for the fall harvest? There's more to it than...

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Holyrood warned college merging is not a quick fix

THE strategy of widespread college mergers across Scotland is not a quick fix for the problems facing the sector, a leading academic has warned.

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Andrew Denholm Education Correspondent

Jim Gallacher, Emeritus Professor of Lifelong Learning at Glasgow Caledonian University, makes the claim about the Scottish Government's policy in written evidence to the Holyrood education committee, which meets tomorrow.

It comes after The Herald revealed colleges had tens of thousands of would-be students on their waiting lists.


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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Free Printable Frankenweenie Memory Card Game from Disney

Printable Memory Card Game


From creative genius Tim Burton (?Alice in Wonderland,? The Nightmare Before Christmas?) comes ?Frankenweenie,? a heartwarming tale about a boy and his dog. After unexpectedly losing his beloved dog Sparky, young Victor harnesses the power of science to bring his best friend back to life?with just a few minor adjustments. He tries to hide his home-sewn creation, but when Sparky gets out, Victor?s fellow students, teachers and the entire town all learn that getting a new ?leash on life? can be monstrous.

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FRANKENWEENIE?arrives in theatres everywhere on October 5th!


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