Monday, April 29, 2013

Jurors set to get roadmap of Jackson civil trial

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? The most complete account of Michael Jackson's final months is about to unfold in a cramped Los Angeles courtroom nearly four years after the pop superstar's death.

Lawyers for Jackson's mother will attempt to convince a jury that the company promoting the pop superstar's 2009 comeback concerts is responsible for his untimely death. The attorneys will try to prove that AEG Live hired and controlled the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter over Jackson's demise.

AEG Live denies any wrongdoing and contests that they hired the physician who for months was giving Jackson doses of a powerful anesthetic in the singer's bedroom to help him sleep.

Opening statements on Monday will provide a roadmap for a case that will delve into Jackson's addiction struggles and issues previously unexplored in court. Many of those in the singer's orbit ? family, famous friends, doctors and his teenage children ? may testify during the months-long trial.

Some of the stars listed on the witness list include Quincy Jones, Diana Ross, Lou Ferrigno and Spike Lee. Both of Jackson's ex-wives, Lisa Marie Presley and Debbie Rowe, are also listed as potential witnesses.

Katherine Jackson sued in September 2010, claiming AEG failed to properly investigate her son's doctor, Conrad Murray. All but one of her claims has been dismissed, but millions and possibly billions of dollars are at stake. The trial pits the family of a global superstar against AEG Live, a private company that as part of the Anschutz Entertainment Group has helped spark the revitalization of downtown Los Angeles with its venue, the Staples Center.

Unlike the 2011 trial that ended with Murray's conviction, the civil trial will explore the troubled finances of both men ? a situation that Katherine Jackson's attorneys say created a conflict of interest for Murray that AEG should have been aware of.

The Houston-based cardiologist was deeply in debt when he agreed to serve as Jackson's personal doctor for a series of 50 concerts in London dubbed "This Is It." The doctor had liens and owed back child support when he began working with Jackson, expecting a $150,000 a month salary. Jackson died of acute propofol intoxication before the contract was fully signed.

The trial is expected to include detailed testimony about other doctors' treatment of Jackson, a subject that was largely off-limits in the criminal case. Unlike Murray's trial, which was broadcast live, the civil case will play out without cameras in a courtroom with only 45 public seats.

AEG denies they hired Murray, and have contended he should be considered an independent contractor, a designation many hospitals deem surgeons and other physicians.

Katherine Jackson's attorneys, Brian Panish and Kevin Boyle, have repeatedly cited emails sent by top AEG executives referencing Murray's pay and his obligations to get Jackson to perform.

Marvin S. Putnam, an attorney for AEG who was not available to comment, has said the company could not have foreseen the circumstances that led to Murray's administration of propofol to Jackson as a sleep aide.

AEG has said in court filings that Jackson's family is seeking $40 billion in damages, but Panish denies that's the figure he's seeking.

"We've never asked for $40 billion," he said. "The jury is going to decide what the loss is."

The high figure, Panish said, is the company's attempt to "prejudice everybody against the Jacksons." He says the case isn't about money.

"It's about getting the truth," he said. "We'd like to get out all the evidence. The evidence is going to speak for itself that AEG had a lot of involvement and they completely deny responsibility."

Jackson's three children, Prince, Paris and Blanket are also listed as plaintiffs on the case.

Asked whether he and the Jacksons are concerned about the image of the "Thriller" singer that will emerge in court, Panish said the trial will show a different side of the superstar. "Mrs. Jackson and her grandchildren suffered a tremendous loss and AEG has never recognized that and continues to deny responsibility," he said. "The other side of the story hasn't been told."

A jury of six men and six women has been selected to decide the case.

Monday's remarks by Panish and Putnam will provide the jurors' their first true insight into the evidence they will likely hear, and once again pull back the veil of Michael Jackson's private life.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at


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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Two policemen shot as new Italy government sworn in

By Gavin Jones and Roberto Landucci

ROME (Reuters) - Enrico Letta was sworn in as Italy's new prime minister on Sunday and immediately faced an emergency after an unemployed man shot two police officers outside his office.

The 49 year-old gunman, from the poor southern region of Calabria, told investigators he had planned to attack politicians but had found none within range.

One of the officers was shot in the neck, hitting his spinal cord, and he was in a serious condition, surgeons said. The other was shot in the leg.

In a surreal scene, outgoing Prime Minister Mario Monti received the official trumpet salute in the courtyard of the renaissance Chigi palace before walking across the cordoned-off square, past police crouching over the scene of the shooting, looking for evidence.

There were immediate calls for parties to try to calm a heated public mood that has been exacerbated by deep political divisions as Italy languishes in its longest recession for 20 years and has been without a proper government for months.

"Our politicians have to start providing solutions to the social crisis and to peoples' needs because the crisis transforms victims into killers like the man who shot today," said lower house speaker Laura Boldrini.

"There's a social emergency that needs answers and our politicians have to start giving them."

Letta, 46, who will set out his program in parliament on Monday, has said his first task will be to tackle the economy which has contracted for six consecutive quarters and pushed youth unemployment close to 40 percent.

Official data this month showed that alongside Italy's 2.7 million officially unemployed in 2012, there were 3 million more who were so demoralized they had given up the search for work, a far higher number than in any other EU country.

The gunman's home town of Rosarno has a jobless rate far above the national average and is renowned for the activities of the local mafia, the 'Ndrangheta, and riots by African immigrants paid a pittance to collect the local fruit harvest.


Having fired several shots at the police on duty outside the prime minister's office, the man, dressed in a suit, shouted "shoot me, shoot me" to other officers nearby, police said.

Letta, on the right of his center-left Democratic Party (PD), ended two months of stalemate that followed an inconclusive general election by uniting political rivals in a broad coalition government.

The mix of center-right and center-left politicians and unaffiliated technocrats has a record number of seven female ministers and is made up by relative youngsters in an attempt to respond to public disillusion with the political elite.

But the continued risk of political instability was spelled out by an ally of center-right leader Silvio Berlusconi.

Renato Brunetta, lower house leader of Berlusconi's People of Freedom party (PDL), said the government would fall unless Letta promised in his maiden speech to swiftly abolish an unpopular housing tax and repay the 2012 levy to taxpayers.

"If the prime minister doesn't make this precise commitment we will not give him our support in the vote of confidence," following the speech, Brunetta told daily Il Messaggero.

He said that during negotiations for the formation of the government Letta had "given his word" on the abolition and repayment of the tax, which would gouge an 8-billion-euro hole in public accounts.

New Economy Minister Fabrizio Saccomanni, formerly deputy governor of Italy's central bank, said he wanted to cut public spending and taxes, but made no reference to the housing tax.


In the election, Italians vented their anger at a discredited political class by giving 25 percent of votes to the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement led by former comic Beppe Grillo, which refused to join any coalition.

Divisions have deepened since the vote, with millions of center-left voters upset, first by a bad split inside the PD and then by the party's decision to govern with Berlusconi after its leadership, including Letta, had ruled out that possibility.

Berlusconi, widely written off after being forced from office in 2011 at the height of a debt crisis, is now a vital part of the ruling majority and has placed several ministers in the cabinet, including the PDL's national secretary Angelino Alfano as deputy prime minister and interior minister.

Recent polls give him a lead of between five and eight percentage points over the center-left, and many commentators believe he may bring down the government as soon as he is fully confident of winning an election.

(Additional reporting by James Mackenzie and Antonella Cinelli; Editing by Robin Pomeroy)


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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Liberty Antiques Festival kicks off | - WGHP-TV 8

Posted on: 8:19 am, April 26, 2013, by Carter Coyle, updated on: 09:41am, April 26, 2013

STALEY, N.C. ? The Liberty Antiques Festival officially kicked off Friday morning at Pike Family Farms in Randolph County.

A tradition for antique collectors across the country, more than 400 vendors have spent the week setting up booths at the festival.

Buyers and sellers from more than 25 states are expected to attend the festival, which runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday at 2855 Andrews Road in Staley.

Promoters Mary Ellen and Vito Sico and Janet Hill promise 18th to 20th century furniture and accessories, pottery, glass, clocks, dolls, toys, military items, advertising, decoys, jewelry, quilts, folk art and ?in the rough? country Americana.

?No crafts or reproductions,? they added.

There was a long line forming Friday morning as folks waited for the gates to open.

Admission is $7 per person.? There is no cost for children under 12 years old.? Parking is free.


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Why Amazon Wants To Make You Pay Sales Tax

Our days of sales-taxless, free-love internet revelry may be numbered. Thursday afternoon, the Senate voted to approve a bill that could end tax-free online shopping once and for all. More »


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Movie review: Performance dominates story in 'Filly Brown' | The Salt ...

"Filly Brown" is a clear case of a character (and a performance) that?s more interesting and moving than the movie she?s in.

The title is the rap handle of Majo Tonorio (played by Gina Rodriguez), a would-be rap star growing up in L.A.?s Latino community. With lyrics borrowed by her imprisoned mother (singer Jenni Rivera, who made her acting debut before her death last December in a plane crash), Majo makes an impression with record producers ? but must decide whether to sell out for quick cash or be true to her music and to her DJ, Santa (Emilio Rivera).



?Filly Brown?

Opens Friday, April 26, at the Megaplex 15 at Valley Fair (West Jordan) and Cinemark 24 (Jordan Landing); rated R for language, some drug use and violence; 80 minutes.

There?s also home drama, with Majo?s hard-working father (Lou Diamond Phillips) clashing with the lawyer (Edward James Olmos) Majo has hired to represent her mother.

The story occasionally devolves into rags-to-riches clich?s, but directors Youssef Delara and Michael D. Olmos are at their best when spotlighting Rodriguez?s powerful performance behind the mic.;

Copyright 2013 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Be awed by Skyrim on the Oculus Rift, then let down by its limitations

Be awed by Skyrim on the Oculus Rift, then let down by its limitations

Here's some exciting news: Skyrim, the game where you hunt and murder dragons, is relatively playable on the Oculus Rift VR headset. Rather, it's workable, and should you have an Oculus dev kit (they're shipping out right now), it's not terribly hard to make the game play nice with the headset. Now here's the sad news: navigating menus is nigh impossible, according to the Penny Arcade Report. Here's PAR's Ben Kuchera on the issue, which he says goes deeper than Skryim:

"The Rift does not do well with menus, in-game text, or any user interfaces that aren't purely graphical. It's a major shortcoming of the hardware, and it makes games like Skyrim that throw many menus of that kind at you intolerable to play in a serious way. You'd have to remove the headset every time you need to read anything, much less compare weapons or assign skills."

In our experience with the Rift headset, menus weren't an issue -- but that's because it's something we never encountered. Given the development nature of the device, demos were always very guided experiences, with games being loaded independently on a separate PC and not something press had to deal with while trying to use the headset. It's possible that games like Skyrim will receive mods that make the (many, many) in-game menus usable, but it's certain that support won't come from the game's publisher, Bethesda Softworks, as it recently finalized production on the game. For a taste of Skyrim running with the Oculus Rift, head past the break.

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Source: Penny Arcade Report, YouTube


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Brain Scans Reveal That Humans Definitely Feel Empathy For Robots

While creating an empathetic robot is a long-held dream, understanding whether humans genuinely empathize with robots should—in theory—be easier. Now, a team of scientists have analyzed fMRI brain scans to reveal that humans have similar brain function when shown affection and violence being inflicted on both humans and robots. More »


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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Apr 26 ? 27: Women In Sports Event Schedule |

The Bermuda National Athletics Association and Bermuda Olympic Association, in partnership with the Argus Group, today announced the ?full details of the inaugural Women in Sports Expo to take place in Bermuda. This event will be held on Friday, April 26, and Saturday, April 27, at The Fairmont Hamilton Princess.

The Women in Sports Expo is designed to encourage equitable participation by girls and women in physical recreation and sports. The event will not only increase the profile of sports to females, it will also drive awareness of the importance of physical activity for health reasons.?The event consists of a banquet and a running/walking race followed by an Expo with speakers, demonstrations and booths.

Women in Sports Banquet, Friday, April 26, 6.30pm-10pm

This inspiring event will feature guest speaker, Lisa Leslie, a four-time American Olympic gold?medalist?basketball player, and three-time WNBA MVP. Tickets are available from and are priced at $75 per person for the banquet only.

Women in Sports Run/Walk, Saturday, April 27, 8.45am/9am start

On the Saturday morning there will be a Little Girls Rock one-mile run for females under 18, followed by a Women in Sports 5K Run/Walk. The route for both events starts and finishes at The Fairmont Hamilton Princess.

All participants will receive a completion medal, t-shirt and bag. Entry is $20 for adults, or $30 for the Run and Expo and $10 for those aged under 18. Participants need to register by completing a paper form available island-wide and returning it to Sportseller in Washington Mall before 5pm on April 24. Online registration is also available at before 5pm on April 25. No late entries will be accepted on race day. Race numbers can be picked up from The Fairmont Hamilton Princess on April 26, 12noon-4.30pm.

Women in Sports Expo, Saturday, April 27, 12noon-6pm

The fair will consist of a networking room with booths related to sports organisations, health and nutrition. International elite athletes and female Bermudian Olympians from various sports will be in attendance to speak about their experiences in sports including Paula Lewin [Bermuda sailing Olympian], Arantxa King [Bermuda long jump Olympian], Anjali Forber Pratt [American Paralympian], Jessica Lewis [Bermuda Paralympian], Pauline Davis Thompson [Bahamas track Olympic gold medallist], Chrissie Wellington [English Ironman Triathlon World Champion] and Jenaya Wade-Fray [Bermudian basketball Olympian].

There will be a ?Women?s sports and health issues? panel discussion with Pauline Davis [Bahamas track Olympian], Esther Maynard [International Athletics Association Federation Technical member], Branwen Smith-King [Assistant Director of Athletics at Tufts University], Teresa Perrozi [Bermudian middleweight world boxing champion], Bonnie Bernstein [American sports broadcaster] and Anthi Xipolia [Bermuda Rugby Football Union].

There will also be Zumba, gymnastics, Jump 2b Fit and salsa demonstrations, as well as a sports fashion show. Tickets are available from priced $20 for adults and $10 for those under 18 years. There is a reduced charge of $100 for those attending the entire weekend.

Minister of Health and Seniors Patricia Gordon-Pamplin, says: ?Regular exercise is an important aspect of looking after our health so I?m delighted that Bermuda National Athletics Association, Bermuda Olympic Association and the Argus Group have joined forces to promote sports to women on the island. Who better to hear that message from than award-winning athletes and existing sports enthusiasts? This is sure to be an inspiring and engaging event so I encourage everyone to go along and get motivated into action.?

Donna Watson, President, Bermuda National Athletics Association, says: ?We are excited to be hosting the first-ever event dedicated to women in sports on the island. It is a real privilege for us to be welcoming those at the top of their respective fields in the sporting arena to help us encourage more girls and women to take a greater interest in sports.

?Exercise is great for your health, makes you look and feel good, and the sense of personal achievement you can get from pushing your body to its limits cannot be beaten. I thank Bermuda National Athletics Association, The Bermuda Olympic Association and the Argus Group for their support in turning the concept into a reality.?

Alison Hill, Chief Executive Officer, the Argus Group, says: ?The fact that a substantial proportion of women in Bermuda do not participate in sports and physical recreation is a concern for Argus as the island?s leading health insurer. The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are increased risk of developing many serious and debilitating conditions. In addition, research1 tells us that women who take part in sports report being happier, suffer less stress and feel more confident.?

Brenda Dale, AVP, Project Manager, the Argus Group, adds: ?This is a cause that I personally endorse as the former Chair of Bermuda Government?s Women in Sports Committee from 2002 to 2005, and a current member of the Bermuda Olympic Association?s Women in Sports Committee.?

For more information about this event, please contact the Bermuda National Athletics Association on 296-0951 or email

Read More About: Bermuda road running, Bermuda track and field, Triathlon

Category: All, Sports


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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The 36th AVENUE | Colorful Furniture Makeovers

I love furniture makeovers.

For me it is an easy and affordable way to bring color into our home.

Something I?m not afraid of is paint and accent furniture such as chairs, tables, bookcases, and benches

can change the look of a room and can change the interior design of your home

from ordinary to simply extraordinary.


Colorful Furniture Makeovers... These are simply ADORABLE!


Let me show you what I am talking about with some pieces that I have done for my own home.

You don?t need to change all of your living room furniture just pick one piece and give it some love.

?This was a very sad and old end table that I found a while ago.

The green paint made such a difference not just in the end table but in the rest of the room.

Take a look at the ?tutorial of how to distressed furniture here ?at?The 36th Avenue.


This next furniture makeover has been for a long time one of my favorites

but ?red is one of those colors?that you can?t go wrong with.?

Check out our painted desk tutorial?here.


I am bringing this desk back because I want to let you know that you can paint laminated furniture.

In my opinion anything orange rocks!

Learn how to paint laminated furniture here at?The 36th Avenue.


This white and turquoise desk was one of the first projects that I shared here on?The 36th Avenue.

If you have a minute check out the tutorial and the story behind it? I paid under 10 dollars for it!

It is amazing what a little pop of color did for this Roll Top Desk.

You gotta love shabby chic furniture!


Talking ?about adding a pop of color? sometimes just a little bit of paint inside of a bookcase or hutch

can bring the piece you are working on alive.?We love our blue and ivory Hutch makeover.

You can find the tutorial also here at ?The 36th Avenue.

Hutch makeover and paint's name.


So as you can see color is a wonderful thing and you should give it a try.

For the last few weeks our link party had a ton of furniture makeovers and?

I want to share with you today some wonderful and colorful pieces that make me happy to look at.

I hope they inspire you to look around and perhaps give you the desire to give your old furniture a makeover.

Here they are?


Adorable yellow?end table?@?My 3 monsters


Turquoise?Dresser makeover??@?Simply chic treasures.



Super Cute coffee table @?House on the way



DIY Entry Table @?Liz Marie Blog


Red Dresser at Picked and Painted.


Adorable hutch makeover @ Homework


Craft Room Workbench @?Fynes Designs



White and pink bookcases @ Amy giggles design

Craft Room Hutch


Love this Bunkbed makeover @ Craft-O-Maniac


Kids desk makeover @ That?s my letter


Turquoise?Sofa Table?@?PS I paint you


I hope you like as much as I love these home decorating ideas.

So have courage and express yourself bringing your true colors into your home?

You?ll be amazed what a little bit of paint can do for your furniture!

Thank you so much for the visit? You guys are the best!



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Hi! I am Desir?e, the heart behind The 36th Avenue . I am a thrifty shopper, a fabric lover, a paint brush best friend and a never ending makeover believer. Hmmmm, yep... that sounds like me!


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Utah elementary school evacuated after suspicious device found

(Reuters) - A suburban Utah elementary school was evacuated on Monday and a suspicious device found on the campus, the school said on its website.

Mountain View Elementary School in Layton, south of Ogden, said all students were safely evacuated but would not be returning on Monday. Parents were asked to pick up their children at a nearby Mormon church as soon as possible.

The school did not immediately release further details but the Salt Lake Tribune newspaper reported that police had detonated a suspected explosive device that had been found on the roof of the campus by a maintenance worker.

"The employee said it looked like a pipe bomb. He took it off the roof ? not too sure why he did that ? but police were then notified," Davis School District spokesman Chris Williams told the Tribune.

The newspaper said a Davis County Sheriff's Department bomb squad was on the scene in addition to police and firefighters.

(Reporting by Laura Zuckerman; Writing by Dan Whitcomb; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Dale Hudson)


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Monday, April 22, 2013

?My mother?s cockatoo has spent ten years trying to kill me? (video) (Americablog)

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Self Improvement | The Feeling You Are Afraid to Fear Is Running ...

By Mafearry Lee Gannon ?

Fight or Flight ? you?ve certainly experienced it. Your heart rate and blood pressure elevate. Several hormones are then released into the bloodstream ? the most significant being epinephrine or adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones temporarily boost your ability to focus, remember and react spontaneously. But once the intensity reaches a certain level these drop off and concentration, mood and flexibility are compromised.

Many people say they work well under pressure ? for a while. They are on the adrenaline rush. Research supports, however, that prolonged exposure to stress results in a decline in physical, cognitive and affective wellbeing. And then it gets ugly.

Recently I had the privilege to spend some time with Author and Coach Rhonda Britten of Fearless Living and the former national television program ?Starting Over.? She profoundly stressed something that I believe is the root of much unhappiness, anxiety and tension in the world, ?The feeling you are afraid to feel is running your life.?

Think about it. When you react badly it is generally when you feel pressured, threatened, stressed, overwhelmed, unhappy, frustrated, depressed, etc. All of these are avoidance symptoms. They are what bubbles up within you when you are protecting yourself from something that is a part of you which you don?t want to confront. In the face of stress, you may find that you overreact, lash out, cry, are overly defensive, act irresponsibly, withdraw, ignore or any other of the avoidance behaviors. When the dust settles you feel shamed and beat yourself up with ?Why did I do that? I know better than that.? Unfortunately reacting rashly when stressed inhibits your effectiveness in work, love and family relationships, friendships, and social encounters. Thus you become less respected, effective, understood, revered and content.

So how do you fix it? There are many effective methods to reduce stress ? more than I can list here. But they are only a band aid over the bigger issue ? what are you really afraid of? You can?t let go of something that you haven?t defined.

There are a number of articles on my web site on fear. Don Miguel Ruiz?s book The Four Agreement holds two Agreements that I think are the biggest counter to feeling anxious and afraid. He wisely advises us: ?Don?t take anything personally,? and ?Don?t make assumptions.? Our life experience has led us to internalize our own and other people?s perceptions of us which leads to negative head trash like, ?They?ll think I can?t do it.? I?ll end up alone.? ?I never get a break.? ?He doesn?t really care about me.?

In order to eliminate the head trash you must learn not to eliminate your fears ? that is impossible ? but to co-exist with them.

Uncover Your Fear

1. Pay attention to your reactions. When do you react badly? Is it when you feel someone is challenging your performance? Is it when your loved one makes plans without you? Is it when someone challenges your perspective? Is it when someone is behaving hypocritically? If you are not sure keep a list and write down when this has happened and exactly how you felt at the moment you started behaving outside of your authentic self.

I react badly when?

2. Imagine yourself right smack dab in the middle of that critical moment when you lost it. Just before you said or did that thing that you regret, totally immerse yourself in the situation ? all of the negativity, judgment, insensitivity, assault language, feelings of abandonment, your own insecurity, and anxiousness. Now flash freeze everyone and everything in place. Nothing and no one is moving, breathing or talking. The silence is deafening. You are the only one freely moving, inhaling and exhaling, and thinking at this point.

3. What is your fear saying to you? At that moment the only sound you can hear is fear. It is trying to protect you, however negative it is ? what is it trying to protect you from? This is not yet your true fear. But listen to what it is saying.

My fear is saying this to me?

4. Ask yourself if the answer to #3 comes true, ?What will happen then?? What will happen in the worst case scenario if what you thought you feared came true? Keep asking the question, ?What will happen then until there are no more answers. This is what you are truly afraid of. This is where you feel devalued and threatened. This is what sends you over the edge outside of yourself.

If my fear comes true then?


Release Your Fear

5. Clear the Chaos. Now imagine that all of the negative energy in the room as well as your fear is like a shower curtain around you ? all of the feelings of rejection, abandonment, judgment, inadequacy etc. Gently reach up and move that shower curtain aside and along with it all of that negative energy.

6. What do you think the people left in the room fear? These are the people whose behavior may be a source of your anxiety. Look at the people before you. They are behaving as a result of a feeling. What is that feeling? What could their fears be? What would be left if you moved their shower curtain of fears aside?

The people around me fear?

7. How can you serve them better? Focus on their needs instead of yours. Be curious and compassionate. This will take the anxiety out of the situation and give you a purpose that is not in reaction to your own fear but in service to the fear of others. You?ll feel valued. Not devalued.

I can better serve these people by?

8. What percentage chance does your fear have of coming true? It will be a low number since your fear is a perception and not based in truth. Post this number with the percent sign next to it where you can see it every day. Look at it and realize that your fear has only that chance of occurring.

9. Now that you understand what you are truly afraid of, live in conjunction with it as opposed to in anxiety over it. Understand that it is not your authentic self but a voice based on fear that is trying to protect you. Woosh it aside like the shower curtain when you notice it and assure it, ?I can handle it. I got this one.?

Mary Lee Gannon is a life reinvention coach that helps people reinvent their lives so that they can break through to life balance with financial abundance using the strategies that took her from welfare to CEO. She has been featured in Money Magazine, NPR,, and U. S. News and World Report. Her book ?Starting Over? is available in bookstores, online or on her web site and her Life Reinvention System is available on her web site at

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Squeeze on Britons' finances worsens for first time in 2013 - poll

LONDON (Reuters) - Britons' finances deteriorated in April at a faster pace than in March as incomes fell and living costs rose, and households expected the squeeze to continue, reducing their ability to spend and support the economy.

Survey compiler Markit said on Monday that its headline Household Finance Index fell to 37.7 from 39.3 in March, sinking further below the 50 level that would mark no change compared with a month ago. That is the first drop in the index since December.

The index is not adjusted for seasonal influences due to a limited history of data.

Thirty-two percent of households said their finances worsened this month, while only 8 percent reported an improvement.

On future prospects, almost 42 percent expected to be worse off in 12 months' time versus the 27 percent who thought they would have more money to spend.

"April's survey highlights a deepening downturn in financial well-being, driven by renewed pressures on household income and another strong rise in living costs," said Tim Moore, the author of the report, saying this was likely to undermine consumer spending in coming months.

The threat from high inflation was particularly striking: the index measuring inflation expectations for the year ahead rose to its highest level since the survey was first compiled more than four years ago, reaching 94.6.

Consumer spending, which generates about two thirds of Britain's gross domestic product, is vital to the economy's chances of meaningful growth after more than a year of stagnation.

The survey of 1,500 people was conducted between April 10 and April 15.

(Reporting by Olesya Dmitracova; Editing by Ruth Pitchford)


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U. of Illinois researchers measure near-field behavior of semiconductor plasmonic microparticles

U. of Illinois researchers measure near-field behavior of semiconductor plasmonic microparticles [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Apr-2013
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Contact: William P. King
University of Illinois College of Engineering

Nanometer-scale heating reveals surface plasmon resonance

Recent progress in the engineering of plasmonic structures has enabled new kinds of nanometer-scale optoelectronic devices as well as high-resolution optical sensing. But until now, there has been a lack of tools for measuring nanometer-scale behavior in plasmonic structures which are needed to understand device performance and to confirm theoretical models.

"For the first time, we have measured nanometer-scale infrared absorption in semiconductor plasmonic microparticles using a technique that combines atomic force microscopy with infrared spectroscopy," explained William P. King, an Abel Bliss Professor in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering (MechSE) at Illinois. "Atomic force microscope infrared spectroscopy allows us to directly observe the plasmonic behavior within microparticle infrared antennas."

The article describing the research, "Near-field infrared absorption of plasmonic semiconductor microparticles studied using atomic force microscope infrared spectroscopy," appears in Applied Physics Letters.

"Highly doped semiconductors can serve as wavelength flexible plasmonic metals in the infrared," noted Daniel M. Wasserman, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Illinois. "However, without the ability to visualize the optical response in the vicinity of the plasmonic particles, we can only infer the near-field behavior of the structures from their far-field response. What this work gives us is a clear window into the optical behavior of this new class of materials on a length scale much smaller than the wavelength of light."

The article compares near-field and far-field measurements with electromagnetic simulations to confirm the presence of localized plasmonic resonance. The article further reports high resolution maps of the spatial distribution of absorption within single plasmonic structures and variation across plasmonic arrays.

"The ability to measure near field behavior in plasmonic structures allows us to begin expanding our design parameters for plasmonic materials," commented Jonathan Felts, a MechSE graduate student. "Now that we can measure the optical behavior of individual features, we can start to think about designing and testing more complex optical materials."


The authors on the research are Jonathan Felts, Stephanie Law, Daniel M. Wasserman, and William P. King of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, along with Christopher M. Roberts and Viktor Podolskiy of the University of Massachusetts. The article is available at This research was supported by the National Science Foundation.

Contact: William King, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 217/244-3864

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U. of Illinois researchers measure near-field behavior of semiconductor plasmonic microparticles [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Apr-2013
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Contact: William P. King
University of Illinois College of Engineering

Nanometer-scale heating reveals surface plasmon resonance

Recent progress in the engineering of plasmonic structures has enabled new kinds of nanometer-scale optoelectronic devices as well as high-resolution optical sensing. But until now, there has been a lack of tools for measuring nanometer-scale behavior in plasmonic structures which are needed to understand device performance and to confirm theoretical models.

"For the first time, we have measured nanometer-scale infrared absorption in semiconductor plasmonic microparticles using a technique that combines atomic force microscopy with infrared spectroscopy," explained William P. King, an Abel Bliss Professor in the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering (MechSE) at Illinois. "Atomic force microscope infrared spectroscopy allows us to directly observe the plasmonic behavior within microparticle infrared antennas."

The article describing the research, "Near-field infrared absorption of plasmonic semiconductor microparticles studied using atomic force microscope infrared spectroscopy," appears in Applied Physics Letters.

"Highly doped semiconductors can serve as wavelength flexible plasmonic metals in the infrared," noted Daniel M. Wasserman, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at Illinois. "However, without the ability to visualize the optical response in the vicinity of the plasmonic particles, we can only infer the near-field behavior of the structures from their far-field response. What this work gives us is a clear window into the optical behavior of this new class of materials on a length scale much smaller than the wavelength of light."

The article compares near-field and far-field measurements with electromagnetic simulations to confirm the presence of localized plasmonic resonance. The article further reports high resolution maps of the spatial distribution of absorption within single plasmonic structures and variation across plasmonic arrays.

"The ability to measure near field behavior in plasmonic structures allows us to begin expanding our design parameters for plasmonic materials," commented Jonathan Felts, a MechSE graduate student. "Now that we can measure the optical behavior of individual features, we can start to think about designing and testing more complex optical materials."


The authors on the research are Jonathan Felts, Stephanie Law, Daniel M. Wasserman, and William P. King of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, along with Christopher M. Roberts and Viktor Podolskiy of the University of Massachusetts. The article is available at This research was supported by the National Science Foundation.

Contact: William King, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 217/244-3864

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