Saturday, May 14, 2011

brztc health ? Blog Archive ? ?Reference? kidney disease diet

? 12 2011

diet of raw materials and energy metabolism of human origin, the ancient physicians have long recognized that ?the taste of food, there are affordable with the disease, there is and as harmful, if the body had the benefit, damage is into the illness. ?Help with eating and diet on the development and treatment of disease are closely related, particularly in patients with kidney disease the role of diet in the treatment of the more important for chewing.

the so-called diet, that is, the drug with food, spices and a reasonable mix of drugs taken, food flavor, food, by the drug, food aid drug Viagra, the two complement each other and thus improve the clinical efficacy of a treatment. In the treatment of diseases with citrus food and medicine, the ancient physicians have accumulated a lot of valuable experience, it should now select according to different symptom characteristics, described as follows:

( 1) acute glomerulonephritis

1) drink Corn: Corn 60g, water 500ml, boiling for 20 minutes, slow fire, on behalf of the tea used, there help to eliminate edema.

2) Corn, melon red bean drink: Corn. 30g, melon skin 20g, Chixiaodou 30g, water 500ml, boiling and then boiling the mixture gently for 20 minutes, juice behalf of the tea, help to eliminate edema.

3) red bean garlic burns melon blackfish: fresh blackfish 1 (1kg or so), remove the scales and internal organs, melon 500g (skin), red bean 6g , garlic 6, amount of water, not salt and MSG, cooked food, help to eliminate edema.

4) melon soup: seeded West rang lkg, cut into small squares ??, orange cake 20g, chopped, add water 500ml, boiling for 10 minutes , and then washed foam West lOOg swollen, drain the water after adding the pot, cook for 3-5 minutes after the take, help to eliminate edema.

5) Capsella porridge: Fresh shepherd purse 250g (dry shepherd purse with 90g), washed, chopped, add rice 100-150g, porridge eating, can help Elimination of hematuria.

6) shepherd purse and egg soup: fresh shepherd purse 200g (or dry Capsella 60g), washed with water 400ml, boiled eggs, stir after 20 minutes of juice into the pot, a little salt, fresh vegetables and egg soup chestnut, 1-2 times a day, help to eliminate edema and hematuria.

7) carp soup: fresh carp l bar, remove the internal organs scraping scales, the end of the first add a little onion ginger and a little cooking wine, salt, cooked fish Remove the soup, add soaked rice 50g, Chixiaodou 50g, boil Zhu Chengyu after eating, help to eliminate edema.

(2) chronic glomerulonephritis

1) soybean milk drink: black soybean , mung bean, red bean, raw Coix seed 30g, 10 pieces of garlic, wheat bran 60g, (with a cloth bandage), add water 500g, boiled Shulan, drinking gravy have to open the appetite, eliminate edema effect.

2) porridge Astragalus: Astragalus 30g (with gauze wrap), Coix Seed, Chixiaodou the 30g, rice 50g, jujube 7, add amount of water, boil into a porridge eating, help kidney swelling.

3) Gorgon porridge: Gorgon 30g ginkgo 10, rice 30g, boil after eating Zhu Chengyu, 1 day, 10 days for a course of treatment, help to eliminate proteinuria.

4) turtle pig stomach soup: Turtle 1 (500g or so), pig stomach 500g, cut into small pieces and set the casserole, add water, simmer for into a paste, morning and evening food 1, finished in 2 solar eclipse, the next day and then eat one time, three to a course of treatment. Help to eliminate proteinuria.

5) daily 500-1000ml of fresh goat milk consumption, help to retire edema, eliminate protein.

6) Cordyceps duck: a female duck, remove the internal organs back hair, Cordyceps sinensis 6g, duck into the belly, garlic 3-5 pieces, add some water , text Huoao rotten, meat soup, help tonic swelling.

7) melon soup: 500 grams of melon, cut into blocks, rice lOOg, ham 50g, cut fine, a little diced green onion, sesame oil 15g, Fine salt 3g, water 1000ml. Frying pan get angry, and melon stir-fried sesame oil, add ham at the end, rice, water, thin salt, boil, reduce the text Huoao Zhu Chengyu, add diced green onion, mixing can be eaten to help retire edema , elimination hematuria.

8) Snow soup: Jellyfish 60g, go into the taste of washing, water chestnuts 60g, soup to take to help lower blood pressure.

9) white fungus soup: white fungus 6g, add a little rock sugar, slow fire, after taking boiled help lower blood pressure.

10) Eucommia kidney soup: Eucommia 30g, after boiling down the juice, kidney 1, washed and chopped into Eucommia juice, cooked cooked food; blame treat kidney lower back pain o

(3) chronic renal failure

1) edema

? Onion soup: rice 50g, light blue 7, first boil rice congee, temporary cooked into the light blue, food cover is shelter from the wind, so that was slightly sweated.

? basil soup: take rice 50g, boil Zhu Chengyu, will, when cooked into the sage log, serve hot.

? Astragalus Congee: rice 50g, Radix Astragali 20g, porridge consumption.

? garlic pepper soup carp: carp 1 (about 150g), 6 garlic, pepper project log, crucian carp to the scales to open the belly than the intestines, clean Head into the maw in the Law, into the large

Gong Zhu garlic, no salt, meat soup.

? Guizhifuling flour porridge: rice 60g, Poria powder 15g, Gui 12g, rice porridge first, then into the Poria powder, cassia twig pieces , cooked and dumped Guizhi consumption.

2) vomiting

? ginger soup: rice 50g, ginger, 3, first rice porridge, cooked when you join the Pro ginger, a small amount of frequency of drinking.

? ginger soup: Take 3-5 drops of ginger juice, rice water drops in the frequency service.

? liver fried half Xiafu Long: Pinellia log, Fulong liver lOOg, ginger log, standing soaked first Fulong liver supernatant, and then fried Pinellia, Ginger, a little with it.

3) blood urea nitrogen increased

? fish soup: fresh carp 1 (250g so), bean sprouts 30g, through grass 3g, the crucian carp to the scales and internal organs, water stew, bean sprouts re-entry, through the grass, fish, bean sprouts, cooked soup into going after, through the grass, only eat fish and soup.

? yellow female chicken: chicken 1 yellow female, grass and fruit 6g, Chixiaodou 30g, hair and intestinal first to belly chicken, wash fruit and grass, Chixiaodou cook, meat soup.

? Guizhifuling eggs: Gui 15g, Poria 30g, egg 1, first boiled cassia twig, Poria, the juice will break the egg shell immersed in juice in Dunshu, fresh eggs Yin Tang.

4) anemia

? Ejiao porridge: Ejiao 30g, research fine dry fried so yellow To the end, take rice porridge, stir gelatin under drink.

? egg soup Placenta: Placenta powder 3g, eggs, 1? first egg into small bowl, stir flour into the Placenta , add a little rice soup then stir into the sauce were steamed food.

? lamb stew Angelica: Angelica 60g, meat 250g, Dunshu eat. Review this

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