Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Defining Cash Flow Management for Small Business | ABA United

May 30th, 2011 by admin Leave a reply ?

Defining Cash Flow Management for Your Small Business ImageIn running small business, there are several important tasks to be included in cash flow management system. The tasks can be done in daily, weekly and monthly term basis. The good management system has a major task to define the persons who are n charge of the certain tasks and do the routine checking to ensure the management system had been done in a proper manner. In this management system, you need to be proactive to know the cash you will need in the future.

There are following major tasks to manage the small business cash flow management in daily operation:

  1. Prepare and evaluate your cash flow plan in weekly basis. You need to find out how much cash you are starting with, when the cash will due in and what cash is due out.
  2. Manage your daily cash income including the credit card payments. Supervise closely the internal controls for the cash management. You need to find different person to reconcile your bank accounts and cash accounts to the persons who take care of deposits of checks and cash.
  3. Evaluate your profit and loss in monthly basis. It is preferably if you prepare the profit and loss statement in house or you may hire the accountant for doing it but do not delay too long. There are accounting software package like Quickbooks and MYOB that can be appropriate for small businesses and are user friendly for setting up or generating P & L reports.
  4. Review the Balance Sheet regularly in monthly basis. You can calculate your quick ratio (liquid assets divided by current liabilities). The good standard of the quick ratio should be bigger than 1 and current ratio (assets divided by liabilities should be at least 2 to 1.
  5. Make sure that any redundancy cash is generating the interest for you and also easy to access.
  6. Meet your back to discuss the credit term in case you need it.

A small business owner may be using his/her own certain methods for the small business, but cash flow management is the essential area that small business owner have to be considered not to delegate or ignore.

Posted in Management

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Source: http://www.abaunited.com/defining-cash-flow-management-small-business.html

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Life Skills Coaching & Tools For Transformation

This article has been viewed 36 times.

Life Skills Coaching is designed to meet your individual needs, establish your specific goals and apply the tools tailored for your personal healing. The following transformational tools for Life Skills Coaching will provide you with the methods, techniques, and psychology you?ll need to actualize your like skills objectives:

Self Transcendence: The ego is not your true, eternal Self, but rather is a construct based on whatever you identify with during your time here on Earth. The more you try to convince yourself that the ego is the true sense of who you are, the more you will suffer because of it. Therefore, transcending human suffering requires transcending the ego. Self Transcendence Life Skills Coaching can help you to create a space of awareness between your true Self and the ego.

Shadow Work: Do you blame others or life in general for your own emotional sufferings, your own problems? In truth, when you blame someone or something for anything, no matter how little or how large, this blame will always be rooted in repressed issues that have nothing to do with ?him? or ?her? or ?them? or ?it,? but everything to do with your shadow. Projecting on to others what we secretly despise in ourselves is what the shadow is all about. Shadow Work Life Skills Coaching can provide you with the tools you?ll need to become aware your hidden shadow. This will help you to heal your repressed trauma and awaken to your true Self.

Pain-Body Work: The more you repress this negative self, the darker and denser it becomes. Left unresolved, these darker shadow emotions inevitably manifest themselves?beyond our control?as addiction, abuse, obsession, hatred, rage, and violence. Spiritual teacher, Eckhart Tolle, believes in a psychic parasite that he calls the ?pain-body.? Many pain-body hosts repeatedly stir up debate, drama, and conflict in their daily lives. The emotional reaction that they receive as a result of the drama is pure energy for the pain-body to ?feed on.? A Pain-Body Work Life Skills Coach can provide you with the tools, techniques, and psychology you?ll need to transcend your pain-body and achieve inner peace.

Heart-Brain Circuitry: Neurocardiologist, Dr. J. Andrew Armour introduced the ?heart brain? concept in 1991. His work revealed that the heart has the ability to act independently of the cranial brain, i.e. to learn, remember, feel, even sense. The emotional body of the current human species is not located in the heart. It is located in the right brain. Because the brain is polarized, brain-based creativity is possible but comes with a price: You will also get what you don?t want. Heart-Brain Life Skills Coaching can teach you how to get out of your head and into your heart. By accessing your Heart-Brain, you will be tapping into the true power of intention.

Life Path Astrology & Numerology: If you don?t love what you do, you?ll never be successful at it. As Joseph Campbell said, ?Follow your bliss.? Most people are unhappy with what they?re doing and this alone can have a detrimental effect on their peace of mind. It can also be frustrating when you feel that you were meant to be following a very different path from where you currently are in life, but you just can?t seem to articulate what that particular path is. A Life Path Astrology or Numerology Life Skills Coach can determine your most compatible career and true life path by analyzing and interpreting the data from your time, date, and place of birth.

The Law of Attraction: Because everything in the universe has its own frequency or energy vibration, if we resist against the present moment armed with anger, frustration, or defiance, then we will inevitably be giving what we don?t want more power. Contrarily, if we accept it with unconditional love, then we change the frequency of our response. In this way, our frequency does not empower what we don?t want. This subtle exchange of energy is known as the Law of Attraction. Law of Attraction Life Skills Coaching can help you to put this natural law on your side.

The Power of Presence: Think of someone you love unconditionally, no matter what they say or do. Now, I ask you, if you can love this person unconditionally?why not life itself? Why not everything that life brings to you? Learning how to love life unconditionally puts the Power of Presence on your side. When we are fully aligned with the Power of Presence, we become awakened to our infinite, transcendent, indistinct and formless Self. A Power of Presence Life Skills Coach can provide you with the tools you?ll need to live every moment in the eternal Now.

In 2007, Life Skills Coach, Jason Lincoln Jeffers founded The Art of Transformation, a company focused on teaching Self Realization to mankind. His Life Skills Coaching practice implements the following tools for transformation: self transcendence, holistic wellness, life path astrology, shadow work, pain-body healing, heart-brain intention, the power of presence, and the law of attraction.

Source: http://www.pagequest.co.uk/self-improvement/life-skills-coaching-tools-for-transformation/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=life-skills-coaching-tools-for-transformation

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Managing Franchise Business

Among the explanations why franchises are actually well-liked nowadays happens because individuals prefer to run their very own company last but not least manage the cash they must be producing. My personal recommendation for you isn?t to consider franchises like a youthful company but instead think about the business like a equip for an currently set up company.

The very first thing you must know regarding franchises isn?t most people are outfitted to operate all of them as well as that?s why you ought to understand for those who have what must be done or even not really. Exactly what the majority of people don?t get is actually managing a business isn?t because difficult because they might believe, particularly using the support as well as assistance from the business by itself. With regards to franchises they?ve exactly the same at risk while you perform as well as this is because since it requires cash to coach a person, this expenses cash to obtain your company just about all set up, also it requires cash only to obtain all of the documents created away as well as prepared. That which you should recognize may be the business you?re likely to run desires you to definitely be successful most likely a lot more than you would like you to ultimately succeed as well as this is because simply because their own achievement trips in your achievement.

To be able to understand for those who have what must be done to operate the business you need to very first have the ability to solution a few truly fundamental queries; The reason why would you like to run the business, Exactly what encounter have you got in operation, Exactly what abilities are you able to provide towards the organization, and finally have you been ready to set up prolonged several hours before company is actually adult? They are everything you need to think about to be able to understand for those who have what must be done to use the business. Should you don?t realize that a lot regarding franchising or even you don?t have considerable time to create apart with regard to something similar to this particular after that the thing you have to understand is actually you could employ somebody however the issue is you?ll have to hand out the cash before you decide to actually start generating any kind of.

The final point you must know regarding identifying regardless of whether you?ve what must be done or even to not run the business is actually it just about all boils down for your may as well as your dedication. Have you been enthusiastic concerning earning money in the business or even is actually this particular simply some thing you need to try and find out exactly how this functions? The main reason you ought to be enthusiastic concerning generating revenue in the business happens because with no enthusiasm or even inspiration to complete something you most likely won?t which indicates your own dedication is actually non-existent and you?ll not really wish to accomplish all you may to determine the actual business achieve success. My personal suggestion for you is actually before you decide to enter the agreement having a business you have to determine in the event that this really is something a person actually want to perform or even exactly what.

Did you enjoy this post? Why not leave a comment below and continue the conversation, or subscribe to my feed and get articles like this delivered automatically to your feed reader.

Source: http://gift-lucky.com/2011/05/28/managing-franchise-business/

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Kids And Teens ? Teaching Guitar To Groups Of Children ...

If you are new to teaching guitar to children in groups you will likely follow a familiar path. I have personally been teaching children for over 20 years but originally only taught one on one. My early belief was group teaching was less effective but the truth was I just did not know how to teach groups of children guitar. Here is how and what I learned.

My first experiences with group teaching were with adults. Adults are very easy to teach in groups because they listen without any need for rules. In other words they are all ears. There are some challenges of course but those challenges are mostly to do with guitar playing.

The answers to these questions will tell you if the child is in a restricted access area, such as an intensive care unit, what times of the day the child feels best or is most alert, and if there are any limitations on how the child can play and what he or she can eat.

Armed with this information, the next step in creating a much-needed diversion from the hospital routine can be targeted by considering the child?s age and interests.

Stage 3. Class strategies ? I now had their attention so it was important I knew where I was going and what the objective was. I created the G4 GUITAR METHOD with Checklists so everyone was clear about the goal. I learned many years ago that the best lesson you can teach children is how to learn. Learning how to learn is more important that the content itself. In other words teaching them how to break tasks down into achievable steps with a clear goal in view is how they gain confidence. Many teachers get wrapped up in trying to come up with songs that will inspire their students from week to week but this is not a recommended strategy. Having a set program allows you to develop your teaching strategies each week because you learn how to get students over the same hurdles with greater ease. This builds confidence in both you and your students.

Levels of literacy and numeracy are reportedly poor in teens. You don?t need statistics to point out these facts ? you need only spend a few hours with a group of teenagers to realise that they place importance on other things. Whilst able to design a perfect power point presentation with spectacular graphics, using a pre-packaged suite on a well-known platform, teens seem unable to find the time to check their work for such things as spelling, grammar and so on. The basics are most definitely dead. With so many people arguing that there is no longer a need for a person to be able to spell for themselves because of spell checkers and predictive text, it seems that teenagers continue in ignorant bliss as to the detrimental effects that texting is having on them and the long term effects of society. We are even breeding a generation of teachers who aren?t able to correct their pupils? work because they often don?t know any different either.

The Result ? Here is an example. A good routine is to begin every class with 5 mins of isolated picking. Start slow and even then lift the tempo in steps. By doing this students will want to practice picking each week so they get faster. Next pick a skill and do 10 minutes. E.g. Reading. Next do another skill or song. 3 minutes revise and answer question or have a little fun. Show off your own guitar skills. Leave them on high. Pumped and motivated. Last 2 minutes try and speak to a parent or two. While you are doing this usher your next group in and ask them to start with the picking. Don?t ever leave them just sitting there

Matthew Carey Presents the following posts How to Compare Debt Consolidators.
Debt Consolidators Programs In NY
Debt Consolidators ? How You Can Avoid Being Cheated By Debt Relief Companies?

Source: http://noelinfoservices.com/Kids_and_Teens/archives/2817

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Microsoft manager teams up with teens to build a fusion reactor in his garage (video)

Fusion Reactor
Normally, if a grown man talks about building a fusion reactor and wants your 13-year-old to hang out in his garage, we'd expect you to smile, back away slowly, and perhaps alert the authorities. But, if that man is Microsoft program manager Carl Greninger there's no need to run. The science fanatic recruited a team of teens, as young as 13, and worked with them to build a Farnsworth-Hirsch Fusor -- a (comparatively) simple nuclear reactor that smashes together atoms and produces neutrons. Check out the nearly 20-min video after the break to watch a bunch of high school kids generate ball of ionized plasma. And to think, all that's in your garage is that '65 Mustang you swear you're gonna restore one day.

Continue reading Microsoft manager teams up with teens to build a fusion reactor in his garage (video)

Microsoft manager teams up with teens to build a fusion reactor in his garage (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 28 May 2011 02:02:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Source: http://www.engadget.com/2011/05/28/microsoft-manager-teams-up-with-teens-to-build-a-fusion-reactor/

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Free online music streaming, playlist & sharing ? Free Internet Apps

May 27, 2011 by pqinetwork

A free online music player that lets you search for and stream music online for free. If the right kind of music helps you to complete more of your tasks or helps make the time go by, then you should try out this web-based free app. ?This is a very basic but powerful online music streaming application that allows you to search for your favorite songs (by title or artist) and allows you to create your own playlist. ?You can even create multiple playlist, shuffle, repeat, pause and arrange your songs in any order you like. ?Once you have created your playlist(s), you can select to share individual songs as well as your full playlist. Because you don?t even need to register for the site, you will need to make sure to ?share? (send) a copy of your playlist link to yourself.

You also have a few settings to enhance your selections, you can include video and HD quality audio. ?There is no downloading or plug-ins required and everything is right from your browser and online connection. We tested this application within a strict firewalled internal network and were able to listen and add songs without performing any ?adjustments?.

Not sure where the app is pulling the songs from or how (or if) they are addressing copy-writing issues. ?But this is a very simple and easy-to-use app for creating online playlist and accessing your favorite music on any Internet connected device.

Review of Basic App Features:

  • Online music streaming
  • Search songs (by title and/or artist)
  • Setting adjustments and types (audio, lyrics, video, etc)
  • Shuffle, repeat and pause songs in playlist
  • Share individual songs or full playlist
  • Create multiple playlist
  • No plug-in or downloads
  • Works behind firewalls

Summary Review and Grade

Not are typical post but as we link to work with music and because this really is a very user-friendly?free app, we could not resist.

To give it a try, visit the Redolf Home Page

Learn More About the Performance & Quality Improvement (PQI) Network and other Free Internet Resources

Your Opinion Matters, please rate this post and provide any feedback

Source: http://freeinternetapps.com/2011/05/27/redolf/

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Digital Frontiers Media Improves Fitness of Plus One's Website ...

Posted by admin on May 28th, 2011 at 12:16pm


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Digital Frontiers Media Improves Fitness of Plus One?s Website

New Plus One website by Digital Frontiers Media.

Sarasota, FL (PRWEB) September 14, 2009

Digital Frontiers Media (DFM) has completed a scaleable website that better meets the needs of Plus One and its customer base with new features including a blog, indexed archives, RSS feeds and enhanced search engine optimization (SEO). The upgraded Internet presence has been a real shot in the arm for the private health management company, one of the fastest growing in the country with a 2008 gross revenue of .6 million according to Inc. Magazine?s ?Inc 5000? report.

What?s more, DFM enhanced the company?s return on investment by making the site easy to upgrade and maintain. Using common text editing tools, Plus One personnel can quickly and constantly update the site themselves, adding pages or changing navigation as their needs change.

?Our expertise in the deployment of the Drupal Content Management System (CMS) was key to the site?s increased flexibility,? says DFM President Stephen Barker. ?The site?s database-driven framework allows the user to re-theme and add new functions without losing content or having to rebuild the site from scratch as future needs develop.?

DFM is contracted with Plus One to continue work on the website to improve its SEO beyond historic levels and outpace Plus One?s competitors. As a result, the site has been steadily moving up the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) daily on its way to the top SERP positions for Plus One?s established service fields.

For more information on Digital Frontiers Media and its range of services, visit http://digitalfrontiersmedia.com.

Digital Frontiers Media (DFM) is a media production company based in Sarasota, Florida that specializes in projects where technology, content, and interactivity intersect in the areas of web development, Content Management Systems, multimedia, and custom programming. Founded in 2007 by President Stephen Barker, DFM?s innovative structure enables the company to assemble talent into teams specifically tailored to a client?s needs.

Plus One Health Management Inc. is a leader in the design, development, and management of fitness centers, spas, and wellness programs for large corporations, luxury hotels, real estate developers, and community centers. Plus One applies an integrated approach, while catering to some of the finest organizations in the world. Clients include Fortune 500 companies, luxury hotel properties, financial services firms, law partnerships, and world leaders in the media, biotechnology, energy, and pharmaceutical industries. Founded in 1986 as a personal training clinic for celebrities and discerning clients who valued custom health and wellness solutions, today Plus One employs more than 1,500 professionals nationwide.

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Vocus?Copyright 1997-, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.

Tags: Content Management System, Customer Base, Dfm, Digital, Digital Frontiers, Fitness, Frontiers, Gross Revenue, Health Management, Improves, Internet Presence, Management Company, Media, New Frontiers, Ones, Optimization Seo, Plus, Private Health, Prweb, Return On Investment, Sarasota Fl, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Results, Shot In The Arm, Stephen Barker, Text Editing Tools, Website, Xmlns

Under SEO RSS Feeds

Source: http://viral-seo.com/2011/digital-frontiers-media-improves-fitness-of-plus-ones-website/

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Lindsay Lohan -- Feeling Blu

Lindsay Lohan is making the most of her time under house arrest by reading scripts ... and endorsing a line of electronic cigarettes!

A company called Blu Cigs sent around the posed pics today, saying Lindsay "is determined to better her career and her health and has started using Blu Cigs as a deterrent to lighting up."

One step at a time.

Tags: Lindsay Lohan

Source: http://www.tmz.com/2011/05/28/lindsay-lohan-electronic-cigarette-house-arrest-script-posed-photos/

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Utah Insurance Company President Charged in Fraud Scheme - The BLT ...

The president of Utah-based Status Insurance Services is facing insurance fraud charges in Washington federal district court in a scheme that prosecutors said involved false statements made to a regulatory agency here.

Bret Van Leeuwen, an insurance broker who founded Stratus, is set for a plea hearing June 1 in front of U.S. District Judge Ricardo Urbina, court records show.

The government filed an information (PDF) against Leeuwen on May 19 charging him with, among other crimes, insurance fraud and aiding and abetting. A criminal information is generally filed in cases where a defendant has agreed to plea deal with prosecutors.

Van Leeuwen?s attorneys, Zuckerman Spaeder partners William Taylor III and Eric Delinsky, today filed an emergency motion to postpone the plea hearing until later in June. Taylor, who is lead counsel, will be out of the country at the time of the hearing.

Taylor, an attorney for former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn in the sex crimes case in Manhattan, and Delinksy were not immediately reached for comment today about the Van Leeuwen prosecution. Court records do not indicate the terms of any plea deal.

The assistant U.S. attorney handling the case, Michael Atkinson of the fraud and public corruption section, declined to comment through a spokesman.

Stratus, prosecutors said, focuses on specialty insurance programs for associations and purchasing groups.

Van Leeuwen and another man, Rodney Ayer, president of New Jersey-based Phoenix Underwriting Managers, worked together to place Wright & Co.?s Federal Employee Professional Liability insurance program with insurance carriers.

Wright & Co. provides supplemental insurance programs to the federal government. The employees liability program provides insurance to, among others, FBI personnel against civil and criminal actions stemming from acts committed while performing professional duties.

Prosecutors said Van Leeuwen and Ayer worked with other organizations, including the IMA Group, an association for yoga, reflexology and aromatherapy, and the International Association of Reike Professionals, to place members with insurance carriers.

IMA Group, according to court records, formed a non-profit called the Health and Beauty Risk Purchasing Group, or HBRPG, which served as the insurance purchasing entity for IMA.

Beginning in 2004, Van Leeuwen and Ayer discussed with multi-national insurance carrier Hannover Rueckverisherung AG the creation of ?protected cell companies? to insure the health and beauty group and the federal employees liability program. Leeuwen and Ayer would co-own the cells.

Prosecutors allege Van Leeuwen and Ayer did not disclose to Wright & Co. and the other companies the ownership interest the two men had in the cells.

Van Leeuwen and Ayer, according to the government, received ?substantial? premium payments from members of the FEPL program and the HBRPG. The two men also paid claims and expenses associated with the programs, keeping the underwriting profits for themselves. Court papers do not indicate the amount of profit.

Van Leeuwen and Ayer ?recognized the potential of realizing substantial underwriting profits from the FEPL Program and the HBRPG through the use of the cells,? Atkinson said in charging documents.

In 2006, Hannover backed out of coverage for the federal employees liability program and the HBRPG.

Prosecutors said in charging documents that Ayer in April 2006 filed papers with the D.C. Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking approves seeking a certificate that would allow another company to serve as the insurance carrier for the FEPL program.

But the application, according to the government, omitted the fact that Hannover had backed out of the arrangement to insure the program. In May 2006, the D.C. insurance regulatory agency approved the Defense Shield Insurance Company?s application for a certificate to be a captive insurance company.

Ayer pleaded guilty in Washington federal district court on June 30 to his role in the insurance fraud scheme (PDF). Ayer, court records show, agreed to cooperate with the government in its ongoing criminal investigation.

Ayer is awaiting sentencing. His defense attorney, David Zinn, a Williams & Connolly partner, could not be reached for comment today.

Source: http://legaltimes.typepad.com/blt/2011/05/utah-insurance-company-president-charged-in-fraud-scheme.html

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Some great benefits of Acquiring an IT Managed Service Provider ...

These IT service companies provide the service of assuming all the responsibilities of your IT department and will manage, monitor and maintain your infrastructure on your behalf.Some of the services provided by these firms are storage systems, network monitoring, data backup, security and data recovery for a wide variety of computer devices.

It?s important that an IT system be updated with the latest security patches as well as be regularly backed up to avoid problems.

Problems like network outages as well as data errors can prove to be costly for your operations.However, you don?t have to worry about these because these information technology service providers will be the one to think about how your company can avoid that scenario.If you?re not well-versed in IT, these companies will be a great benefit to you and will enable you to concentrate on things that you?re better at like producing income for your business.

It?s imperative that you are able to hook up with a managed service provider that can provide you the exact services you need. Don?t rush into inking a deal with the first managed service company that you meet, and instead keep these criteria in mind before deciding.

. The provider must be flexible, thus he might be able to present customized IT solutions without having additional costs to your business. Your provider should be able to keep up with future growth in your company and should be able to address problems efficiently. For instance, they must be able to get the server running as soon as possible after a crash.

. Security is very important for your IT infrastructure, and the provider must be able to handle it with efficiency.

They should also be able to keep out malware and data thieves from getting unto your website.

. A remote server manager must be someone that you can rely on to address problems promptly even if they are located remotely.They should be equipped with the tools necessary to acces your emails, website and server remotely in the event of a service disruption.

Picking the ideal IT service provider will free you from a lot of headaches, like figuring out how a certain process work. Investing in IT service companies is a good decision, as they can actually help you run your company efficiently. You mustn?t hesitate when it comes to investing for the efficiency of your company.

For a company to flow smoothly, it needs a good IT solutions to maintain it. The importance of information technology in today?s business is beyond measure and for maintenance of its hardware like computers, software like programs and the like, and at the same time network monitoring, troubleshooting and programming; entails a high level of responsibility. This article will help you choose the best IT solutions company in the market of today.

The managed services that an IT solutions company are offering may differ per company and so do the needs of the companies seeking solutions to their IT problems. Because these needs should be met, these needs become a huge factor when choosing an IT solutions company. The following are some basic tips in what a company should look for when reviewing an IT solutions company managed services.

1. An IT Solutions Company with Good Computer Repair Skills
It?s almost quite impossible to see a business without at least one computer in the office, as more and more companies are using computers. Computer glitches in hardware will mean disrupted workflow and unmet deadlines. Therefore, an IT solutions company with an excellent computer repair resume is your best bet. A company offering managed services in computer repair should be of primary importance in looking for an IT Solutions Company for without it who will fix your computer if in need of repairs?

2.An IT Solutions Company that can Provide Cloud Computing
This is another factor to look for in an IT solutions company, since some companies prefer an IT solutions that offers cloud computing as part of their managed services. This entails the provision of computational resources from a computer network. This is more of a cost efficient way for a company to function since the IT solutions company itself provides you with services like customer support and it can take care of things like from emails to network security to word processing. A company providing cloud computing is a plus factor.

3. Knowledge on Financial IT from an IT Solutions Company
Financial IT is important for companies relying on accounting software. IT solutions offering financial IT as part of their managed services is a must, most especially for accounting companies.

4. Medical IT in an IT Solutions Company
For companies with programs and softwares for medical transcription, medical billing and the like, an IT solutions company that is well versed with Medical IT is important. This IT solution company will help maintain the health care solution?s standard. Investing in an IT solutions company with this managed service will be of great value to these kinds of companies.

If your company needs any advice in choosing the right IT Solutions Company, take this advice and try Lantium for your information technology solutions. This company gives their customers guaranteed satisfaction. Be one of their many satisfied customers.

If you?re in need of an IT service company that you can rely on, check out Lantium! Standing ready to serve you is a staff of certified IT engineers and experts that are qualified to shoulder your IT needs for you. The company has a track record of flexibility, security and reliability in their IT operations. Learn more about how Lantium can help you out by visiting their website at managed services

Source: http://deosaie.com/some-great-benefits-of-acquiring-an-it-managed-service-provider/

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Friday, May 27, 2011

Eye Wasabi Auto Finance For Less-than-perfect Credit to purchase a ...

Many encounter troubles getting independently the latest car and also frequently, they must placed their practical pre-owned car. However, they are going to nevertheless encounter troubles including tiny credit rating checks to recieve autoloans. Underneath these kinds of scenarios, there is only one solution out there, which would be to apply for an auto loan for bad credit.

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Source: http://www.eyewasabi.com/auto-finance-for-less-than-perfect-credit-to-purchase-a-second-hand-car/

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Philanthropy Daily? ? Give Smart, A Review

The natural state of philanthropy, as characterized by Thomas Tierney and Joel Fleishman in their important book, Give Smart, is a dismal place. Its most prominent feature is ?underperformance.? ?Ignorance? and ?arrogance? are its cardinal sins. In the natural state of philanthropy, decision-making is ?often clouded by ambiguity and uncertainty? and ?insidious traps . . . lie in wait at every turn, undermining good intentions and impeding results.?

Here, nonprofit leaders are inspirational men and women who charm donors with their visionary ideas; but they fall short in critical management activities and discipline. Philanthropists are well intentioned for the most part, but often they are easily misled, arrogant, and ?essentially unaccountable to no one but themselves.? In the absence of ?market dynamics,? Tierney and Fleishman write, the natural state of philanthropy is a hapless ?cross between the Galapagos Islands and the mythical Lake Wobegon: there is a blissful absence of predators and all of the children are above average.? In short, grant making in the natural state of philanthropy is unaccountable, undisciplined, and ineffectual.

For Tierney and Fleishman, however, the natural state of philanthropy is not an exotic locus or a mythical Minnesotan village populated by well-intentioned Scandinavians. It is the charitable sector, past and present. The lowly natural state of philanthropy is no place for the new class of results-minded philanthropic CEO?s, consultants, and professionals.

Give Smart posits six wise questions aimed at aiding donors, nonprofit leaders, and foundation executives in contracting out of the natural state of philanthropy. These questions belong to that category of inquiry that have no simply answer and, therefore, are worth asking more than once, turning them over in one?s mind, discussing them, coming back to them from time to time, seeing them anew years hence with fresh eyes.

Part therapeutic self-examination and part business management seminar, the six questions, if they are pursued diligently and honestly, initiate a process that would assist nearly any philanthropist who is serious about achieving what the authors describe in the language of muscular philanthropy as ?high-impact results.? In posing these questions, Tierney and Fleishman will hopefully set more than a few donors on a path to more effective giving.

Through anecdote, metaphor, and example, the authors also give their readers an aerial view of the Land of High-Impact Results, a world apart from the natural state of philanthropy. ?If all of the inhabitants of the natural state of philanthropy are, by analogy to Lake Wobegon, good looking and above average, then the men and women of the Land of High-Impact Results are totally hot and absolutely brilliant.

Having plumbed the depths of his values, beliefs, and passions, the results-oriented donor in the Land of High-Impact Results is a ?visionary leader.? He or she stands astride the nonprofit world, swelling with ?disciplined management experience,? girded with a well-honed theory of change, a team of experts and professionals at the ready. Having subdued the business world in his first forty years, the results-oriented philanthropist stands soberly prepared to solve the world?s most intractable problems: problems that have heretofore resisted the feeble efforts of governments, international aid organizations, and lowly NGOs. For unlike the natural state of philanthropy, the Land of High-Impact Results is all about accountability and outcomes.

Void of market mechanisms and signals that enforce accountability and discipline, the high-impact philanthropist would be at sea in the natural state of philanthropy but for his willingness ?to demand excellence from himself.? Self-imposed accountability, the authors allow, is an ?unnatural act.? ?But for the results-oriented philanthropist in the Land of High-Impact Results, ?resolve, perseverance, and the disciplined pursuit of high performance? simply come with the territory.

Philanthropy always comes, as the authors point out, with a heavy dose of ?me.? The Land of High-Impact Results is not about modesty. After all, the authors confidently assert, ?How you approach your philanthropy offers the most unfiltered manifestation of who you are as a human being.? In the Land of High-Impact Results, the ego of the donor becomes the wellspring of philanthropic innovation, discipline, and ultimately results: excellence is self-imposed.

But the results-oriented philanthropist can?t go it alone, even in the Land of High-Impact Results. Unlike the natural state of philanthropy, here philanthropists and nonprofit professionals mutually understand the other?s shortcomings and, through studious self-examination, common exploration, and ?a shared definition of success? work beyond them. Tasks that often stress the relationship between nonprofits and donors in the natural state of philanthropy, like assembling facts about programs and finances, evolve into shared dialogues of ?developing mutually committed and trusting relationships.? ?Effective due diligence,? the authors suggest, ?is a process of mutual discovery?

Like all great journeys, however, the path that leads beyond the natural state of philanthropy to the Land of High-Impact Results is narrow and not for the feeble or uninitiated: ?Effective philanthropists must be disciplined and tough-minded about how they allocate their scarce resources,? the authors warn.

Although the geography and signposts of Give Smart are familiar to many nonprofit professionals, consultants, and social sector academics, the journey to Land of High-Impact Results is a mysterious quest to the bulk of America?s 70,000 private, small, and family foundations as it is to its legions of high-net worth donors, many of whom are quite satisfied with their giving.

Indeed, the chasm that separates the rarefied land of high-impact philanthropy and the natural state of philanthropy appear so formidable, one wonders if there are important features that our cartographers have overlooked, undervalued, or overstated when they mapped the features of these two great lands. Mapmaking, after all, is truly a matter of perspective.

If the natural state of philanthropy is, as so many seem to agree, underperformance, one might take issue with the standard by which it is measured. In the wake of the housing bubble, the collapse of the stock market, and an unprecedented bail out of financial institutions by taxpayers, it seems reasonable to ask whether business sector performance measures and management protocols provide the surest yardstick for taking stock of the philanthropic sector or even individual giving. Do we undervalue the performance of the nonprofit sector because we measure it by private sector standards, asking of it what we would never expect of the marketplace?

The often unstated fear of many nonprofit leaders who labor in the underperforming natural state of philanthropy, and who are carried along in the tide of high impact results as a matter of professional necessity, is that there are jobs that need doing, populations that need serving, and ideas that need advancing that, at the end of the day, fall outside the calculus of the results-minded philanthropist. Are there things worth doing that cannot be counted, programs worth funding that cannot be scaled, or organizations worth supporting that chronically underperform?? That philanthropy can be at ease with itself in an underperforming environment, doing things that the marketplace undervalues, has traditionally been understood as one of its greatest strengths.

Note: These are remarks from a panel discussion of Give Smart that took place at the Hudson Institute on May 23, 2011. To watch a video of the panel, go here.

Source: http://www.philanthropydaily.com/?p=5517

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Pest-Proof Recommendations from Pest Control NYC ? ArticleDesire.com

As outlined by an article written in the National Geographic News by Brian Handwerk, the United States Environmental Protection Agency states that the nation invests more than $30 billion dollars each year on pest elimination product or service. These bug elimination products and services are utilized mostly for homes and farms where unwanted pests cause significant damage: the exact same article states that while having to pay this surprising amount, farmers still lose up to a third of their plants to insects. Bug control for farms will be more tricky to manage mainly because of the size of the farm and also the quantity of pests there, however, for homes, New York City pest control authorities concur that you have a number of efficient approaches on keeping pests out.

Just like any business focusing on pest control in NYC knows, pest control can be a difficult task when not done properly. For any ingenious homeowner nonetheless, the proper techniques and devices from pest control Brooklyn will guarantee that you simply don???t play host to any number of these household vermin. Here are some ideas on keeping your house pest-free.

1. Figure out your pest tolerance. Discover how many pests you are able to take or tolerate being close to. A number of people won???t mind the occasional ant or two, while others may not. Ascertaining your fortitude will let you know what pest to focus on inside of your pest control attempts.

2. Keep a fresh and clean dwelling. What all experts in pest control NYC provides agree on is that clean and well-kept settings are less likely to play sponsor to any type of pest. Within an uncluttered situation, pests have less of an opportunity to take advantage of waste material and garbage, which signifies they won???t stay with you.

3. Know thy pest. Should you have chanced upon a pest, or have confirmed one to be not bearable, now is the time that you simply research regarding this selected pest so you can pick the best bug control strategies and goods to utilize. Knowing your pest will even let you know when it is largely vulnerable. For instance, the cockroach shies clear of light, as a result it could well be more appropriate that you should install traps in the dark spaces in your house where it is actually acquainted with.

4. Try IPM. IPM, or integrated pest management, is actually a theory on pest control that is designed to manage pests by eliminating the utilization of toxic chemicals as much as you are able to. This is achieved via thorough investigation and through being familiar with your pest. For instance, you can study the behavioral patterns of any certain pest, figure out its form of food source and take it away, removing that pest without needing lethal means.

5. Get a professional. Whenever you want the most effective solution for pest infestation currently available, all you need to do is call up experts in pest control Brooklyn can provide. These specialists are trained in the safest pest control methods and are equipped with the most effective devices for use in keeping pest numbers down to a minimum. With New York City pest control experts, the only pests you will see will be on television.

The writer has been a building supervisor for the last 10 years, and in that time has made usage of pest control Manhattan and pest control Brooklyn to remove pests in his building.

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Source: http://articledesire.com/pest-proof-recommendations-from-pest-control-nyc/

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All About Diamond Grading Certificates ? GameCenterCentral.com

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All About Diamond Grading Certificates

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All About Diamond Grading Certificates

By: George Zaidmann
Posted: Apr 06, 2010


A question often asked is ?which is the ?best? certificate and why? ?

There are many diamond grading laboratories in the world but only a handful which wield any sort of international validity at all.

In the USA there is the GIA and AGS as well as EGL USA, in Europe there is the HRD, EGL (rest of the world) and IGI. The rest of the world shares all of these.

The market share of the AGS is extremely small so perhaps it is best not to include them and the EGL USA is really only present in the USA and supplies very few reports as well so it is possibly best not to include them either.

The remaining diamond grading laboratories are, therefore, the GIA, HRD, EGL Europe and IGI.

Before, therefore, I will answer the question as to which is the best diamond grading laboratory with the ?best? certificate I will endeavour to dissipate some of the myths surrounding these diamond grading laboratories and their certificates.

Myth & Fact 1/ Diamonds graded by the GIA re-sell better. In the USA this is a FACT, however, in the rest of the world this is a MYTH as HRD, EGL and IGI are internationally recognised and valued accordingly.

Myth & Fact 2/ The GIA is the ?strictest? laboratory in the world. This is a MYTH as some laboratories do grade stricter especially where the colour is concerned.

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Myth & Fact 3/ EGL certificates are not worth the paper they are written on. This is a MYTH as some EGL graded diamonds are graded the same as both GIA and HRD ones, however, these are generally rarer so in general EGL certificated diamonds are cheaper at an equal grade.

Myth & Fact 4/ The GIA has the strongest international diamond brand. This is a FACT as they are very well known in all the world, the others are known mostly outside the USA.

Myth & Fact 5/ Is it safer to buy a GIA graded diamond. This is a MYTH as any diamond report is based on an opinion and is not a guarantee of the grade.

Myth & Fact 6/ The GIA invented the grading standards. This is a FACT as they were first to appear in the diamond grading game way back in 1936, the others came in the early seventies.

Myth & Fact 7/ The GIA certificate guarantees the grading accuracy. This is a MYTH as all the laboratories are consistent in their grading results, however, some are more consistent than others which in the end affects the price.

Myth & Fact 8/ Consumers should consider an independent evaluation by a qualified gemologist. This is a FACT as this can ensure correct evaluation and minimise ?switching? possibilities.

Myth & Fact 9/ Diamonds with GIA certificates trade for higher prices. This is a MYTH as HRD trade at equivalent prices as well. The EGL and IGI can be cheaper though.

Myth & Fact 10/ The GIA has trained more gemologists than all the others put together. This is a FACT as they have been on the market for near to 30 years more than the others.

Myth & Fact 11/ GIA graded ?EXCELLENT? are more beautiful than others. This is a MYTH as an ?EX EX? graded diamond can have ?average? proportions as the ?symmetry? and ?polish? have less of an influence on the beauty of the diamond than the ?proportions?.

To answer the question of ?which is the best certificate?, the answer is they are all good but some are more consistent than others and no grading laboratory will give a guarantee as to the given grade.

George Zaidmann ? About the Author:

The information contained in this article is based on our consultant?s 45 year experience cutting and evaluating diamonds. George Zaidmann is an experienced certified gemologist and member of the Antwerp Diamond Beurs since 1972. You can find more on www.jewellerywebshop.co.uk/profilepage.htm Find unique collection of diamonds and diamond jewellery online at Jewellery Web Shop. We also have Diamond Rings, Diamond Pendants etc

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/jewelry-articles/all-about-diamond-grading-certificates-2107460.html


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Source: http://www.gamecentercentral.com/all-about-diamond-grading-certificates/

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 at the FCC

Galaxy Tab 8.9 FCC ID

Good news for everyone waiting for the feature-packed mid size Galaxy Tab 8.9; it's just made it's way through the FCC.  the 8.9 inch model, now known as the GT-P7310 (check out our hands-on) will sport a dual-core CPU, 1 GB RAM, and of course Android 3.x.  Seeing it pass through the FCC testing makes us believe the "early summer" release date is still on track.  Starting at $469 for the 16 GB version, it's bound to be a hit.

You can read all the test results and assorted technical details at the source link, and hit the forums for more discussion.

Source: FCCThanks Emeterio!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/M5D3LhfQI-w/samsung-galaxy-tab-89-fcc

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Physician-Assisted Suicide: Not Legal in Montana; A Recipe for ...

Margaret Dore, an elder law attorney from Seattle Washington debunks the false premise that the Baxter decision legalized assisted suicide in Montana. Her latest blog article looks at the current law in Montana and even quotes Senator Blewett, who sponsored the bill to legalize assisted suicide in Montana.

The Baxter decision did not legalize assisted suicide in Montana, the debate during the 2011 legislative session in the Montana Senate Judiciary Committee concerning the Hinkle and Blewett bill's clarified that assisted suicide was not legal in Montana. The suicide lobby, under the leadership of Compassion & Choices, has intentionally misled the public in order to possibly encourage doctors to assist the suicides of patients, with the possible intention of bringing another case through the courts to strike down the law preventing assisted suicide. Margaret's article follows.

* * *

Physician-Assisted Suicide: Not Legal in Montana; A Recipe for Elder Abuse and More

By Margaret Dore

A. Introduction

Proponents claim that physician-assisted suicide is legal in Montana. This is untrue. A bill that would have accomplished that goal was defeated in the 2011 legislature.

Legal physician-assisted suicide is a recipe for elder abuse. It empowers heirs and others at the expense of older people. It empowers health care providers at the expense of patients. In Oregon, where physician-assisted suicide is legal, legalization is statistically correlated to an increase in other suicides.

B. What is Physician-Assisted Suicide?

The American Medical Association (AMA) states: "Physician-assisted suicide occurs when a physician facilitates a patient?s death by providing the necessary means and/or information to enable the patient to perform the life-ending act." (AMA Code of Medical Ethics, Opinion 2.211). For example, a "physician provides sleeping pills and information about the lethal dose, while aware that the patient may commit suicide." Id.

Assisted suicide is also opposed by disability rights groups such as the Disability Rights and Education Defense Fund, and Not Dead Yet.

C. Current Law

Under current Montana law, assisting a suicide exposes the assister to civil and criminal liability. Doctors and others can be held civilly liable for: (1) causing another to commit suicide; or (2) failing to prevent a suicide in a custodial situation where the suicide is foreseeable.[1] This latter situation would typically occur in a hospital or prison.[2] Those who assist a suicide can also be prosecuted for homicide under Mont. Code Ann. ? 45-5-102(1). Doctors, however, have the right to assert an affirmative defense based on the victim?s consent and other factors. This is due to the Montana Supreme Court decision, Baxter v. State, 354 Mont. 234, ?? 10 & 50, 224 P.3d 1211 (2009).[3]

D. The 2011 Legislative Session

The 2011 legislative session featured two bills in response to Baxter, both of which failed: SB 116, which would have eliminated Baxter?s affirmative defense; and SB 167, which would have legalized assisted suicide by providing doctors and others with immunity from civil and criminal liability.

During a hearing on SB 167, the bill's sponsor, Senator Anders Blewett, said:

"Under current law, . . . there?s nothing to protect the doctor from prosecution."[4]

E. Legalization Will Create New Paths of Abuse

In Montana, there has been a rapid growth of elder abuse.[5] Elders? vulnerabilities and larger net worth make them a prime target for financial abuse.[6] The perpetrators are often family members interested in an inheritance.[7]

In Montana, preventing elder abuse is official state policy.[8] If Montana would legalize physician-assisted suicide, a new path of abuse would be created against the elderly. Alex Schadenberg, Chair of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, International, states:

"With assisted suicide laws in Washington and Oregon, perpetrators can . . . take a "legal" route, by getting an elder to sign a lethal dose request. Once the prescription is filled, there is no supervision over the administration. . . . [E]ven if a patient struggled, "who would know?"[9]

F. "Terminally Ill" Does Not Mean Dying

Baxter?s affirmative defense applies when patients are "terminally ill," a term that Baxter does not define. During the Baxter litigation, the plaintiffs offered this definition:

"'Terminally ill adult patient' means '[an adult] who has an incurable or irreversible condition that, without the administration of life-sustaining treatment, will, in the opinion of his or her attending physician, result in death within a relatively short time.'"[10]

This definition is broad enough to include patients with chronic conditions who could "live for decades." Attorney Theresa Schrempp and doctor Richard Wonderly state:
"[The] definition is broad enough to include an 18 year old who is insulin dependent or dependent on kidney dialysis, or a young adult with stable HIV/AIDS. Each of these patients could live for decades with appropriate medical treatment. Yet they are 'terminally ill' according to the definition promoted by advocates of assisted suicide."[11]

G. Legal Physician-Assisted Suicide Empowered the Oregon Health Plan, Not Individual Patients

Once a patient is labeled "terminal," an easy argument can be made that his or her treatment should be denied. This has happened in Oregon where patients labeled "terminal" have not only been denied coverage for treatment, they have been offered assisted-suicide instead.

The most well known cases involve Barbara Wagner and Randy Stroup. (KATU TV, ABC News).[12] The Oregon Health Plan refused to pay for their desired treatments and offered to pay for their suicides instead. Neither Wagner nor Stroup saw this as a celebration of their "choice." Stroup said:

"This is my life they?re playing with." Wagner said: "I?m not ready to die."

Stroup and Wagner were steered to suicide. Moreover, it was the Oregon Health Plan doing the steering. Oregon?s law empowered the Oregon Health Plan, not individual patients.

H. In Oregon, Legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide is Correlated to an Increase in Other Suicides

Oregon's suicide rate, which excludes suicide under Oregon's physician-assisted suicide law, has been "increasing significantly" since 2000.[13] Just three years prior, in 1997, Oregon legalized physician-assisted suicide. [14] In Oregon, legalization of physician-assisted suicide is statistically correlated with an increased rate of other suicides.

I. The Oregon Reports do not Prove That Assisted-Suicide is "Safe"

During the 2011 legislative session in Montana, proponents claimed that annual reports from Oregon demonstrated the safety of physician-assisted suicide. These reports do not discuss whether the people who died consented when the lethal dose was administered. During a hearing on SB 167, Senator Jeff Essmann made a related point, as follows:

"All the protections [in Oregon?s law] end after the prescription is written. [The proponents] admitted that the provisions in the Oregon law would permit one person to be alone in that room with the patient. And in that situation, there is no guarantee that that medication is self-administered.

So frankly, any of the studies that come out of the state of Oregon?s experience are invalid because no one who administers that drug against ? to that patient is going to be turning themselves in for the commission of a homicide."[15]

J. SB 167 was Defeated in the Senate Judiciary Committee

During the hearing on SB 167, Senator Essman also stated:

"There?s inadequate protection in [SB 167] for the powerless. It?s our obligation to protect the powerless. . . . I?m going to vote no."[16]

SB 167, seeking to legalize physician-assisted suicide in Montana, was defeated in the Senate Judiciary Committee.[17]

K. Conclusion

Under current Montana law, a doctor who causes or assists another person?s suicide is subject to civil and criminal liability. As noted by Senator Blewett:

"There?s nothing to protect the doctor from prosecution."

* * *

[1] Krieg v. Massey, 239 Mont. 469, 472-3, 781 P.2d 277 (1989).
[2] Id.
[3] To view Baxter, go here. To view an analysis of Baxter, go here.
[4] Go here to see a transcript of this quote and other quotes by Senator Blewett.
[5] Great Falls Tribune, "Forum will focus on the rapid growth in abuse of elders," June 10 2009 ("The statistics are frightening, and unless human nature takes a turn for the better, they?re almost certain to get worse"). See also Nicole Grigg, Elder Abuse Prevention, Kulr8.com, June 15, 2010 and Big Sky Prevention of Elder Abuse Program, What is Elder Abuse.
[6] MetLife Mature Market Institute Study: Broken Trust: Elders, Family, and Finances, 2009.
[7] Id.
[8] See e.g., the "Montana Elder and Persons With Developmental Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act," 52-3-801, MCA; the Protective Services Act for Aged Persons or Disabled Adults, 52-3-201, MCA; and the "Montana Older Americans Act," 52-3-501, et. al., MCA. Also go here.
[9] Alex Schadenberg, Letter to the Editor, "Elder abuse a growing problem," The Advocate, official publication of the Idaho State Bar, October 2010, page 14, available at http://www.isb.idaho.gov/pdf/advocate/issues/adv10oct.pdf.
[10] Plaintiffs? Answer to Interrogatory No. 4, available at page 3, go here.
[11] Opinion Letter from Dr. Richard Wonderly and Theresa Schrempp, Esq., to Alex Schadenberg, available here.
[12] See Susan Harding and KATU web staff, "Letter noting assisted suicide raises questions," July 30, 2008 and Susan Donaldson James, "Death drugs Cause Uproar in Oregon," ABC News, August 6, 2008. See also Ken Stevens, MD, "Oregon mistake costs lives," official publication of the Idaho State Bar, September 2010, pages 16-17, available at. ("In Oregon, the mere presence of legal assisted-suicide steers patients to suicide . . . ").
[13] See Oregon Government News Release, September 9, 2010 ("suicide rates have been increasing significantly since 2000"); and "Suicides in Oregon, Trends and Risk Factors, September 2010 ("Deaths relating to the death with Dignity Act (physician-assisted suicides) are not classified as suicides by Oregon law and therefore excluded from this report").
[14] See e.g., "Oregon's Death with Dignity Act: The First Year's Experience," page 1 ("On October 27, 1997, physician-assisted suicide became a legal medical option for terminally ill Oregonians").
[15] Montana Senate Judiciary Hearing, February 10, 2011, Transcript, p. 15, lines 1 to 11, available here.
[16] Id., lines 12 to 14.
[17] See Montana Legislative website at link (SB 167 was tabled in Committee on February 10, 2010).

Source: http://alexschadenberg.blogspot.com/2011/05/physician-assisted-suicide-not-legal-in.html

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Regal Entertainment President Greg Dunn to Be Honored by MS Foundation

Regal Entertainment President Greg Dunn will be honored at the 37th annual Dinner of Champions, sponsored by and benefiting the National MS Society in Southern California.

The gala, taking place Sept. 12 at the Century Plaza Hotel in L.A., raises funds that support National MS Society.
?It has always been a priority at Regal to give back and support the communities in which we live,? Dunn said in a statement Tuesday. ?Since 1995 we have proudly supported the Dinner of Champions in their ongoing efforts to raise funds to combat MS.?

Referring to Dinner of Champions Chair Tom Sherak raising $41 million in the last 18 years, Dunn added: ?Through industry veteran Tom Sherak?s efforts, this dinner has evolved into one of our industry?s most significant and meaningful events. I commend the MS Society on their continued efforts to treat and find a cure for MS.?

Sherak, along with Byron Allen and Joe Roth, will once again chair the dinner this year. ?

Previous honorees include: Sir Howard Stringer, Steven Hilton, Michael Forman, Peter Chernin, Joe Roth, Amy Pascal, Jim Gianopulos, Bill Mechanic, Bob and Harvey Weinstein, Tom Rothman, Michael Lynton, Rob Moore, Oren Aviv, Rob Friedman and most recently, Adam Fogelson.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/thr/film/~3/v1SfkGNXWK8/regal-entertainment-president-greg-dunn-191644

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Glee Season 2 Episode 22 ? AnswerArticle.com

Hey guys, this is an excellent news when you a giant fans of Glee, given that the fresh episode entitled ?Glee Season 2 Episode 22 ? New York? aka Glee season 2 finale would be aired this can 31 2011, only at FOX. JUST CLICK THE LINK AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS ARTICLE IF YOU WANT watch Glee Season 2 Episode 22 Finale online.

The upcoming revolutionary episode of Glee is entitled ?Glee Season 2 Episode 22 ? New York?. I am sure that every the Gleeks on the market wouldn?t just want to miss this Glee Season 2 Episode 22 beacause this is also the Glee Season 2 finale. So watch Glee Season 2 Episode 22 ? New York this Tuesday May 31, 2011 at 1:00am ? 2:00am only at FOX. At Glee season 2 finale, several previous guest stars shall be returning, and many new faces will appear. Guest stars should include: Patti LuPone as Herself, Jonathan Groff as Jesse St. James; Cheyenne Jackson as Dustin Goolsby, Charice as Sunshine Corazon, Harry Shum as Mike Chang; Chord Overstreet as Sam Evans; Ashley Fink as Lauren Zizes; Darren Criss as Blaine Anderson. So guys, don?t ever forget to watch Glee Season 2 Episode 22 ? New York this Tuesday May 31, 2011 only at FOX. Howevere, if you are a busy man and you simply can?t watch Glee Season 2 Finale in original timeslot. Just visit TVHABIT.INFO and you can watch Glee Season 2 Episode 22 finale online anytime in charge of free.

Found in stand episode of Glee took an unfortunate turn when Sue?s sister Jean died. It demonstrated the softest and saddest side of Sue yet together the glee kids performing a terrific rendition of ?Pure Imagination? from Willy Wonka as well as Chocolate Factory at Jean?s funeral. Sue told Mr. Schue she would not be endeavoring to destroy the glee club and announced that she would be running for Congress. Terri also pulled through for Will and also glee club along the eleventh hour with new high quality tickets to New york city and announced she?d be moving out of the state. Let?s watch Glee Season 2 Episode 22 ? New York this Tuesday as this is also the Glee season 2 finale.

Glee Season 2 Episode 22 ? New York Synopsis. The Glee Club enjoys the metropolis as soon as they visit The big apple to play competitively with other show choirs including Vocal Adrenaline for ones Nationals. The Glee Season 2 finale delivers the McKinley high glee club visiting Nyc for Nationals. The glee club will be visiting lots of Nyc sights, just as Broadway stage of Wicked and Central Park. To learn more about their trip from the Ny.

So I think, the Glee production cast really made this Glee season 2 episode 22 a great finale the way it feels like. They may surely brings everyone night on fever, with this huge hit due to this will likely to be Glee season 2 finale that anyone is waited for. The nation?s levels of competition are coming and that is one other solution to witness the triumph belonging to the Glee club. But just an in order to that, you should be offered to all posibilities, a contest is concerning winning and losing yet a great deal more think positive how the New Direction will succeed. Don?t forget to watch Glee Season 2 Episode 22 finale, and join the glee club in their journey towards the National competition, here it is, this is really do you find it.

Finally for Glee Season 2 Episode 22, The glee to go to Ny to enable you to go through the Nationals along with a day at the Big Apple. Meanwhile, Patti LuPone constitutes a small surprise with its appearance as himself. What is going to happen next? Don?t forget to watch Glee Season 2 Episode 22 New York on Tuesday May 24, 2011, 8:00 PM at FOX.

Glee Season 2 Episode 22

Source: http://answerarticle.com/glee-season-2-episode-22/

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