Sunday, March 17, 2013

Industrial production rises in February

Industrial production climbed 0.71 percent in February, according to the Federal Reserve's monthly read of industrial production and capacity utilization.

By SoldAtTheTop,?Guest blogger / March 15, 2013

The Federal Reserve released their monthly read of industrial production and capacity utilization Friday, showing a notable increase in February with total industrial production climbing 0.71 percent since January.



Today, the?Federal Reserve?released their?monthly read of industrial production and capacity utilization?showing a notable increase in February with total industrial production?climbing 0.71% since January and rising 2.52% above the level seen in February 2012.?

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Writer, The PaperEconomy Blog

'SoldAtTheTop' is not a pessimist by nature but a true skeptic and realist who prefers solid and sustained evidence of fundamental economic recovery to 'Goldilocks,' 'Green Shoots,' 'Mustard Seeds,' and wholesale speculation.

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Capacity utilization also?rise climbing 0.55% from January rising 0.83% above the level seen in February of 2012 to stand at 79.63%?

It's important to recognize that though the "recovery" is well over two years old, both industrial production and capacity utilization are notably below the peaks set in late 2007.?

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