Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Urban Fantasy RP?

This is an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while now, and I just thought I'd get it out there and see if anybody else wanted to discuss it and perhaps bring it to fruition.

Essentially, the premise of the RP would be that an unexplained incursion of some fantasy, such as monsters, has provoked a government lockdown on a particular area of X City. The protagonists might receive some kind of equipment that will give them an edge against the monsters, but if they do they are not the only ones with it. They have to survive in a place that rapidly becomes dog-eat-dog, fighting monsters, villainous characters who either collaborate with or try to harness sinister forces, and some mysterious Black-Ops or mercenaries contracted to "solve" the problem.

I'd prefer to keep it on the realistic side, with a significant portion of drama coming from the protagonists' struggles to remain sane and alive. Age range of protagonists would be as wide as the imagination of the various players permits, and of course within reason (speaking bluntly, an elderly man would likely not survive long).

Any thoughts?

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/xwPPotOQ9KI/viewtopic.php

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