Monday, October 3, 2011

Health And Fitness | The Chinese Secret To Alternative Medicine ...

The popularity of Chinese medicine has been on the rise in the Western World. The increasing amount of illnesses and dwindling amount of treatments have left many Americans no choice. This quest for a cure is not in vain as this traditional medicine has been benefiting the Chinese for over 2000 years. Three major methods of this traditional medicine are still commonly practiced today amongst the Chinese and Americans alike.

Herbal Medicine

Herbs are seen as the simplest way to improve ailments. With all of the detailed classifications behind Western medicines, where an accidental mix-up could prove fatal, Chinese medicine is more user-friendly to the average consumer. The herbs are separated into five basic categories: Bitter herbs, such as gardenia, are seen as being beneficial for the heart and have the ability to purge the bowels; Sweet herbs, such as Licorice, can relieve pain and restore energy. Sweet herbs are especially helpful to Chinese herbologists in the treatment of sore throat, hyperthyroidism, and muscle spasms; Ginger, the most common spicy herb, stimulates the body to sweat, and increases blood flow; Sour herbs such as the dogwood fruit are used to reduce excessive sweating and control chronic diarrhea due to their absorbing nature; Finally, salty herbs such as gaulber?s salt are helpful in softening masses such as cysts.


Acupuncture is well summed up by its meaning, ?needle, to prick.? This is the most controversial method of Chinese medicine to Western doctors. However, many patients who sought acupuncture as a way of treatment are pleased with the results. In fact, many doctors in the United States have begun to study the practice and offer it at specialized clinics.

A session begins with the patient describing symptoms. Afterwards, he then lies on his stomach or back depending on needle placement. Acupuncture is a relatively painless treatment with the exception of a brief sensation when the hair-thin needles are first inserted. The thought behind the practice is that the harmony within the body is off balance, and that inserting the needles in different locations and depths restores that balance.

Massage Stones

Massage stones are closely tied to acupuncture because they share many of the same pressure points to realign the body?s balance. The stones are very versatile and can be heated, used with oil, or chilled. Hot stone massages have become very popular in spas today. Heated stones are placed over the body so that the heat deeply penetrates into aching muscles. When stones are used with oil, there is less focus placed on physical relief and more on mental relaxation. The scented oils, along with the smooth rocks, help to put one?s mind at ease and melt away daily stresses.

The stones can vary as well. Metamorphic stones, which have the ability to retain heat, are commonly used in heated massages. Textured stones are a helpful aid in sports massages, while round, flat stones are laid on a client who is interested in a calming, balanced effect. No matter what type of stone a masseuse uses, the main purpose of the stone is as an aid?an extended tool?in the massage.

About Author Sara Ryan :

Sara Ryan regularly writes for, the leading hot stone massage supplies provider. They carry such products as massage stones and massage stone kits, as well as many other many other accessories for hot stone therapy.

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Article Added on Sunday, October 2, 2011

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