Saturday, June 29, 2013

Scrutiny puts debt collectors? focus more on service

The new federal consumer protection agency already is prompting debt collectors to focus on consumer-friendly practices, an Omaha collections official said Friday.

?A lot more attention is being paid to consumer-service type activities, trying to help people resolve disputes more and understand the (debt collection) process more,? said Greg Hogenmiller, a Nebraska Collectors Association board member.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was formed in 2011 to oversee a wide range of industries that deal with money and consumers, including the debt collection business, alongside its historic federal regulator, the Federal Trade Commission.

Hogenmiller is vice president and deputy general counsel of West Asset Management, a division of West Corp. that includes debt collection operations. The state collectors group is an affiliate of ACA International, whose members include debt collection companies. Debt collectors employ about 1,300 in Nebraska.

Although the new bureau is still writing some of its rules, Hogenmiller said, it is concentrating on how the industry can enhance consumers? abilities to make the right financial decisions and avoid overdue debts. Next month, the bureau is starting up a new computerized system to receive and resolve consumer complaints.

Interest in the bureau?s activities is running high. This month, about 350 ACA members took part in a teleconference hosted by the bureau to discuss the consumer complaint system. Online training for companies taking part in the complaint system starts Monday.

Debt collection companies that belong to state and national industry groups ?were already trying to do the right things,? Hogenmiller said. ?You always have bad apples in any industry. I think there?s more scrutiny on it than before.?

Making the rules clear should help reduce the number of lawsuits pending against debt collectors, many of which relate to gray areas in the laws that are subject to varying interpretations, Hogenmiller said.

The industry wants the bureau to write regulations so that proper practices are clear to collectors and to consumers, he said, providing a ?safe harbor? for companies to operate within the law and without fear of legal liability. ?We?d like them to make the rules so we all know what we?re supposed to do.?

Contact the writer: Steve Jordon ?? | ??402-444-1080 ?? |??

Steve covers banking, insurance, the economy and other topics, including Berkshire Hathaway, Mutual of Omaha and other businesses.


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Friday, June 28, 2013

Advance in battle against wheat pest

Scientists have engineered wheat that is resistant to stem rust, a fungal disease that has ruined crops in Africa, Yemen and Iran.

The genetic advance raises the possibility of breeding wheat that is resistant to the fungus, researchers report in the journal Science.

Stem rust is regarded as a major threat to wheat, one of the world's most important cereal crops.

It is a fungal disease that appears as reddish blisters on wheat.

The blisters contain millions of spores, which infect the plant tissues, and disrupt the crop's ability to produce grain.

Ug99, which was discovered in Uganda in 1999, is a form of black stem rust that can wipe out whole harvests.

Continue reading the main story

?Start Quote

The identification of these two genes from the wild relatives of wheat offers new possibilities to slow the spread of the Ug99 fungus and to deploy more sustainable resistance in farmers' fields?

End Quote Dr Cristobal Uauy John Innes Centre

About 90% of wheat grown around the world is susceptible to Ug99 and similar strains of the pest.

Experts predict it could spread rapidly through Africa and the Middle East, and possibly further afield, potentially causing an agricultural disaster that would affect global food security.?

In the latest research, two international groups of scientists, led by Dr Cyrille Saintenac of Kansas State University, US, and Dr Sambasivam Periyannan of CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra, Australia, investigated two previously identified genes associated with stem rust resistance.

They cloned parts of the gene of an ancient wheat crop (Sr33) that was common until the Bronze Age but is now rarely cultivated, and inserted it into modern wheat varieties.

They found wheat with this gene did not show susceptibility to stem rust.

A similar study on a second gene (Sr35), found in a wild plant related to wheat, showed that this gene also conferred limited resistance to the fungal disease, as well as related pests.

The scientists, from research teams in the US, China and Australia, say using biotechnology to develop wheat with both genes could slow the progression of Ug99 and avoid global wheat shortages.

Commenting on the study, Dr Cristobal Uauy of the department of crop genetics, John Innes Centre, Norwich, said the identification of the two genes provided a clear path to deploy resistance to the Ug99 fungus in the field, either through conventional means or biotechnological applications.

"The identification of these two genes from the wild relatives of wheat offers new possibilities to slow the spread of the Ug99 fungus and to deploy more sustainable resistance in farmers' fields," he said.

"This will lead to a deeper understanding of how plants fight back against the pathogen and allow scientist and breeders to establish new and more sustainable ways to defeat one of wheat's worst enemies."

Dr Brande Wulff of The Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich added: "Resistance genes are typically overcome by the pathogen when deployed one at a time. However, the cloning of stem rust resistance genes allows the scientist to easily combine them.

"A stack of resistance genes with multiple resistance specificities should provide a more durable resistance to this devastating disease."


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Aereo To Launch Its Internet Streaming TV Service In Chicago On September 13

aereo_logoDespite court battles, Aereo is on a roll. The startup just announced its streaming TV service will hit Chicagoland September 13. This comes just a month after the company announced its Atlanta launch details. Once Chicago is online, Aereo will be live in four of the country's biggest cities, serving up network television to over 12 million Americans.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sony Xperia Z Ultra: hands-on with a 6.4-inch Android phone (update: video)

Sony Xperia Z Ultra handson with a 64inch Android phone

Sony's been explaining the design story behind its new Xperia range at a UK briefing, how it's trying to balance both the dematerialization of tech (touchscreens, gesture interfaces) and a design that's both desirable and beautiful -- and Sony's certainly got the latter down on its new smartphone. The Xperia Z Ultra follows the lines of the rest of the Z-series. With the same "OmniBalance" plane surface of screen, this time reaching 6.4 inches but still running at 1080p resolution, it feels bigger than the original Xperia Z. You're looking at a screen width almost identical to a passport and that 6.5mm profile helps fit it into pockets -- we managed to cram it into our trouser pockets. There's also Qualcomm's notable Snapdragon 800 powering the device on a relatively large 3,000mAh battery, while Sony's simplified the design dropping a few of those much-maligned protective flaps, at least on the headphone socket. There's more impressions and a hands-on video after the break!

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Huawei CEO: Apple is ?slipping,? Galaxy S4 is a ?so-so? phone

Huawei CEO Interview AppleHuawei CEO Interview Apple

Huawei?s chief executive Richard Yu apparently isn?t afraid to call out larger rivals as he dealt jabs to both Apple and Samsung in a recent interview with The Telegraph. While speaking about his company?s new?Ascend P6, the world?s slimmest smartphone, Yu made sure to note the new handset?s superior build quality compared to the Galaxy S4. ?We?re not made of plastic,? the CEO said. He continued, ?Samsung, they have such huge money ? if you invest in marketing and branding then people will always buy no matter how good the products are. The Samsung Galaxy S4 is just a so-so smartphone.? And when it came to?Apple, the Huawei chief didn?t pull any punches there either. ?In its latest update, Apple makes the phone extremely simple to use,? Yu said. ?But if we are just learning from them we can?t catch up, because they are now slipping. We want to go higher than them.?

[More from BGR: iOS 7 beta 2: Full change log now available, iPad version released]

This article was originally published on


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Twitch Android app updated with persistent login, followed channels

DNP Twitch Android app update adds followed channel viewing, still no search or chat

An update for the app on Android is finally letting users log into their accounts, providing easier access to their personal favorites out of the top 300 live streaming channels. Features still not accounted for include search and chat, however Community Manager Jared Rea mentions they're in the works. According to Rea, development of its Android app -- until three months ago it had gone a year without being updated -- received "yet another incentive" with the launch of the Ouya gaming console. Hit the links below for the new app, info on its development and the top-300 channel restriction that applies whether you're watching on a console or handheld device.

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Source: Google Play, The Official Blog


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Efficient production process for coveted nanocrystals

June 25, 2013 ? A formation mechanism of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide (CeO2), a versatile nanomaterial, has been unveiled by scientists from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) and the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.

The research results were published in the scientific journal Chemistry -- A European Journal. This finding potentially simplifies and alleviates the existing synthetic processes of nanocrystalline CeO2 production.

Nanocrystalline CeO2 particles are widely used, for example, in catalysts for hazardous gas treatment, in electrodes for solid oxide fuel cells, in polishing materials for advanced integrated circuits, in sunscreen cosmetics, and in such medical applications as artificial superoxide dismutase. Current industrial syntheses of nanocrystalline CeO2 are based on sol-gel processes followed by thermal treatment and/or the addition of accelerant reagents. Any further improvement of the synthetic strategy for CeO2 nanocrystals requires a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in their formation at the atomic scale.

Dr. Atsushi Ikeda-Ohno from the University of New South Wales, Australia, together with Dr. Christoph Hennig from the HZDR opted for a sophisticated multi-spectroscopic approach that combines dynamic light scattering and synchrotron-based X-ray techniques. These complex investigations involved the use of two world-leading synchrotron facilities of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France and SPring-8 in Hyogo, Japan.

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For the first time ever, the scientists were able to perform an in-situ observation of nanocrystal evolution. So far, little has been known of the formation mechanism of metal nanocrystals; mainly because appropriate analytical techniques were lacking. The most widely used techniques for metal nanocrystal research are electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. They are powerful enough to visualize the appearance of nanocrystals and to acquire their lattice information, but they are not applicable to the solution state where the evolution of metal nanocrystals occurs. "To probe the formation of nanocrystalline CeO2 in an aqueous solution, we combined different spectroscopic techniques, including dynamic light scattering, synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and high energy X-ray scattering," says Dr. Atsushi Ikeda-Ohno.

The information the researchers obtained is fundamental to simplifying and alleviating the synthetic process of CeO2 nanocrystals. They revealed that uniformly sized nanoparticles of CeO2 can be produced simply by pH adjustment of tetravalent cerium (Ce(IV)) in an aqueous solution without subsequent physical/chemical treatment such as heating or adding accelerant chemicals. The produced CeO2 crystals have a uniform particle size of 2 -- 3 nanometers, irrespective of the preparation conditions (e.g. pH and type of pH adjustment). This particle size is exactly in the range which is interesting for industrial applications. A key finding is that mononuclear Ce(IV) solution species do not result in nano-sized CeO2 crystals. The prerequisite is the presence of oligomeric Ce(IV) solution species, such as dimers or trimers.

"We're indeed very glad that our multi-spectroscopic approach is also applicable to any other research on metal nanocrystals. That's why this study contributes to an emerging research area on metal nanocrystals in a broader context," says Dr. Christoph Hennig. "And the HZDR's own measuring station at the ESRF provides the best possible opportunities for this research area of metal nanocrystals which directly contributes to industrial applications."


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DeansTalk - business management education: "Why Managers ...

May 6, 2013 Richard Straub.

Why We Shouldn't Be Surprised That Managers Don't Embrace Complexity, Forbes, 18th May 2013.

Back in the 15th Century,?Leonardo da Vinci, the great genius of the Middle Ages, said that, ?simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.?Most modern managers would agree. ?Every good operation works hard to streamline its processes down to the barest essentials.

(The Mandelbrot set, an object of extraordinary complexity, arises from a incredibly simple formula (Photo credit: Wikipedia))

However, the world is a complex place and it?s only getting more so, which is why many management thinkers have been urging businesses to embrace complexity, to become, in effect,?system thinkers?rather than reductionists.

As?Richard Straub?noted in a?recent article in HBR, that effort has largely failed and we shouldn?t be surprised..

...I?ve suggested that we take a more?Bayesian approach to strategy, where instead of assuming that we have the answers, we strive to become less wrong over time. ?Good strategy is never being, it is always becoming...


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Monday, June 24, 2013

South Africans resigned over 'critical' Mandela

By Jon Herskovitz

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africans adopted a mood of somber resignation on Monday to the inevitability of saying goodbye to former president Nelson Mandela after the 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader's condition in hospital deteriorated to critical.

Madiba, as he is affectionately known, is revered among most of South Africa's 53 million people as the architect of the 1994 transition to multi-racial democracy after three centuries of white domination.

However, his latest hospitalization - his fourth in six months - has reinforced a realization that the father of the post-apartheid 'Rainbow Nation' will not be around for ever.

President Jacob Zuma, who visited Mandela late on Sunday with African National Congress (ANC) Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, reflected the national mood when he told a news conference that Mandela remained critical.

"All of us in the country must accept that Madiba is now old. As he ages, his health will trouble him," Zuma said, declining to give specific details about Mandela's medical condition or other information from his hospital visit.

"Given the hour, he was already asleep. We saw him, looked at him and then we had a bit of a discussion with the doctors and his wife," Zuma said. "I don't think I'm a position to give further details. I'm not a doctor."

U.S. President Barack Obama is due to visit South Africa this week as part of a three-country Africa tour but Zuma said Mandela's worsening state of health should not affect the trip.

"Nothing is going to stop the visit because Madiba is sick," Zuma said.


Mandela's deterioration this weekend, two weeks after being admitted in a serious but stable condition with a lung infection, has caused a perceptible switch in mood from prayers for recovery to preparations for a fond farewell.

"If it's his time to go, he can go. I wish God can look after him," said nurse Petunia Mafuyeka, as she headed to work in Johannesburg.

"We will miss him very much. He fought for us to give us freedom. We will remember him every day. When he goes I will cry."

There was some concern among the public about doctors trying to prolong the life of South Africa's first black president, one of the 20th Century's most influential figures.

"I'm worried that they're keeping him alive. I feel they should let him go," said Doris Lekalakala, a claims manager. "The man is old. Let nature take its course. He must just rest."

Since stepping down in 1999 after one term as president, Mandela has stayed out of active politics in a country with the continent's biggest and most important economy. His passing is expected to have little political impact.

His last public appearance was waving to fans from the back of a golf cart before the final of the soccer World Cup in Johannesburg's Soccer City stadium in July 2010.

During his retirement, he has divided his time between his home in the wealthy Johannesburg suburb of Houghton, and Qunu, the village in the poor Eastern Cape province where he was born.

The public's last glimpse of him was a brief clip aired by state television in April during a visit to his home by Zuma and other senior ANC officials.

At the time, the 101-year-old liberation movement, which led the fight against white-minority rule, assured the public Mandela was "in good shape", although the footage showed a thin and frail old man sitting expressionless in an armchair.

(Additional reporting by Pascal Fletcher; Writing by Ed Cropley; Editing by Pascal Fletcher and Angus MacSwan)


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In multiple sclerosis animal study, absence of gene leads to earlier, more severe disease

June 24, 2013 ? Scientists led by a UCSF neurology researcher are reporting that they have identified the likely genetic mechanism that causes some patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) to quickly progress to a debilitating stage of the disease while other patients progress much more slowly.

The team found that the absence of the gene Tob1 in CD4+ T cells, a type of immune cell, was the key to early onset of more serious disease in an animal model of MS.

Senior author Sergio Baranzini, PhD, a UCSF associate professor of neurology, said the finding may ultimately lead to the development of a test that predicts the course of MS in individual patients. Such a test could help physicians tailor personalized treatments, he said.

The study, done in collaboration with UCSF neurology researchers Scott Zamvil, MD, and Jorge Oksenberg, PhD, was published on June 24, 2013 in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.

MS is an inflammatory disease in which the protective myelin sheathing that coats nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord is damaged and ultimately stripped away -- a process known as demyelination. During the highly variable course of the disease, a wide range of cognitive, debilitating and painful neurological symptoms can result.

In previously published work, Baranzini and his research team found that patients at an early stage of MS known as clinically isolated syndrome who expressed low amounts of Tob1 were more likely to exhibit further signs of disease activity -- a condition known as relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis -- earlier than those who expressed normal levels of the gene.

The current study, according to Baranzini, had two goals: to recapitulate in an animal model what the researchers had observed in humans, and uncover the potential mechanism by which it occurs.

The authors were successful on both counts. They found that when an MS-like disease was induced in mice genetically engineered to be deficient in Tob1, the mice had significantly earlier onset compared with wild-type mice, and developed a more aggressive form of the disease.

Subsequent experiments revealed the probable cause: the absence of Tob1 in just CD4+ T cells. The scientists demonstrated this by transferring T cells lacking the Tob1 gene into mice that had no immune systems but had normal Tob1 in all other cells. They found that the mice developed earlier and more severe disease than mice that had normal Tob1 expression in all cells including CD4+.

"This shows that Tob1 only needs to be absent in this one type of immune cell in order to reproduce our initial observations in mice lacking Tob1 in all of their cells," said Baranzini.

The researchers also found the likely mechanism of disease progression in the Tob1-deficient mice: higher levels of Th1 and Th17 cells, which cause an inflammatory response against myelin, and lower levels of Treg cells, which normally regulate inflammatory responses. The inflammation results in demyelination.

The research is significant for humans, said Baranzini, because the presence or absence of Tob1 in CD4+ cells could eventually serve as a prognostic biomarker that could help clinicians predict the course and severity of MS in individual patients. "This would be useful and important," he said, "because physicians could decide to switch or modify therapies if they know whether the patient is likely to have an aggressive course of disease, or a more benign course."

Ultimately, predicted Baranzini, "This may become an example of personalized medicine. When the patient comes to the clinic, we will be able to tailor the therapy based on what the tests tell us. We're now laying the groundwork for this to happen."

Co-authors of the study are Ulf Schulze-Topphoff, PhD, of UCSF; Simona Casazza, PhD, of UCSF at the time of the study; Michel Varrin-Doyer, PhD; and Kara Pekarek of UCSF; Raymond A. Sobel, MD, of Stanford University School of Medicine, and Stephen L. Hauser, MD, of UCSF.

The study was supported by funds from the National Institutes of Health (R01 grants NS26799, NS049477, AI073737, AI059709 and NS063008), the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Robert Tillman Family Fund, the Guthy-Jackson Charitable Foundation and the Maisin Foundation.


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Abbas accepts Palestinian prime minister's resignation

By Ali Sawafta

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday accepted the resignation of his new prime minister, whose quick departure clouded efforts to project government stability after Western favorite Salam Fayyad quit the post.

Officials told Reuters that Rami Hamdallah, an academic and independent who became prime minister two weeks ago, decided to step down after a dispute over authority with his deputy, who is an Abbas loyalist and is close to the ruling Fatah party.

"The president accepted the resignation of the prime minister and designated him to head an interim government," Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rdaineh said.

With Abbas setting policy with Israel, the political tussle over the prime ministerial post seemed unlikely to have an impact on renewed U.S. efforts to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is due to return in the coming week for another attempt to restart the negotiations frozen since 2010 in a dispute over Jewish settlement expansion on occupied land Palestinians seek for a state.

"When we talk about the peace process, President Abbas is our interlocutor and so it's not going to have an impact," State Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell told reporters on Friday, a day after Hamdallah submitted his resignation.

"Whatever happens, it's important that the Palestinian Authority government remain committed to that effort of institution-building," Ventrell said.

Hamdallah's predecessor Fayyad, a U.S.-educated economist, resigned in April after six years in office marred by tough economic challenges but strides in setting touchstones vital to future Palestinian statehood.

Fayyad was widely respected in the West for his efforts to curb Palestinian corruption. The former World Bank official was valued as a transparent conduit for foreign aid money crucial to keeping the economically struggling government afloat.

But Fatah politicians eager to control the levers of power berated his ties to the West. Their disapproval of Fayyad, along with popular discontent over high taxes and prices, helped squeeze him out.


Hani al-Masri, an independent Palestinian political analyst, said Hamdallah's resignation was another embarrassment for Abbas, whose government exercises limited self rule in the West Bank under interim peace deals with Israel.

"This time, he (Abbas) doesn't have the excuse that the man was propped up by the West or had his own ambitions," Masri said, referring to political accusations that political opponents often directed at Fayyad, an independent.

Mohammed Mustafa, the deputy prime minister widely seen as having been behind the swift challenge to Hamdallah, is being touted as his possible successor, along with Abu Amr, a former foreign minister.

Under Palestinian law, a replacement must be named within two weeks.

U.S. officials had expressed misgivings with Mustafa as a potential prime minister, a Western diplomat told Reuters.

A Reuters investigation in 2009 found that U.S. aid in the form of loan guarantees meant for Palestinian farmers were given to a mobile phone company backed by Abbas and headed by Mustafa.

At the time, Mustafa denied any wrongdoing said the funds were used to help fuel Palestinian job creation. Abbas's administration did not comment at the time.

Abbas' most powerful rival, the Hamas Islamist group that wrested control over the Gaza Strip away from Fatah in 2007, said Hamdallah's resignation showcased divisions that only prolonged the Palestinian political split.

Since the brief civil war after Hamas won legislative polls in 2006, Palestinians have had no functioning parliament or national elections, and a unity pact pledged by Hamas and Fatah in 2011 and renewed this year has yet to materialize.

Wasel Abu Yousef, a top official in the Palestine Liberation Organisation, told Reuters the new prime ministerial vacancy could be an opportunity for Abbas himself to head an interim government of technocrats, pending new parliamentary polls envisaged by the reconciliation accord.

(Writing by Noah Browning, Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Alison Williams)


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Michigan's Huron River Ventures Partners Announces $11M Fund For Energy Efficient Startups

Q8m1fao (1)“Ann Arbor is the natural startup hotbed,” said Tim. “We intentionally opened our first office in Ann Arbor. That’s the center of talent in the Midwest.” Huron River Ventures Partners, an Ann Arbor, Mich.-based early stage venture capital firm, just announced that it recently closed the final round of its first fund, Huron River Ventures I at $11 million. Tim Streit and Ryan Waddington, managing directors of Huron River Ventures, are ready to invest in more companies looking to change the way we consume energy. The pair moved to Ann Arbor and started investing in young startups in 2010. Since then, they have made seven seed-stage investments in energy-efficient companies including Side.Cr, FarmLogs, and Ambiq Micro. But this isn’t about just solar or wind energy. This is about companies with a novel approach to consumption and use. For example, as Sterit told me, they invested in Side.Cr because of how it changes transportation, Michigan-based FarmLogs for its potential to disrupt agriculture, and Ambiq Micro, a company that claims to build the most energy-efficient microchips. This isn’t a fund looking for companies built around buzzwords like “cleantech” or “green energy”. This is venture capitalists investing in technology that’s clean. Both are from the great state of Michigan, attended the University of Michigan, and returned to the Great Lakes State after stints elsewhere. “The caliber of talent here, young tech talent, and on a relative basis, is a greater access to talent and the cost of doing business.” Tim said. “You have access to human capital and financial capital that’s growing very quick. I think you need to overlay the Midwest work ethic. We are very bullish on the work ethic.” As someone who has spent a good deal of time in Detroit and Ann Arbor, I can tell you this is a very common sales pitch. I was born in Michigan and never left. We’re very proud of our talent and work ethic. But the state is struggling to retain the talent it trains. As Tim explained, Ann Arbor naturally attracts talent. “That being said, it’s a bit harder to stand out in Ann Arbor than Detroit.” “Why fight for money in Ann Arbor when there’s low hanging fruit in Detroit,” he said flatly, pointing out the free office space and access to technical resources provided by Dan Gilbert’s companies. “But this isn’t Silicon Valley.” he added. “Fellow VCs discovered we


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Flytecam Is A Streamlined GoPro Challenger

Flytecam Is A Streamlined GoPro ChallengerWhether you need another option or not, Flytecam is a 1080p POV video camera that's looking to compete. It has specs that land it between GoPro's lowest and middle tier offerings, but it's supposed to be cheaper and doesn't require waterproof or shock resistant cases.

Flytecam has a rubberized body, is waterproof down to 3 meters, has an 120? lens and shoots 60fps for slow motion in 720p. It claims a three hour battery life and was developed alongside a "flytemount" that uses neodymium magnets and rubber teeth to secure the camera for mounting (see below).

Pre-order is starting soon and pricing alone will decide whether this is a legitimate competitor (the base model GoPro is currently $200). But Flytecam's creators claim that they started the project "because we couldn?t find a product that we really wanted, (and most certainly couldn?t afford)." Okay, well then it better be cheap. [Werd]

Flytecam Is A Streamlined GoPro Challenger


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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Obama nominates Comey to head FBI

President Barack Obama smiles as he announces the nomination of James Comey, left, a senior Justice Department official under President George W. Bush, to replace Robert Mueller as FBI director, Friday, June 21, 2013, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Barack Obama smiles as he announces the nomination of James Comey, left, a senior Justice Department official under President George W. Bush, to replace Robert Mueller as FBI director, Friday, June 21, 2013, in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Barack Obama and outgoing FBI Director Robert Mueller are seen in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Friday, June 21, 2013, where the president announced he would nominate James Comey, a senior Justice Department official under President George W. Bush, to replace Mueller, as FBI director. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

James Comey, a senior Justice Department official under President George W. Bush, speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Friday, June 21, 2013, after President Barack Obama announced he would nominate Comey to replace Robert Mueller as FBI director. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

(AP) ? As the FBI grapples with scrutiny over government surveillance, President Barack Obama on Friday moved to turn the agency over to James Comey, a top Bush administration lawyer best known for defiantly refusing to go along with White House demands on warrantless wiretapping nearly a decade ago.

Obama cited Comey's "fierce independence and deep integrity" as he nominated him to replace outgoing FBI Director Robert Mueller.

Mueller has led the agency for 12 years, longer than any previous director except J. Edgar Hoover, after Obama asked him to stay on beyond his initial 10-year term at a time of global threats. Mueller had moved into the director's office just the week before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and Obama applauded him during a Rose Garden ceremony for leading "one of the biggest transformations of the FBI in history to make sure that nothing like that ever happens again."

But Mueller is leaving as agency of 36,000 employees faces new challenges surrounding its intelligence gathering and criminal investigations. The bureau has parried questions in recent weeks over media leak probes; the Boston Marathon bombings; the attack at Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans; vast government surveillance programs into phone records and online communications; and a criminal probe into the former National Security Agency contractor who revealed those programs to the media. And just this week, Mueller revealed the FBI uses drones for domestic surveillance and said the privacy implications of such operations are worthy of debate.

"This work of striking a balance between our security but also making sure we're maintaining fidelity to those values that we cherish is a constant mission," Obama said.

It's a balance that Comey prominently wrestled with during his time as the No. 2 in Bush's Justice Department, dramatically illustrated by his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee in May 2007 as he recounted a remarkable hospital room standoff with senior White House aides.

Comey told the committee that the showdown on March 10, 2004, was "probably the most difficult night of my professional life." But he said it ultimately resulted in President George W. Bush authorizing him to make changes to an anti-terror program to eavesdrop on domestic telephone calls and e-mail messages without a court warrant.

The hospital confrontation came at the bedside of Attorney General John Ashcroft, who had been under intensive care with pancreatitis for a week while Comey served as acting attorney general. Comey said he and Ashcroft had a private meeting just before the attorney general fell ill and had decided they couldn't reauthorize the program that needed to be renewed by March 11 because of concerns about its legality.

Ashcroft's and Comey's opposition was a problem for the White House, which had set up the program with the requirement that it have the attorney general's signature to proceed. Comey said he told the White House he would not certify the program while he was acting as attorney general because of his concerns. So the White House decided to try to go around him.

Comey said his security detail was driving him home around 8 p.m. on that Wednesday when he got a call from Ashcroft's chief of staff letting him know that Bush chief of staff Andrew Card and counsel Alberto Gonzales were heading to the hospital despite a ban on visitors from Ashcroft's wife. Comey sped him to the hospital as he called Mueller and asked him to meet him there.

"I was concerned that, given how ill I knew the attorney general was, that there might be an effort to ask him to overrule me when he was in no condition to do that," Comey testified. He said he entered Ashcroft's darkened room and tried "to see if he could focus on what was happening, and it wasn't clear to me that he could. He seemed pretty bad off."

Comey said he waited in an armchair at the head of Ashcroft's bed, and Gonzales and Card arrived soon after carrying an envelope. He said Gonzales told the ailing Ashcroft they needed his approval.

"He lifted his head off the pillow and in very strong terms expressed his view of the matter, rich in both substance and fact, which stunned me," Comey testified. He said Ashcroft's views reflected the very concerns they had discussed the week before in their private meeting.

"As he laid back down, he said, 'But that doesn't matter, because I'm not the attorney general. There is the attorney general,' and he pointed to me, and I was just to his left," Comey said. "The two men did not acknowledge me. They turned and walked from the room."

Obama cited Comey's willingness to stand up to power in making his FBI nomination. "At key moments, when it's mattered most, he joined Bob in standing up for what he believed was right. He was prepared to give up a job he loved rather than be part of something he felt was fundamentally wrong," Obama said.

Civil libertarians have expressed concern that Comey ultimately approved another version of the wiretapping program and also signed off on interrogation techniques they say were abusive, including waterboarding. But his defiance has won praise from the senators who will oversee his confirmation hearing.


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Associated Press


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Monday, June 17, 2013

Minnesota Poll finds acceptance of NSA data collection program (Star Tribune)

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We Are Light-Eaters: The Unearthly Art of James Turrell

We Are Light-Eaters: The Unearthly Art of James Turrell

The last time James Turrell staged a major installation in a New York museum, lawsuits ensued: two visitors, who ostensibly didn?t realize what they were in for, sued Turrell after they became disoriented and fell inside of an installation in 1980. Thankfully, that hasn't stopped Turrell manipulating our senses?in fact, this month, he'll unveil what critics are calling one of the most daring installations ever attempted.




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Clear Writing with Mr. Clarity: Quotations on thinking, speaking and ...

?People who think that grammar is just a collection of rules and restrictions are wrong. If you get to like it, grammar reveals the hidden meaning of history, hides disorder and abandonment, links things and brings opposites together. Grammar is a wonderful way of organising the world how you?d like it to be.?
? Delphine de Vigan (pictured)

?Work on a good piece of writing proceeds on three levels: a musical one, where it is composed; an architectural one, where it is constructed; and finally, a textile one, where it is woven.?
? Walter Benjamin

?In recent years I?ve tutored students at Columbia University?s Graduate School of Journalism whose writing is disorganized almost beyond human help, but they seldom mention ?writing? as what they came to the school to learn. They are here to study ?new media,? or ?digital media,? or ?electronic journalism,? or ?videography,? or some other glamorous new skill.??
~William Zinsser

?The courage of the poet is to keep ajar the door that leads into madness.?
~Christopher Morley

?Dear God, please make me stop writing like a woman, for Jesus Christ?s sake, amen.?
~Dorothy Parker

The Takeaway: Keep an open mind.

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Putin: US-Russia positions on Syria don't coincide

President Barack Obama meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, Monday, June 17, 2013. Obama and Putin discussed the ongoing conflict in Syria during their bilateral meeting. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Barack Obama meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, Monday, June 17, 2013. Obama and Putin discussed the ongoing conflict in Syria during their bilateral meeting. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Barack Obama meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, Monday, June 17, 2013. Obama and Putin discussed the ongoing conflict in Syria during their bilateral meeting. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Barack Obama meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, Monday, June 17, 2013. Obama and Putin discussed the ongoing conflict in Syria during their bilateral meeting. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

From right, Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, US President Barack Obama and European Council President Herman Van Rompuy attend a media conference regarding EU-US trade at the G-8 summit in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland on Monday, June 17, 2013. British Prime Minister Cameron said he expects formal agreement to launch negotiations on a European-American free trade agreement. He also said a pact to slash tariffs on exports would boost employment and growth on both sides of the Atlantic. (AP Photo/Andrew Winning, Pool)

US President Barack Obama delivers a keynote address ahead of the G-8 summit at Waterfront Hall in Belfast, Northern Ireland on Monday, June 17, 2013. (AP Photo/ Paul Faith, Pool)

ENNISKILLEN, Northern Ireland (AP) ? Russian President Vladimir Putin told President Barack Obama on Monday that their positions on Syria do not "coincide" but the two leaders said during the G-8 summit that they have a shared interest in stopping the violence that has ravaged the Middle Eastern country during a two-year-old civil war.

Obama acknowledged in a bilateral meeting with Putin in Northern Ireland that they have a "different perspective" on Syria but he said that both leaders wanted to address the fierce fighting and also wanted to secure chemical weapons in the country. The U.S. president said both sides would work to develop talks in Geneva aimed at ending the country's bloody civil war.

"We do have differing perspectives on the problem but we share an interest in reducing the violence, securing chemical weapons and ensuring that they're neither used nor are they subject to proliferation," Obama said. "We want to try to resolve the issue through political means if possible."

Putin said "of course our opinions do not coincide, but all of us have the intention to stop the violence in Syria and to stop the growth of victims and to solve the situation peacefully, including by bringing the parties to the negotiations table in Geneva. We agreed to push the parties to the negotiations table."

While Putin has called for negotiated peace talks, he has not urged Syrian President Bashar Assad to leave power, and he remains one of Assad's strongest political and military allies. The White House did not expect any breakthrough with Putin on Syria during the gathering of the Group of Eight Summit at a lakeside golf resort near Enniskillen and the meeting further highlighted the rift between the two countries on how to address the fighting in the country.

Obama announced Friday that the U.S. would start sending weaponry, while Britain and France remained concerned that the firepower might end up helping anti-democratic extremists linked to Iran and Lebanon's Hezbollah militia. Putin has defended Russia's continuing supply of weapons to Assad's military.

At least 93,000 people have been killed in Syria's conflict since it erupted in March 2011, according to a recent U.N. estimate. Millions have been displaced.

The European Union has also allowed a weapons embargo against Syria to expire, allowing members of the 27-nation bloc to arm the rebels. France and Britain are moving in that direction, but the German government opposes such a move.

Assad warned that Europe "will pay a price" if it delivers weapons to rebels who are trying to topple his government. In an interview with the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Runschau published Monday, Assad dismissed the Obama administration's contention that the Syrian army used chemical weapons against the rebels.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said following a meeting with Putin on Sunday that the West needs to unite behind a diplomatic push that transitions Assad from power.

Obama's discussions with Putin capped a busy day that included a preview of future negotiations toward a broad trade deal with the European Union and speech in Belfast where he called peace in Northern Ireland a "blueprint" for those living amid conflict around the world.

Pointing to potential economic benefits, Obama said the U.S. would host the first round of negotiations on the trade deal with the European Union next month in Washington. The agreement aims to forge a free trade pact designed to slash tariffs, boost exports and fuel badly needed economic growth.

Obama predicted the parties would need to overcome sensitivities on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. While leaders would be giving strong mandates to their negotiators, Obama said he suspected the leaders themselves would need to intervene at certain points to work through hang-ups.

At the start of his European trip, Obama noted the progress of peace in Northern Ireland and summoned young people at Belfast's Waterfront Hall to take responsibility for their country's future, warning that there is "more to lose now than there's ever been."

"The terms of peace may be negotiated by political leaders, but the fate of peace is up to each of us," Obama said near a glass-fronted building, which would never have been built during the city's long era of car bombs.

Associated Press


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Friday, June 14, 2013

U.S. college degree rate rises but at pace well short of needs: study

Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:51pm EDT

(Reuters) - The percentage of working-age U.S. adults who hold a college degree has increased incrementally during the last few years but at a pace well short of what is needed to meet future workforce needs, a report released on Thursday said.

The report, published by the Lumina Foundation, showed that 38.7 percent of Americans held a two- or four-year college degree in 2011, the most current year for which data is available, up from 38.3 percent in 2010 and 38.1 percent in 2009.

At the current trajectory, the rate for adults ages 25 to 64 will reach 48.1 percent in 2025, the study said. That is well short of a 60 percent goal set by the study's authors.

The study was based on data from the American Community Survey, a sample of a small percentage of the U.S. population compiled each year by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The president and chief executive of the Indiana-based Lumina Foundation, Jamie Merisotis, said in the report that gaps in educational achievement are linked to race, income and class and reflect "persistent inequities that have dogged us for decades."

Merisotis, whose organization promotes higher education, also said first-generation status, military service and current employment have contributed to challenges facing the United States in increasing the percentage of college-educated adults.

The Lumina Foundation made 70 grants totaling $30 million in 2012, according to its website.

(Reporting by Brendan O'Brien in Milwaukee; Editing by Cynthia Johnston and Steve Orlofsky)


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Monday, June 10, 2013

U.S. attorney general under pressure to open more leak inquiries

By David Ingram and Timothy Gardner

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Attorney General Eric Holder appears to have little choice but to launch a new round of investigations into media leaks, the very issue that consumed him for the last month and led to renewed calls for his resignation.

U.S. officials said Holder will undoubtedly be called upon to identify leakers who gave a secret court order to Britain's Guardian newspaper and a document describing surveillance methods to both the Guardian and the Washington Post.

U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Saturday blamed the outlets for what he called "reckless disclosures" of classified spy agency material. It was unclear on Saturday whether the National Security Agency had formally requested that the Justice Department track the leaks.

The test for Holder comes as he deals with fierce bipartisan criticism for his agency's tactics in pursuing media records in other leak investigations. President Barack Obama ordered him last month to review Justice Department procedures for handling media cases, leading Holder to conduct a series of private meetings with news executives and lawyers.

Those sessions focused on two Justice Department leak inquiries that brought an outcry after media records were seized without advance notice and one news reporter was labeled a criminal co-conspirator in documents seeking his records.

Clapper on Saturday aggressively defended secret U.S. data collection, blasting the Guardian and the Post for disclosing the highly classified spy agency project code-named PRISM.

A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment.

"It will be an interesting chance to see if the Justice Department has learned anything," said Gregg Leslie, legal defense director for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, a journalists' advocacy group.

Even after the Guardian unveiled its exclusive story on the court order, Holder was reassuring news outlets on Thursday that he would not prosecute working reporters for doing their jobs.

But the publication of NSA materials - and Clapper's strong condemnation of it - puts Holder back in the position of having to evaluate whether the leaks compromised valuable sources of information used to protect the public.

"I don't see how they couldn't pursue leak investigations in the case of the disclosures this week," said Carrie Cordero, a former Justice Department national security lawyer.


Cordero, now the director of national security studies at Georgetown University Law Center, said it would be unthinkable for prosecutors to bow to recent media criticism.

"The Justice Department is by tradition supposed to be politically insulated when it's conducting an investigation, and I don't see any reason why that would change now - as unpopular as it might be," she said.

Holder's political standing has been on a slow decline. On Friday Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia became the highest-profile Democrat to suggest he should step down.

Manchin told Bloomberg TV that even if a public official like Holder has good intentions, "if they're not being effective and they're not being received, how effective is it and how good is it for the country?"

White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett backed Holder in a separate interview on Thursday, telling The Huffington Post that Holder "will be in his position for quite a while."

Chris Harper, a journalism professor at Temple University, said Holder might need to consider handing off the leak investigations.

"It is the fox guarding the chicken house. It's time to start considering special prosecutors in these cases," Harper said.

Holder in June 2012 handed off two leak probes to the chief federal prosecutors in Washington, D.C., and Maryland, although both prosecutors still answer to either Holder or his politically appointed deputy, James Cole.


One change in Justice Department procedure sought by media outlets is an opportunity to contest in advance any demand for records such as telephone call lists. The Associated Press reported on May 13 that the Justice Department seized some of its phone records without giving the news agency a chance to object beforehand.

Prosecutors are trying to find out who told the AP about a foiled plot to bomb an airliner over U.S. soil.

Journalists also are pressing that they not be labeled as possible criminals, as when an FBI agent in a search warrant affidavit used the term co-conspirator to describe Fox News reporter James Rosen. Rosen, who was not prosecuted, had reported secret views of U.S. intelligence officials about North Korea.

Holder as recently as Friday continued to express displeasure at the methods his prosecutors used to pursue records from Fox News and the Associated Press, said Leslie, who with other press advocates met Holder.

"He seemed to sincerely believe that those incidents were handled in a way that he didn't like," Leslie said.

Glenn Greenwald, the lead author of the Guardian's surveillance stories, told the New York Times that he expects a U.S. investigation and upgraded the security measures on his computer in Brazil, where he lives, as a precaution.

Greenwald added on Twitter, "Dear DOJ: your bullying tactics will scare some sources, but they embolden others."

(Editing by Marilyn W. Thompson and Eric Walsh)


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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Operator in Philly collapse deaths in custody

Sean Benschop, center, with red jacket over his head, walks with investigators as he arrives at the Philadelphia Police Department's Central Detectives Division, Saturday June 8, 2013, in Center City Philadelphia. Benschop, the heavy equipment operator with a lengthy rap sheet accused of being high on marijuana when a downtown building collapsed onto a thrift store, killing six people, turned himself in on Saturday to face charges in the deaths, police said. (AP Photo/ Joseph Kaczmarek)

Sean Benschop, center, with red jacket over his head, walks with investigators as he arrives at the Philadelphia Police Department's Central Detectives Division, Saturday June 8, 2013, in Center City Philadelphia. Benschop, the heavy equipment operator with a lengthy rap sheet accused of being high on marijuana when a downtown building collapsed onto a thrift store, killing six people, turned himself in on Saturday to face charges in the deaths, police said. (AP Photo/ Joseph Kaczmarek)

This photo provided by the Philadelphia Police Department shows Sean Benschop. Sean Benschop, a heavy equipment operator with a lengthy rap sheet who is accused of being high on marijuana when a downtown building collapsed onto a thrift store, killing six people, surrendered Saturday, June 8, 2013 to face charges in the deaths, police said. Benschop faces six counts of involuntary manslaughter, 13 counts of recklessly endangering another person and one count of risking a catastrophe. (AP Photo/Philadelphia Police Department)

Sean Benschop, center, with red jacket over his head, holds his hands behind his back for investigators as he arrives at the Philadelphia Police Department's Central Detectives Division, Saturday June 8, 2013, in Center City Philadelphia, however police did not handcuff Benschop due to his injured right arm. Benschop, the heavy equipment operator with a lengthy rap sheet accused of being high on marijuana when a downtown building collapsed onto a thrift store, killing six people, turned himself in on Saturday to face charges in the deaths, police said. (AP Photo/ Joseph Kaczmarek)

Sean Benschop, center, with a red jacket over his head, holds out his hands for investigators as he arrives at the Philadelphia Police Department's Central Detectives Division, Saturday June 8, 2013, in Center City Philadelphia. Benschop, the heavy equipment operator with a lengthy rap sheet accused of being high on marijuana when a downtown building collapsed onto a thrift store, killing six people, turned himself in on Saturday to face charges in the deaths, police said. (AP Photo/ Joseph Kaczmarek)

This undated Philadelphia Police photo shows Sean Benschop, who also goes by the name Kary Roberts. Benschop, 42, who was allegedly high while operating demolition equipment when a downtown building collapsed and killed six people, will be charged with involuntary manslaughter, a top city official said Friday, June 7, 2013. (AP Photo/Philadelphia Police)

(AP) ? A heavy equipment operator who is accused of being high on marijuana when a downtown building collapsed onto a thrift store, killing six people, is in custody after surrendering to face charges in the deaths, police said.

Sean Benschop, who has a lengthy police record, surrendered Saturday and faces six counts of involuntary manslaughter, 13 counts of recklessly endangering another person and one count of risking a catastrophe. A warrant had been issued for his arrest and police had been searching for him. He is awaiting arraignment.

Authorities believe the 42-year-old Benschop had been using an excavator Wednesday when the remains of the four-story building under demolition gave way and toppled onto an attached Salvation Army thrift store, killing two employees and four customers and injuring 13 others.

Deputy Mayor Everett Gillison said a toxicology report showed evidence that Benschop was high on marijuana. That finding, combined with witness statements and evidence from the scene, led to the decision Friday to raid his North Philadelphia home and later seek an arrest warrant, he said.

Benschop's attorney, Daine Grey, defended his client.

"This was an accident, but Mr. Benschop is not responsible," Grey said Saturday. "And we believe that, in time, the facts will show that he is not responsible."

Benschop was wearing a bandage on his right arm when he turned himself into police. Grey said he had been injured at a worksite, but he declined to say where or when.

Grey said Benschop was able to operate heavy equipment.

"He was completely able to operate a backhoe," Grey said. " ... He operated it safely, as he always does, and he did not violate the law in any capacity.

"He has been doing this for more than 13 years. He is very experienced. He has worked for a number of contractors throughout the region. All of the contractors have found him professional and found that he did his work with the highest regard for the safety of those around him."

Mayor Michael Nutter, in a statement Saturday night, called for harsh charges and punishment for Benschop.

"It is my hope that the harshest level of charges are brought against Sean Benschop and he is punished accordingly," Nutter said. "We must also seek answers from property owners Richard Basciano and Griffin T. Campbell who hired Benschop to do the significant job of operating heavy equipment. These three individuals bear the ultimate and sole responsibility for this tragedy. Justice will only be served if Sean Benschop receives a sentence that buries him in a jailhouse forever, just like his victims were buried on Wednesday."

Benschop, who also goes by the name Kary Roberts, has been arrested at least 11 times since 1994 on charges ranging from drugs to theft to weapons possession, according to court records. He was twice sentenced to prison in the 1990s after being convicted on drug trafficking charges. Benschop's last arrest, on a charge of aggravated assault, came in January 2012, but the case was dismissed for lack of evidence.

As the criminal investigation heated up, at least two survivors sued the demolition contractor and building owner, alleging gross recklessness at the job site.

The city, meanwhile, promised to crack down on the demolition industry.

"We can do much better," Nutter said at a news conference Friday. "We will not accept the status quo in the face of this tragedy."

Nutter's reform plan for construction sites includes random drug testing on heavy equipment operators.

The mayor also pledged to adopt tougher background requirements for demolition contractors, including information about each worker's experience, and more frequent site inspections when demolitions are underway.

His plan could run into resistance from builders who say they're already highly regulated.

Lawyers for the two survivors who have sued accuse demolition contractor Griffin Campbell ? who has a criminal background and has filed for bankruptcy twice ? of violating federal safety regulations. They say building owner Richard Basciano should have picked a more qualified and competent contractor to do the work.

No one answered the phone at a listing for Campbell on Saturday, and the voice mailbox was full.

Plaintiff Linda Bell, a 50-year-old mother of three, was shopping at the thrift store when the building came down on top of her. She fell into the basement and was covered by rubble for more than an hour.

Construction engineers have said the thrift store should have been evacuated during critical phases of the demolition project next door.

The Salvation Army was concerned enough about the demolition that its attorneys reached out to a lawyer for building owner STB Investments Corp., a company linked to prominent businessman and developer Richard Basciano.


Rubinkam reported from northeastern Pennsylvania. Associated Press writer Keith Collins contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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