Saturday, June 23, 2012

Pregnant women should avoid alcohol during pregnancy, experts say

ScienceDaily (June 22, 2012) ? Experts at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine disagree with a series of new studies from Denmark that suggest consumption of up to 8 alcoholic drinks a week or occasional binge drinking during pregnancy is generally safe for the developing baby.

Kenneth Lyons Jones, MD, professor in the UCSD Department of Pediatrics and a renowned expert in birth defects, and Christina Chambers, MPH, PhD, director of the California Teratogen Information Service (CTIS) Pregnancy Health Information Line, say these studies are misleading to pregnant women, citing more than 30 years of research to the contrary.

"This series of studies collected data on alcohol exposure during an interview conducted sometime between 7 and 39 weeks of pregnancy. The quantity and frequency of alcohol consumed was based on mother's recall which may not be accurate," said Jones who was one of the first doctors to identify Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in 1973.

Published in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the series of studies analyzed data from more than 1,600 women in the Danish National Birth Cohort. The amount of alcohol consumed by the women during their pregnancy was classified as either none, low, moderate, or high. In addition, binge drinking was defined as having 5 or more drinks on a single occasion. When the child reached the age of 5, the children underwent various development tests. Researchers found no significant association between prenatal alcohol consumption at low and moderate levels and general intelligence, attention, executive function or IQ. However, only half of the women invited in the follow-up studies agreed to participate. It is possible that those women who drank during pregnancy and who agreed to participate were more likely to have higher functioning children.

Chambers, a UCSD School of Medicine professor, pointed out the overwhelming evidence of more than 30 years of research supporting the conclusion that alcohol, especially alcohol consumed in a binge pattern, can be harmful to the developing baby.

"Individual women metabolize alcohol differently, and vary in terms of how susceptible they may be to having an affected child," Chambers said. "Although we do not want to alarm women who find out they are pregnant and realize that they have consumed low levels of alcohol before they knew they were pregnant, we emphasize that a 'safe' amount of alcohol that any individual woman can drink while pregnant is impossible to establish. The best advice continues to be that women should avoid alcohol entirely during the nine months that she is carrying the baby."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California, San Diego Health Sciences, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. H-L Falgreen Eriksen, EL Mortensen, T Kilburn, M Underbjerg, J Bertrand, H St?vring, T Wimberley, J Grove, US Kesmodel. The effects of low to moderate prenatal alcohol exposure in early pregnancy on IQ in 5-year-old children. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 2012; DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2012.03394.x

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Friday, June 22, 2012

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Moody's cuts ratings of 15 banks

CHARLOTTE, N.C./LONDON (Reuters) - Ratings agency Moody's downgraded 15 of the world's biggest banks on Thursday, lowering credit ratings by one to three notches to reflect the risk of losses they face from volatile capital markets activities, but banks criticized the move as backward looking.

Morgan Stanley, one of the most closely watched firms in the much anticipated review, had its long-term debt rating lowered by just two notches, one level less than had been expected, sending its stock up sharply in after-hours trading.

The downgrade left Morgan Stanley more highly rated than Bank of America Corp and Citigroup, but a step below Goldman Sachs Group.

Credit Suisse, which last week was warned about weak capital levels by Switzerland's central bank, was the only bank in the group to suffer a three-notch downgrade. But its new A1 deposit and senior debt ratings still rank higher than many of its peers.

"All of the banks affected by today's actions have significant exposure to the volatility and risk of outsized losses inherent to capital markets activities," Moody's Global Banking Managing Director Greg Bauer said in the announcement.

Financial markets have been bracing for the downgrades since February, when Moody's Investors Service said it had launched a review of 17 banks with global capital markets operations. These companies faced diminished profitability and growth prospects due to difficult operating conditions, increased regulation and other factors, Moody's said.

The long-term debt ratings cuts could increase funding costs for Morgan Stanley and other banks, and trading partners may ask for more collateral. But the impact could be muted since the changes were in-line with indications given by Moody's on how much the ratings were likely to be cut.

"The biggest surprise is the three-notch downgrade of Credit Suisse, which no one was looking for," said Mark Grant, managing director at Southwest Securities Inc. "In fact, it was Morgan Stanley that was supposed to be downgraded by that amount and Morgan received only two notches of cuts."

David Mathers, Credit Suisse's chief financial officer, said the firm was pleased that Moody's continued to recognize it as one of the most highly rated banks in its peer group.

Besides Morgan Stanley, two other banks fared better than they could have. UBS could have been downgraded by three notches but was only bumped down two spots. HSBC could have fallen by two, but dropped only one notch.


Other banks downgraded by two notches were: Barclays, BNP Paribas, Royal Bank of Canada, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs Group, JPMorgan Chase, Credit Agricole, and Deutsche Bank.

Along with HSBC, ratings for Bank of America, Royal Bank of Scotland and Societe Generale were also cut by one notch.

Nomura and Macquarie were included in an original list of global banks under review, but have already been downgraded.

In a statement, Morgan Stanley said its ratings "still do not fully reflect the key strategic actions we have taken in recent years."

"With our de-risked balance sheet, stable sources of funding, diverse business mix and strong leadership team, we are well positioned to deliver for clients and shareholders."

Citigroup went beyond defending itself to blasting Moody's for its treatment of U.S. banks in general, and then to praising institutional investors and the U.S. Congress for showing less respect for the agency.

"We have been especially surprised by Moody's disproportionately adverse treatment of U.S. firms relative to banks in Europe," Citigroup said in a statement.

Moody's released the downgrades after U.S. stock markets had closed on Thursday. Bank stocks had fallen as investor's prepared the announcement, which was anticipated because Moody's had told banks it was coming, according to sources.

Morgan Stanley shares declined nearly 1.7 percent to close at $13.96, while Bank of America shares fell nearly 4 percent to $7.82. The KBW Banks Index was down 2.3 percent.

But after suffering only a two-notch cut, instead of three as anticipated, Morgan Stanley shares rose 43 cents, or 3.1 percent, to $14.39 in after-market trading.

The market for bank bonds rallied on relief that the long wait for Moody's announcement was over and that Morgan Stanley's rating reduction was only two notches.

"The ratings profile will be seen as having returned to stability," Scott Kimball, senior portfolio manager for Taplin, Canida & Habacht, a fixed-income investment firm affiliated with Bank of Montreal. The rally lifted hopes for an end to an eight-week drought in new bond issues from the biggest U.S. banks.


Moody's went through "an exceptionally deliberate and detailed process in a four-month review in coming to this," Bob Young, Moody's managing director for North American banking, said when asked about criticism from Citigroup and some outside analysts that Moody's was looking backwards with its downgrades.

Young said that the agency had looked closely at the history of failures of lower-rated banks in setting the new ratings.

In downgrading Citigroup, Moody's said it considered the bank's volatile earnings and the problems it had managing risk in the financial crisis.

"They have brought in new people and changed the risk management structure and that is positive. We will see how they perform," Young said.

After the review, Moody's divided the global banks into three tiers, with HSBC, Royal Bank of Canada and JPMorgan at the top. Bank of America, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley and Royal Bank of Scotland were in the bottom tier.

Capital markets risks are significant for the highest-rated firms, but the institutions have stronger "shock absorbers" in the form of earnings from generally more stable businesses, Moody's said.

The lowest-rated banks have more volatility or problems with risk management, and in some cases thinner shock absorbers.

Moody's said while the banks have been making changes to improve their profits, it was taking a wait-and-see attitude.

"These transformations are ongoing and their success has yet to be tested," Moody's said.

Bank of America spokesman Jerry Dubrowski said the second-largest U.S. bank has strengthened its governance and risk management and ended the first quarter of 2012 with record capital ratios, record liquidity and substantial reserves.

"We have significant liquidity and resources to serve clients and customers as we have transformed the company," he said.

Royal Bank of Scotland said the ratings changes were "backward-looking" and do "not give adequate credit for the substantial improvements the Group has made to its balance sheet, funding and risk profile", but said they were manageable.

Ahead of the Moody's downgrades, corporate treasurers had quietly accelerated their own reviews of where to put their bank deposits, who they trade swaps with and who they borrow from.

Some had prepared by adding more banks to their credit facilities to diversify the risk of a Lehman Brothers-like bank failure. Some also adjusted their deposit relationships.

Banks, for their part, had been reaching out to treasurers both offensively and defensively, trying to keep clients and win new business ahead of potential turmoil from Moody's review.

(Reporting by Steve Slater, Matt Scuffham and Rick Rothacker. Additional reporting by Ben Berkowitz, Jed Horowitz, Lauren Tara LaCapra, Danielle Robinson and David Henry; Editing by Alwyn Scott, Elaine Hardcastle, Carol Bishopric and John Mair)

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Poll: Obama, Romney even amid economic worries

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Fewer Americans believe the economy is getting better and a majority disapproves of how President Barack Obama is handling it, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.

Republican challenger Mitt Romney has exploited those concerns and moved into a virtually even position with the president.

Three months of declining job creation have left the public increasingly glum, with only 3 out of 10 adults saying the country is headed in the right direction. Five months before the election, the economy remains Obama's top liability.

Obama has lost the narrow lead he had held just a month ago among registered voters. In the new poll, 47 percent say they will vote for the president and 44 percent for Romney, a difference that is not statistically significant. The poll also shows that Romney has recovered well from a bruising Republican primary, with more of his supporters saying they are certain to vote for him now.

Still, in a measure of Romney's own vulnerabilities, even some voters who say they support Romney believe the president will still be re-elected. Of all adults polled, 56 percent believe Obama will win a second term.

With his Republican nomination now ensured, Romney has succeeded in unifying the party behind him and in maintaining a singular focus on making the election a referendum on Obama's handling of the economy. The poll is not good news for the president, and it reflects fluctuations in the economy, which has shown both strength and weakness since it began to recover from the recent recession. The new survey illustrates how an ideologically divided country and a stumbling recovery have driven the two men into a tight match.

About half ? 49 percent ? approve of how Obama is handling his job as president, dropping him below the 50 percent mark he was above in May. Disapproval of Obama is highest ? 55 percent ? for his handling of the economy. Still, registered voters are split virtually evenly on whether Romney or Obama would do a better job improving it.

"I'm not going to vote for Obama," said Raymond Back, a 60-year-old manufacturing plant manager from North Olmsted, Ohio, one of the most competitive states in this election. "It's just the wrong thing to go. I don't know what Romney is going to do, but this isn't the right way."

Obama's overall 49 percent approval rating is not unlike the approval ratings George W. Bush faced in June 2004 during his re-election campaign, when he and his Democratic challenger, John Kerry, were also locked in a dead heat.

The polling numbers come as no surprise to either camp. Both Romney and Obama advisers have anticipated a close contest that will be driven largely by economic conditions. The Obama camp is busy trying to define Romney, hoping it is reaching more independents like Doss Comer, 58, of Jacksonville, N.C., who said he would vote for Obama again, despite the lagging economy.

"I think we are on the wrong track," he said. "We're not getting anywhere. We're not growing. The unemployment rate just spiked up again." But, he added: "I don't trust Romney because of what he's doing. He's telling his business experience, that he was an investor in business. ... I don't think he has the right background any more than Obama."

Besides weak job growth and still high unemployment, Obama is at the mercy of European countries struggling with a debt crisis that has already sent ripples across the Atlantic. At the same time, there are signs that the housing industry may be on the mend. U.S. builders started work on more single-family homes in May and requested the most permits to build homes and apartments in 3 1/2 years.

Those types of crosscurrents are also evident in politics. While preferences for November are evenly split, a majority believes Obama will still be re-elected, a shift from an even split on the question seven months ago. In December, 21 percent of Republicans said they thought Obama would win re-election; that's risen to 31 percent now. And among independents, the share saying Obama will win has climbed from 49 percent to 60 percent. Among Democrats, it was 75 percent in both polls.

Tim Baierlein of Brandon, Fla., believes Romney would be a reassuring voice for a business community worried about regulations and higher taxes. But he said he still thinks Obama will win because the right wing of the Republican Party could alienate voters away from Romney and because, in his view, Romney lacks a clear message.

"He just comes across as very elitist and I think that's going to hurt," he said.

About 4 out of 10 adults say they are worse off now than they were four years ago, compared with nearly 3 out of 10 who say they are doing better now. Among those who say they're doing worse, 60 percent say they plan to vote for Romney in November.

Amy Thackeray, 35, of Alpine, Utah, said her husband and five children experienced the economic downturn when it affected her husband's job. "We've dealt with a pay cut," she said. "We are grateful we still have a job. We live within our means. We save and we feel that in situations like this, it makes us save even more."

"We need someone with more financial and business experience than what Obama has," she said. "We need a president who takes one term and makes the hard decisions to put us back on the right track, and I hope it will be Romney."

The Associated Press-GfK Poll was conducted June 14-18 by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications. It involved landline and cellphone interviews with 1,007 adults nationwide, including 878 registered voters. Results from the full sample have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points; it is 4.2 points for registered voters.


Associated Press writer Stacy A. Anderson and News Survey Specialist Dennis Junius contributed to this report.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

RRsat to Launch New Ku-Band Platforms on AMOS-5 Satellite Over ...


RRsat to Launch New Ku-Band Platforms on AMOS-5 Satellite Over Africa

RRsat?s MCPC Platforms increase DTH capacity over Sub-Saharan Africa




????AIRPORT CITY BUSINESS PARK, Israel, June 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ ?


RRsat Global Communications Network Ltd. (NASDAQ: RRST), a leading provider of comprehensive content management and global distribution services to the television and radio broadcasting industry, announced today the launch of two new Ku-Band MCPC Platforms on Spacecom?s AMOS-5 Satellite at 17?East. These two MCPC platforms, Ku-1 (West Central Africa) and Ku-3 (East West Africa), will complement RRsat?s existing focus on providing Direct To Home (DTH) content to Sub-Saharan Africa.

?The African market for broadcast television is growing rapidly,? said Lior Rival, VP Sales & Marketing at RRsat. ?Together with AMOS, we believe that with these platforms we will be able to provide leading TV and radio channels the opportunity to reach a continent demanding new television viewing. RRsat is able to cost-effectively bring content from Europe, Asia and the Americas for DTH distribution.

?AMOS-5 was designed and built specifically for the African market with powerful beams and superior coverage of Africa?s largest markets. We are excited that RRsat has chosen to bring their MCPC platforms to our Ku-1 and Ku-3 beams,? remarked Eyal Copitt, Spacecom?s Sr. VP Sales, Africa, ?DTH has tremendous potential in Africa. These platforms on AMOS-5 represent an important element of Spacecom?s vision as we transform into a multi-regional satellite operator.?

About RRsat Global Communications Network Ltd.

RRsat Global Communications Network Ltd. (NASDAQ: RRST) provides global, end-to-end, content management and distribution services to the rapidly expanding television and radio broadcasting industries, covering more than 150 countries. Through its RRsat Global Network, composed of satellite and terrestrial fiber optic capacity and the public Internet, RRsat provides high-quality and flexible global distribution services 24/7 to more than 630 channels reaching multiplatform operators, Internet TV and direct-to-home viewers worldwide and also offers occasional use services for sports, news and events with a fleet of flyaways and over 10 transportable satellite news gathering services (SNG) units. More than 130 television and radio channels use RRsat?s advanced production and playout centers comprising comprehensive media asset management services. Visit the company?s website

About Spacecom

Spacecom (Space-Communication Ltd.), operator of the AMOS-2 and AMOS-3 satellites co-located at 4?W and AMOS-5 located at 17?E, provides high- quality broadcast and communications services in Europe, the Middle East, the U.S. East Coast and Africa to direct-to-home (DTH) and direct broadcast satellite (DBS) operators, ISPs, telecom operators, network integrators and government agencies.

AMOS-5 delivers high-power C-band and Ku-band capacity to the entire African continent with connectivity to Europe and the Middle East. Along with the launch of AMOS-4 in 2013 with coverage over Russia and South Asia, and AMOS-6 in 2014 with coverage over Europe and the Middle East, Spacecom will further enhance its position as a multi-regional satellite operator.

For more information, please visit:

Safe Harbor Statement

This press release contains forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including statements regarding (i) the growth of our business and the television and radio broadcasting industries, (ii) our expectation to expand our client base and sell additional services to our existing client base, (iii) our ability to successfully integrate the teleports we acquired, (iv) our ability to develop and commercialize the RRinternetTV service, (v) our expectation to extend the average length of our contracts in the future, (vi) our ability to develop, expand and commercialize our HD Platform, (vii) our ability to report future successes, (viii) our ability to expand our activity in the American market, and (ix) our intention to distribute dividends in the future and the size of any dividends declared. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about the companies and the industry as of the date of this press release. The company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or to changes in its expectations, except as may be required by law. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements, including the risks indicated in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). For more details, please refer to our SEC filings and the amendments thereto, including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2011 and our Current Reports on Form 6-K.

Information in this press release concerning Spacecom is based on information provided by Spacecom and has not been independently verified by RRsat.

Company Contact Information:

Christine Ben Amram, MARCOM Manager

Tel: +972-3-9280808



External Investor Relations Contacts:

Ehud Helft / Porat Saar

Tel: +1-646-233-2161


SOURCE RRSat Global Communications Network Ltd????


Company Codes: NASDAQ-NMS:RRST, RICS:RRST.O ????

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Microsoft partners with Audible to enhance Windows Phone voice recognition, available for WP 7.5 and up

Microsoft partners with Audible to enhance voice recognition in Windows Phone 8

Siri, S Voice -- well, now Microsoft's got its own answer to those rival voice services (sort of) and it's coming in the form of a partnership with Audible on the Windows Phone platform. The company's very own Kevin Gallo took to the stage at today's Summit in San Francisco to demonstrate the enhanced feature running on Windows Phone 8. Though the Redmond-made OS has supported voice commands since the platform's seventh iteration (née Mango) by allowing users to launch applications, it can now also help users search, as well as play audiobook files. In the demo, Gallo was able to skip a chapter ahead, pause and resume listening to his selected Game of Thrones title. And lest the WP faithful feel left behind with the seemingly endless spate of Apollo-only features, the company's making this integration available to handsets running WP 7.5 and up starting later today.

To check out the latest updates from Microsoft's Windows Phone event, visit our liveblog!

Microsoft partners with Audible to enhance Windows Phone voice recognition, available for WP 7.5 and up originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 20 Jun 2012 13:44:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Texas Tech Women's Rodeo Team Takes National Championship

A Texas Tech team has won their first national championship.

The Texas Tech University women?s rodeo team took their first national championship late Saturday evening, at the 64th annual College National Finals Rodeo.

The Red Raiders finished with 423.3 points, beating Central Wyoming College and Sam Houston State University at the event in Casper, Wyoming. Texas A&M finished 20th.

Texas Tech?s men?s rodeo team won the national championship in 1955, and several other men and women have taken individual national championships, but Saturday night marked the first national championship for the entire women?s team.

The team consisted of members Bailey Guthrie, Haley Nelson, Jessica Frost, and Taylor Langdon.

The women?s team took the Southwest region championship with two regular-season events left, and entered the CNFR ranked seventh in the nation.

Separately, Nelson won reserve national champion in barrel racing, and Langdon finished fifth. Guthrie finished 10th in goat tying.

?I feel very happy for each of the girls, their families, and Texas Tech University friends and alumni,? said Chris Guay, rodeo coach and animal and food science instructor. ?History was made for them as they came together as a team and had a remarkable year.?

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Real Estate Weekly ? Blog Archive ? Adams adds to midtown stable

Real Estate Weekly has been published weekly since 1954. The publication reaches over 30,000 readers in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island and Westchester. Subscribers rely on REW for its late-breaking news and recent developments affecting the commercial, residential and industrial markets. In addition, REW publishes monthly supplements which focus on specific aspects of the real estate industry. REW is read by building owners, property managers, brokers, developers, lending service companies, attorneys, architects and more. Subscribe to REW here.

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Soltani's screenshots show how that he was able to hijack his friend's Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Soltani's screenshots show how that he was able to hijack his friend's Facebook and Twitter accounts.

(Credit: Ashkan Soltani)

A hole in the mobile app KLIK has been closed after a researcher discovered that it could be used to hijack Facebook and Twitter accounts.

KLIK lets people tag faces in photos using Facebook, which recently acquired Israel-based But Ashkan Soltani, a privacy and security researcher, found that it also allowed anyone to hijack a KLIK user's accounts on Facebook and Twitter to get access to photos that were private.

"The above attack not only allows access to non-public photos, but also lets the attacker potentially manipulate the app to automatically 'recognize' anyone walking down the street (i.e just hijack Lady Gaga's and get her ~11 million friends' 'face prints')," Soltani wrote in a blog post yesterday.

"In addition to accessing a potentially private data (i.e., if they had their photos, friends lists, or tweets set to 'private'), the vuln allowed the attacker to hijack the account and post status updates / Tweets as that user," he wrote. "Since KLIK relies on Facebook connect, that means anyone that has used the app was vulnerable."

The problem arose because was storing Facebook and Twitter OAUTH authorization tokens on servers insecurely. Soltani said he waited to disclose the problem publicly until after it was resolved.

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LaHair, Soriano lead Cubs home run parade vs. White Sox

Bryan LaHair and Alfonso Soriano homered to lead the Chicago?Cubs to a 12-3 victory over the White Sox on Monday night in the opener of the crosstown, interleague series.

With winds gusting to 41 mph the Cubs had season highs of five home runs, 15 hits and 12 runs.

Starlin Castro and Luis Valbuena homered and had three hits apiece for the Cubs and Geovany Soto added a solo shot in his first game back from the 15-day disabled list.

Matt Garza (3-5) allowed home runs to Paul Konerko and A.J. Pierzynski, but limited the damage to three runs over six innings to earn the win.

Zack Stewart (1-2) was tagged for six runs and nine hits, including four homers, over 5 2-3 innings.

The Cubs exacted some revenge on the White Sox, who earned the sweep when the teams met at Wrigley Field May 18-20. The White Sox had won seven of the last eight matchups against the Cubs.

The Cubs scored 11 runs with four homers on Memorial Day against the San Diego Padres, and had 14 hits four times.

The White Sox have lost five of their last six and nine of 13 overall.

Making his first appearance of the season in right field, LaHair passed an early test with a retreating catch to rob Gordon Beckham of extra bases in the first inning.

The big lefty hit his 13th homer of the season with one on and two outs in the third.

Castro added a two-run shot in the fifth, and Soriano hit a solo homer two batters later.

Soriano's 440-foot blast to straightaway center was his 13th of the year ? all have come since May 15. He added an RBI single in the Cubs' six-run seventh.

His four homers and 10 RBIs are franchise records for a designated hitter.

Stewart was roughed up in his first start of the season. Pitching in a long-relief role this season, he was called upon to give aces Chris Sale and Jake Peavy extra rest.

Stewart allowed nine hits and six runs over 5 2-3 innings. He was pulled in the sixth after allowing his fourth homer of the game to Soto, who had arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn meniscus in his left knee. He had been out since May 16.

Will Ohman gave up two runs in 2-3 of an inning of relief, and Nate Jones gave up four runs without retiring a batter in the seventh.

Valbuena's three-run shot capped the Cubs' big inning.

Pierzynski hit a solo homer in the fifth, his 12th of the season and Konerko hit his 13th, a two-run shot, in the sixth.

Garza gave up three runs and five hits over six innings. He struck out six and issued one walk.

Notes: The announced paid attendance was 33,215. . The Cubs placed RHP Ryan Dempster (right lat tightness) on the 15-day DL and recalled RHP Scott Maine from Triple-A Iowa. . C Welington Castillo was optioned to Iowa to accommodate Soto's roster spot. . White Sox OF Kosuke Fukudome (strained right oblique) The White Sox agreed to terms on a minor-league contract with first-round draft pick Courtney Hawkins. Hawkins, the 13th overall pick, will report to Advanced Rookie League Bristol. . Chicago Bulls Hall of Famer Scottie Pippen threw out the first pitch. . The Cubs will send Travis Wood (0-3, 4.58 ERA) to the hill on Tuesday against Peavy (6-2, 2.91).

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

WikiLeaks' Assange seeks asylum in Ecuador

Julian Assange is currently in Ecuador's embassy in Britain. He has made a formal request for asylum, which is being considered.

By Gonzalo Solano,?Associated Press / June 19, 2012

In this Feb. 1 file photo, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, arrives at the Supreme Court in London. On Tuesday, June 19, Ecuador's Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino announced in Quito that Assange is seeking asylum at Ecuador's embassy in London, and that Ecuador's government is studying the request.

Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP/File


Ecuador's foreign minister said Tuesday that WikiLeaks chief Julian?Assange has taken refuge in the South American nation's embassy in London and is seeking political asylum.

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Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino said Ecuador is weighing the request.

The move comes less than a week after Britain's Supreme Court rejected Assange's bid to reopen his attempts to block extradition to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning after two women accused him of sexual misconduct during a visit to the country in mid-2010. He denies the allegations.

His legal struggle to stay in Britain has dragged on for the better part of two years, clouding his website's work exposing the world's secrets.

Patino told a news conference that Assange had written to leftist President Rafael Correa saying he was being persecuted and seeking asylum.

He said that Assange, who is Australian, had argued that "the authorities in his country will not defend his minimum guarantees in front of any government or ignore the obligation to protect a politically persecuted citizen."

He said it was impossible for him to return to his homeland because it would not protect him from being extradited to "a foreign country that applies the death penalty for the crime of espionage and sedition."

The reference is presumably to the United States. Assange claims the U.S. has secretly indicted him for divulging American secrets and will act on the indictment if Sweden succeeds in extraditing him from Britain.

Assange shot to international prominence in 2010 with the release of hundreds of thousands of secret U.S. documents, including a hard-to-watch video that showed U.S. forces gunning down a crowd of Iraqi civilians and journalists whom they had mistaken for insurgents.

Australian authorities have cooperated with the United States in investigating WikiLeaks' conduct. The Australians have concluded that Assange has broken no Australian law.

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Ann Romney responds to protesters at rally

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HTC Confirms Wi-Fi Connection Issues In Some Tegra 3-Powered One Xs

onex8I can't imagine most U.S. HTC fans were glad to hear that AT&T's version of the One X would go without the quad-core Tegra 3 chipset, but now it seems as though they've dodged quite the bullet. Earlier today, HTC acknowledged that some of their Tegra-packing flagship devices were having issues with latching onto a Wi-Fi signal and announced that they've put together a fix for it. Sadly, it'll take more than a software update to remedy the issue (and besides, they already tried that).

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Paul McCartney's Best Movie Moments

"He's a villain, a real mixer, and he'll cost you a fortune in breach of promise cases," joked Paul McCartney in the film "A Hard Days Night." The year was 1964 and the Beatles were already superstars in their own right, having conquered the world with their catchy pop rock and Liverpool mop tops. For Sir Paul, who turns 70 years old today, it was the first time he and his Beatle bandmates appeared on the big screen.

Though McCartney is best known as a musician, he has made an indelible mark on the world of film. Since then, Macca has had a variety of feature-length movie moments, popping up in musicals ("Give My Regards to Broad Street"), playing bass on a London rooftop ("Let It Be") and even singing a James Bond theme song ("Live and Let Die").

In celebration of Paul's 70th birthday, let's take a look back at some of his most memorable moments on screen.

  • 'A Hard Day's Night'

    The big-screen debut of Macca features he and his three bandmates (and his "grandfather") running around London, being chased by hordes of fans, as they attempt to film a performance for a television show. The movie was a parody on the Beatles staggering popularity.

  • 'Help!'

    The second comedy flick from the Fab Four follows the Beatles as they attempt to rescue Ringo from a cult who've chosen him as a sacrificial victim.

  • 'Let It Be'

    The last live performance by the Beatles (and arguably the greatest concert in music history), was recorded for the documentary, "Let It Be." Despite the band bickering and fighting on screen, the four still manage to pull off an entertaining, unannounced show on the top of the Apple records building in London, stopping traffic on the street below and prompting a shutdown by local police.

  • 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'

    The film, named after the Beatles 1967 album, featured the Bee Gees' Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb, along with Peter Frampton (Billy Shears), as the reformed Sgt. Pepper's band. The movie included covers of Beatles songs by other bands and celebrities (including this wacky version of "Maxwell's Silver Hammer" by comedian Steve Martin.)

  • 'Live and Let Die'

    The 1974 James Bond movie starring Roger Moore featured a theme song composed by Paul and Linda McCartney and performed by Macca's band Wings. The track is still one of the most popular themes in the 007 canon.

  • 'Give My Regards to Broad Street'

    Similar to "A Hard Day's Night," this day-in-the-life musical starred Paul and Linda McCartney and Ringo Starr, as themselves. The plot revolves around Paul attempting to locate the masters to his new album, which have been stolen by an employee.

  • 'The Royal Tenenbaums'

    Wes Anderson's movies are no stranger to classic rock-heavy soundtracks. In his 2001 film, "The Royal Tenenbaums," Wes had the Mutato Muzika Orchestra cover the Beatles' "Hey Jude," (a song credited to Lennon-McCartney, but mainly written by Sir Paul, himself).

  • 'Yellow Submarine'

    Though McCartney and the Beatles did not provide voice work to the characters (well, other than the songs), the film was eventually endorsed by the group, after having reservations due to the negative reception of their last project, the TV special "Magical Mystery Tour." Here, the song "All Together Now," written primarily by McCartney, plays to great effect as the crew begins turning the ship on.

  • 'Magical Mystery Tour'

    Speaking of the "Magical Mystery Tour" movie, which debuted on BBC1 in 1967, it ended up being a critical disaster for the band. But, oh well, at least it gave us McCartney singing "A Fool on the Hill"...on a hill!

  • 'Across the Universe'

    Though it got mixed reviews from critics, "Across the Universe" still attempts to pay tribute to the Beatles in a new and unique way. Julie Taymor's visually stunning musical is just one of the dozens of movies to reimagine the Beatles music. This scene features the McCartney-penned "I've Just Seen a Face," covered by actor Jim Sturgess

Earlier on Moviefone:

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

PST: Germany, Spain look like title favorites

source: Getty Images

Group D ?Power? Rankings

Sorting through the group dynamic, for whatever that?s worth.

1. France ? Ukraine was pretty bad. I start with that as a precaution to myself. At the end of this article I?m going to list the tournament favorites, and there?s a little French mime in the side of my head pretending he?s climbing a ladder. I need to remember: There is no ladder. He?s just a mime. That rope can not pull me, Marcel, and no matter what you ? wait ? what are you doing with the rope? No, Marcel, I didn?t ? stop! We all love you!

2. England ? Didn?t play that well yet still got full points? It?s one of Roy?s ten commandments. They?re clearly the second best team in the group, and although they have a recent win over Spain, they?re lined up to be fodder for the defending champions.

3. Ukraine ? After Tuesday?s drama and the rain delay, they may have just been flat. Ultimately, they?re still in a good position. If, after the draw, you would have offered Ukraine a chance to advance with a win over England, they?d have taken it.

4. Sweden ? Two one goal losses, two blown leads, and Sweden?s the second team gone. It?s hard to win a match when only Zlatan and Olof show up.

Crystal Ball: What Needs to Happen Next Round

Group D resumes play Tuesday, with both matches kicking off simultaneously

France vs. Sweden

It?s difficult to see Sweden putting up much of a fright. Ireland, the tournament?s other eliminated team? You can see them playing for pride against Italy. And I don?t mean that in a patronizing oh, those gritty, lyrical Irish kind of way. Ireland?s team ethos hints they?re more likely to play hard than a Sweden team that?s lacked cohesion.

Sweden seems good on set pieces, so they could look at what England did Tuesday and try to improve upon that result. Too back they lack England?s defense.

An average France performance should get three points. Given how many meaningless games have contributed to their 23-match unbeaten run, France is versed in used to avoiding potholes.

England vs. Ukraine

On Friday, Ukraine showed how impotent they look when their wide players, Andriy Yarmolenko and Yevhen Konoplyanka, aren?t involved. Getting a good performance from central midfielder Sergey Nazarenko (pulled early on Friday) is crucial to getting the most out of their 22-year-old wingers. Everything Oleh Blokhin does preparing his team to breakdown England should be centered around promoting those three players.

Against Sweden, England showed a?willingness to come out and apply some pressure in the midfield (as they did in the first half with Kim Kallstrom). They also have players on the wings that can defend against Ukraine?s wide attackers. Able to handle Ukraine?s threats, the Three Lions only need to worry about themselves; specifically, picking the right attackers.

The co-hosts had trouble against a France team that move the ball across the width of the field, getting the back line moving. It?s a bit of a strange one because ball movement is almost never a bad thing. More pointedly, Roy Hodgson may want to consider sacrificing his more direct options for players who can move.

That happens to coincide with the return of Wayne Rooney, who will force somebody to the bench. Against Ukraine, that somebody should be Andy Carroll.

PST?s Euro 2012 ?More Powerful? Rankings

Taking a long term look, toward teams? title hopes.

1. Germany (?)
2. Spain (?)

3. Italy (?)
4. France (+1)
5. Russia (-1)
6. Croatia (?)

7. Portugal (?)
8. England (?)

? and PST?s Player of the Tournament Wunderlist

1. Alan Dzagoev, Russia
2. Andres Iniesta, Spain
3. Andrea Pirlo, Italy
4. Mario G?mez, Germany
5. Daniele de Rossi, Italy
6. Andrei Arshavin, Russia
7. Mesut Ozil, Germany
8. Fabio Coentr?o, Portugal
9. Xavi Hernandez, Spain
10. Bastian Schweinsteiger, Germany

Note: I originally published an unchanged list. That was a mistake.

ProSoccerTalk is doing its best to keep you up to date on what?s going on in Poland and Ukraine.?Check out the site?s Euro 2012 page?and look at the site?s previews, predictions, and coverage of all the events defining UEFA?s championship.

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Suu Kyi: Nobel Peace Prize shattered my isolation

Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi briefs the media after a meeting with Norway Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg at the Norway government guest house in Oslo, Friday, June 15, 2012. Suu Kyi formally accept the Nobel Peace Prize on Saturday June 16, 2012, in the Norwegian capital, that originally thrust her into the global limelight two decades ago. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi briefs the media after a meeting with Norway Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg at the Norway government guest house in Oslo, Friday, June 15, 2012. Suu Kyi formally accept the Nobel Peace Prize on Saturday June 16, 2012, in the Norwegian capital, that originally thrust her into the global limelight two decades ago. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, holds her speech during the Peace Nobel Prize lecture at the city hall in Oslo, Saturday, June 16, 2012. Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi Nobel peace prize laureate, formally accepts the prize that thrust her into the global limelight two decades ago. Suu Kyi says the Nobel Peace Prize she won while under house arrest 21-years ago helped to shatter her sense of isolation and ensured that the world would demand democracy in her military-controlled homeland. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, center, receives the applause from the chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee Thorbjorn Jagland, left, and deputy chairwoman Kaci Kullmann Five after her speech at the Peace Nobel Prize lecture at the city hall in Oslo, Saturday, June 16, 2012. Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi Nobel peace prize laureate, formally accepts the prize that thrust her into the global limelight two decades ago. Suu Kyi says the Nobel Peace Prize she won while under house arrest 21-years ago helped to shatter her sense of isolation and ensured that the world would demand democracy in her military-controlled homeland. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

A boy takes pictures of leader Aung San Suu Kyi during a concert to honor her after her speech at the Peace Nobel Prize lecture at the city hall in Oslo, Saturday, June 16, 2012. Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi Nobel peace prize laureate, formally accepted the prize that thrust her into the global limelight two decades ago. Suu Kyi says the Nobel Peace Prize she won while under house arrest 21-years ago helped to shatter her sense of isolation and ensured that the world would demand democracy in her military-controlled homeland. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

Norway King Harald and Queen Sonya congratulate Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi, right, after her speech at the Peace Nobel Prize lecture at the city hall in Oslo, Saturday, June 16, 2012. Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi Nobel peace prize laureate, formally accepted the prize that thrust her into the global limelight two decades ago. Suu Kyi says the Nobel Peace Prize she won while under house arrest 21-years ago helped to shatter her sense of isolation and ensured that the world would demand democracy in her military-controlled homeland. (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber)

(AP) ? Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi declared Saturday that the Nobel Peace Prize she won while under house arrest 21 years ago helped to shatter her sense of isolation and ensured that the world would demand democracy in her military-controlled homeland.

Suu Kyi received two standing ovations inside Oslo's city hall as she gave her long-delayed acceptance speech to the Norwegian Nobel Committee in front of Norway's King Harald, Queen Sonja and about 600 dignitaries. The 66-year-old champion of political freedom praised the power of her 1991 Nobel honor both for saving her from the depths of personal despair and shining an enduring spotlight on injustices in distant Myanmar.

"Often during my days of house arrest, it felt as though I were no longer a part of the real world," she said to a silent chamber, which was lined with rainbows of freshly cut zinnias and towers of orchids and gladiolas. "There was the house which was my world. There was the world of others who also were not free but who were together in prison as a community. And there was the world of the free. Each one was a different planet pursuing its own separate course in an indifferent universe.

"What the Nobel Peace Prize did was to draw me once again into the world of other human beings, outside the isolated area in which I lived, to restore a sense of reality to me. ... And what was more important, the Nobel Prize had drawn the attention of the world to the struggle for democracy and human rights in Burma. We were not going to be forgotten," she said during her 40-minute oration.

Suu Kyi, who since winning freedom in 2010 has led her National League for Democracy party into opposition in Myanmar's parliament, offered cautious support for the first tentative steps toward democratic reform in her country. But she said progress would depend both on maintaining foreign pressure on the army-backed government ? and on carefully managing the ethnic tensions threatening to tear apart the country.

"If I advocate cautious optimism, it is not because I do not have faith in the future, but because I do not want to encourage blind faith. Without faith in the future, without the conviction that democratic values and fundamental human rights are not only necessary but possible for our society, our movement could not have been sustained throughout the destroying years," she said, referring to the past two decades since Myanmar's military leaders rejected her party's overwhelming triumph in 1990 elections, one year after Suu Kyi's own imprisonment.

Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, introduced Suu Kyi as a leader of "awe-inspiring tenacity, sacrifice and firmness of principle."

"In your isolation, you have become a moral leader for the whole world," he said from the podium, turning to the seated Suu Kyi.

"Your voice became increasingly clear the more the military regime tried to isolate you. Your cause mobilized your people and prevailed over a massive military junta. Whenever your name is mentioned or when you speak, your words bring new energy and hope to the entire world," Jagland said to applause.

Suu Kyi, in a traditional Burmese gown of purple, lilac and ivory, offered only a stoic Mona Lisa smile at the end of her speech, greeted with a 2-minute ovation. As on her previous public events this week in Switzerland and Norway, she spoke with a voice of unerring crisp diction but a physical presence bordering on exhaustion.

Yet Saturday's schedule offered no letup. She left the city hall for the neighboring Nobel Peace Center where artists had designed an interactive display called "Mother Democracy" chronicling the highlights of her life. She chatted in Burmese with about 300 refugees from Myanmar granted asylum in Norway.

Then she addressed a public rally that attracted about 10,000 Oslo locals and tourists, many from foreign cruise liners docked along the capital's nearby shoreline. Many waved Norwegian flags and leaflets bearing Suu Kyi's image as she thanked the Norwegian people for giving so many of her countrymen and women sanctuary from oppression.

Smiling with delight as church bells tolled, she also led the crowd in Burmese chants wishing everyone peace and happiness.

"Suu Kyi is such an incredible person. It's a blessing to be here, to get the once-in-a-lifetime chance to see her, to hear her," said Javier Rodriguez, 50, an airline steward from Los Angeles who happened to be on an Oslo layover and staked out the peace center before Suu Kyi's arrival.

"There's so few people in the world willing to sacrifice everything for justice and peace. She's in the same league as Nelson Mandela. Everyone should cherish and honor her," he said.

In her Nobel speech, Suu Kyi related her long experience of state-ordered isolation to key precepts of her Buddhist faith, particularly two forms of suffering: Being forced to live apart from loved ones, and being forced to live among those one dislikes. She referred only fleetingly to the Myanmar authorities' refusal to permit her husband, the Buddhist scholar Michael Aris, to see her from 1995 until his death from cancer in 1999.

Instead she emphasized the continued suffering of others. She won spontaneous applause from the crowd as she appealed for foreign governments to understand that many hundreds of political prisoners remain in Myanmar.

"It is to be feared that because the best known detainees have been released, the remainder, the unknown ones, will be forgotten. I am standing here because I was once a prisoner of conscience. As you look at me and listen to me, please remember the often repeated truth that one prisoner of conscience is one too many," she said.

She said it was unrealistic to expect the world ever to reach a state of "absolute peace," yet mankind must be compelled to pursue the goal "as a traveler in a desert fixes his eyes on the one guiding star that will lead him to salvation. Even if we do not achieve perfect peace on earth, because perfect peace is not of this earth, common endeavors to gain peace will unite individuals and nations in trust and friendship, and help us to make our human community safer and kinder."

And Suu Kyi praised the value of simple, every-day acts of human kindness as the most powerful force in promoting peace anywhere. " Every kindness I received, small or big," she said, referring to her 15 years of house arrest or imprisonment, "convinced me that there could never be enough of it in our world."

On Sunday she heads to the Norwegian city of Bergen to meet charities and members of Norway's Burmese refugee community, then on Monday speaks alongside U2 singer Bono before the pair fly to Dublin, Ireland, for a celebrity-studded concert in her honor. On Tuesday she starts engagements in England, including a visit to her Oxford University alma mater and a speech to the joint houses of Parliament.



Mother Democracy exhibition,

Associated Press

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

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Possibly - but the most malware-infected sites are sometimes the ones you wouldn't expect. Charities. Churches. Fraternal organizations. Anyplace where the servers are operated and maintained by volunteers who don't have a financial stake in the organization's operations, and who don't have a good background in security.

Porn sites, on the other hand, are run by businesses who expect repeat business, and can't afford to scare customers away with malware. Their sites are much LESS likely to be infected, because they have professional IT staffs.

You get the IT support you pay for.

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This past fall, the networks began to experiment with new gender dynamics. In a crop of new sitcoms, from Man Up! to Last Man Standing, the husbands were unemployed or otherwise obsolete while the wives went to work. (In Up All Night, Chris? wife Reagan is a TV executive for an Oprah like diva.) At first the shows just overlaid the old sitcom stock types?doltish dad, haranguing wife?onto the new storylines. But then the writers began to relax and experiment, assigning certain personality traits of the old stock type to the wrong gender. Reagan for example turned into a version of Ralph Kramden, prone to tantrums and meddling. Like the classic doltish dad, she creates elaborate schemes to fix domestic problems but only winds up making everything worse. And then Chris swoops in, Alice-style, to make it all better. The success of Up All Night bodes well for the slightly evolved dad; Last Man Standing, starring Tim Allen, has also survived.

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