Friday, March 2, 2012

Methods To Distinguish Diabetes Signs And Get Treatment As Soon ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Diabetes can lead to serious health complication if it is not detected and treated early enough. It is therefore important to know the early warning diabetes signs and obtain a medical checkup and eventual treatment before it is too late. Diabetes type 1 is more easily noticeable than type two which develops quietly over time and can only be detected using signs.

Frequent urination or urinary track infections is a very pronounced and common sign amongst patients. The body uses the urinary mechanism to get rid of the fluids extracted from the blood stream as it tries to achieve a blood sugar balance. The frequent excretion of highly concentrated fluid may cause infections in the urinary system. Excessive thirst is also experienced alongside this sign due to the rapid loss of huge amounts of fluids.

There is sudden weight loss for no apparent reason. The body loses of muscle tissue to energy production to feed the energy starved cells. With this condition, body cells cannot access glucose in the blood supplied through ingested food. This takes toll on the victim fast and is easily recognizable.

When glucose in the blood stream cannot reach the cells, the result is starved body cells with no source of energy. This results in body weakness, tiredness and fatigue even when one has not undertaken any demanding activity. The effect is worsened by vigorous activities requiring a lot of energy. In extreme situations one becomes too weak to perform even basic chores.

High blood sugars do not augur well with the nervous system. Nerve ends attached to body tissues lose their sensation when the tissues are dehydrated. When the blood sugars remain high for a period of time, the effect extends to the rest of the nervous system affecting the sensitivity of limbs and other parts to the feelings of touch and pain.

If you have a problem with your sight that has developed slowly over some time, you could be suffering from diabetes. The body?s efforts to extract much water as possible will not spare the eyes leading to poor sight abilities. Eyes appear drained and sickly resting deep in their sockets. This problem is irregular; it is worst when blood sugars are extremely high and is restored when the levels stabilize.

Diabetes victims struggle with recurring and slowly healing wounds. The condition seriously interferes with the immune system exposing the body to worse of the existing infections and other opportunistic infections. The skin is the most affected by the infections because it loses excessive water it develops rashes and becomes scaly.

Women in the mid ages should watch out for the following signs in addition to the above; recurrent yeast infections, irregularity in their periods and vaginal rashes. Women become more prone because as they age, their insulin become in effective and is unable to maintain blood sugar at the required level.

Frequent flu like signs and infections should also be a cause of alarm especially when the probability of other causes is minimal. Symptoms such as lack of appetite, headaches, nausea are some of the minor signs that occur with the major diabetes signs. Get help as soon as you suspect that you are suffering from the condition since it is possible to get help.

Looking for comprehensive info on Diabetes Signs and symptoms to look out for? Get the low down in our Symptoms of Diabetes review.

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